LFG is just too good

ETA for new PTR?..

Regarding endorsements, how many does it require to level up? I currently have around 35 and am still level 1.


Really? Didnt see that on PTR. Most of the time I could burst any turret with my Torbion autoaim

pls gib us Bastion & Reaper buf


Are you really though? Cuz a PTR Forum full for complains about the Sym rework say otherwise.


Any ETA on Fixing Bastion? -.-

The LFG System is great, But not so useful if i literally cannot play my favorite hero.


They did take it, just like the majority did.

And just like the majority they YEET that trash.

  • Filters you choose reset if you leave the LFG menu
  • Filters are pretty bare bone, most noteable one missing for EU is language filter.
  • There is no group ping/ms, this is probably pretty bad for NA East/West coast

Noticed a small problem. I was in a full group of 6 with restriction on roles, not a problem when there was 6 of us then all of the group except the leader and I had left. When playing with 4 randoms I was still only allowed to select the class I originally picked. I then left the group but not the game hoping I could pick a healer but sadly the restrictions were still there, should be a feature that disables the restrictions when the group is disbanded

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Immediately I had toxic teammates when I joined a comp one. This doesn’t help that.

You cannot tell that anymore, actually.

Throwers can still get in, so it doesn’t solve anything.


Not from every player. Had one where some people weren’t talking.

Yes and no.

They’re locked into one category outside of flex role, so again, doesn’t help too much.

It’s going to destroy solo queue players.


When enforce roles is turned on, give us the option to “Request to trade roles” with a teammate. People are running 3 flex because this is cumbersome.

If I’m tank and want to swap off to Brig, I can’t if enforce roles is turned on, and currently nothing in the game facilitates the swap .


Apply SR filters to Quick Play LFGs


I have spent the last 5 hours playing in LFG groups (of which 3 people remained the same through the whole time). There was no toxicity, no throwers, we had fun while working together to actually win in QP, everybody was more than willing to switch when we were losing, we had actual team comps and not 6 dps. Everything was so much better! I am so happy!!!


Blizzard and ETAs don’t go together well…

But seriously, I hope they get around to it before Torb in all honesty. A good Torb can still do a lot of damage on his own, Bastion can’t…


When a role locked group joins with solo Q players, problems can emerge. For example, what if a 3 stack is locked to supports?

Would it make more sense for role lock to be an option for six stacks only?


What about Sombra though?

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I have lost 1v1’s to good torb’s as Bastion… ;-;

God forbid they ult.

Having filter presets would be nice, so I don’t have to keep setting up my preferences every single time I open ‘looking for group’. Alternatively it could remember the most recent filter settings. Otherwise nice work.


LFP (looking for player) IDEA
As soon as you start looking through the LFG, your name appears in the LFP. Group leaders (and anyone really) can browse the LFP and invite players. This option is toggle-able.

SR will be shown next to your name along with the heroes you prefer/are able to play.
You select which heroes you are willing to play in your Player Profile.
You can change which heroes at any time. Even while a match is going on

(I got this idea when I used to play WoW RBGs and we would sit in queue with 9 people. It would have been nice to have a list of all people browsing the LFG. Why have invites only go one way. BTW I know you groups can invite groups now.)

HOW TO FIX matchmaker (behind the scenes)
If I win a game, give 1 point to my 5 teammates.
If I loose a game, give negative one point to my 5 teammates.
When I queue for Comp, prefer the people with the most points. After 5 minutes in queue disregard all points and get me a match ASAP

We need a scoreboard. Someone can come in my LFG and act all nice, then throw once the match starts. We need a way to weed out the trolls.

If we can’t have a scoreboard, can we have separate SRs for each hero :angel:

Can you please officially publish all the DPS/HPS, movement speed etc… for all the heroes? Like the Super Nintendo books of old?

When your group is filled, you exit the LFG. But what if you decided that the last person who entered won’t make the cut. That person leaves and you have to go back in the LFG. No problem, but everyone has to reenter their role check, kinda cumbersome.

When will the Arathi Basin map come to Overwatch?

Thank you.


Hey Jeff.

Have you guys ever thought about “Group Only” Profile Visibility Option?

Thanks :slight_smile: