LFG is just too good

What about native Ultrawide Support

Nice thing is I found rounds a lot less of a steamroll and more of a close one👌

I don’t care if we lose, if it’s close, I’m good.


Indeed, most of the matches I’ve played so far have not been stomps… which makes a change compared to before LFG went live. If it’s not a stomp then I’m happy no matter the outcome, however I won’t agree on it being a ‘gg’ if one team stomped the other team.

This is the downside to me. I’m a flex player, I play dps, healer, and off meta heroes. There have been plenty of times where I start the game as healer, notice that our dps are doing absolutely nothing, switch to dps and then carry the team to victory.

For example, one game I was playing over the weekend, I started off as zen on defense on horizon. Our dps immediately overextended and got picked in the first 30 seconds of the round, then we got rolled on the point, leaving the enemy team with like 7 min to cap point b. I immediately switched to soldier, we ended up stone walling them after that point, with me getting like 10 tact visor kills during the round and pretty much wiping the enemy team every time they tried to push… I played soldier again on attack, we roed over the enemy team and capped point b with like 4 min remaining…

If I wasn’t able to swap roles mid game, we would have lost that game in a stomp with no opportunity to do anything about it, since our original dps were so bad

This patch is the best so far after Ana release. Compared to all maps plus heroes is this patch the most fun.

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That is what the ‘any’ slot is for. I’ve found that an ideal team comp is generally to allow three players to be flexible (any) along with one damage dealer, one tank and one support.

Then they should learn to be better teammates. LFG is optional and if they don’t like the experience outside of it then they can change.


You can set the group up with Flex roles.
So instead of going 2T 2D 2H
You can set it to 1T 4F 1H or whatever you see fit.

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It seems like good addition but I don’t see many ppl using it.
There are like only 20 groups on the Eu server (including the ones in progress) most of which aren’t even for comp mode.

I also had very hard time finishing my placement matches for 3vs3 elim mode since there were only 1-2 groups open.

I’m loving it. The new social features are really nice too. Adds a nice positive vibe

Of course they should be better, but to think that LFG is going to fix that, is completely misleading.

I tried it once and it happened just as I expected: a group of 6 strangers got matched against a group of 6 non-strangers that crushed us easily. Which is the same reason I (and many others) never bothered using the “stay as a group” feature. And why I probably won’t ever use the LFG tool again.


Uhhhh it’s amazing. Already won 100 Sr in less than an hour. This is good, a very VERY good system that they have created. I will be using it everytime from now on.


It’s really excellent.

Ya did good, Blizz.


I personally run groups with 3 flex spots. 1 damage - 1 tank - 1 healer - 3 flex. This ensures that we always have at least 1 of each role and have enough flexibility to counter whatever may be thrown at us. The role enforced spots are meant to be taken by one-tricks, and flex players take the other spots.


eh its ok I guess I’m still gonna solo most of the time

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I mean you can dictate what type of people you want to play with, if there is a general consensus then those not willing to bend will be removed.

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Please let the queue gets cancelled automatically if someone suddenly leaves mid search so it doesn’t mess up the matchmaking.


After a game, yes. That doesn’t mean they cannot just be trolls in the first game and cause you to lose. It’s still a lose situation at that point.

That’s what endorsement level are for.

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