Level 25 for ranked is insultingly low

Please show me one person who is not a smurf in level 25 and plays head to head with a level 500 and i will give you your weight in gold. These people are paired with experienced players and somehow they are in the same “rank”? Like yeah, they can aim because they played other games and won a few matches, but they can’t predict and counter every ult and don’t know what to expect or do when certain heroes show up, they don’t know the best routes to objectives and ultimately the team ends up having to carry for their lack of experience.


Level 50 at least. Level 100 to be able to group up (to reduce boosting). They owe us at least that much. Especially when levelling up a fresh account is like 1 level per match


I guess it would depend on previous game experience, like for example when OW first came out there were a lot of EX-TF2 players in the top ranks

So I think if someone played for a bunch of hours and they have just played TF2 or Paladins for a few thousand hours I’d suspect that they wouldn’t be placing too low unless they didn’t play so well on those 2 games before coming here.


Everyone but the abusers have wanted this increased for years. Sadly nothing will be done about it.


They would rather please the smurf accounts than real players experience? This is so wrong


Gold is a starter rank for a reason. It is avg low tier. 500 lvl players were asking am I smurf, when I played ranked my 1st time, you know.

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There’s a difference between an experienced player in gold and a lvl 25 in gold. It is obvious and you can see it in any game you come across a new player on ranked.


Experienced in what? In fps in general? Okay, there is a still 2250 SR way to go below your starter rank. Player need some ranked experience to learn how to play this game, not 500 lvls of quickplay.


Brand new accounts are ranked based ENTIRELY on wins/losses. What the player actually does in the matches doesn’t matter. If they are part of a winning team for 9 or 10 matches, they will place somewhere in diamond, even if they were hard carried, even if they just afk in spawn every match.

Alternatively, if that same account is on the losing team for 9 or 10 matches, they will place bronze, even if they played their heart out, even if they hard carried their team in every loss.

Where new accounts end up placing is entirely up to how lucky they get with teammates and their final win/loss ratio. If they win 4 or 5 matches, they’ll be in gold/plat whether they belong there or not. Their SR won’t settle and find out where they truly belong until they’ve played like 50 competitive matches.


It made sense early to get people into the mode and the wider game. I you remember comp’s launch was heavily anticipated and the dev’s clearly wanted to cash in on that so minimal barrier to entry. The dumb thing is it’s not been changed. Like sorry but if you can bring in role lock you can make it level 75.


It wont matter. The goal post will always change. People at level 1000 are calling level 200-300 accounts smurfs.


It should be level 100.

At 25 no one even knows what the fork the objective is


25 is ok imo. That’s probably like 15-20 hours? That’s sufficient for your average noobie who will probably land in gold. Only way to learn how to play the game properly is to go into comp anyway. Raising the level to 100 will serve no purpose other than delaying smurfs who should be banned anyway. A new player going into comp at level 25 will be the same as level 100 because they will still have all the bad habits from QP that can only be fixed by experience in comp.


It is way too late for that. Maybe it would have helped a long time ago, but I could still do all of that with my alt as it has long since hit 100.

I still think reaching level 101 should be the minimum. Like getting your first border “promotion” to unlock ranked.


It really is. At least with about 100 hours on the account. They can decide if they want to Learn and play the game, or it gives them about 75 more hours to BEHAVE in the community.

Maybe if they had to play 100 hours and hold back their anger in Quickplay, they would be better comp players in the long run :smiley: .


Potential downside is you can turn away genuine new players who prefer competitive modes

But the question I really have to ask is, why do fresh competitive players get to group? A new player shouldn’t be grouping with an experience player for competitive integrity, nor should an unranked experienced player be grouped with a ranked player

Idk I think its time they actually try something, I know a lot of “solutions” come with big downsides but they’ve done virtually nothing to combat alt accounts

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lmao I got level 25 in literally 2 days. I’ve always said that level 25 is way too low for ranked. it’s ridiculous


Sorry, but it is really a Funny.

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Also it is not really True. When I am at 1 Level, and I know what is Objective. That why I Stand on Objective for so Long Time.

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