Let's work together and not apart on Mercy

Just buff her she’s weak I don’t know buff sym

She still has this. Healing people so they don’t die is, in fact, gmae-changing when one pick is enough to decide a team fight. This means that bringing a pick back with Rez even in its current state can also change the outcome of a fight all on its own. I don’t think you can objectively argue that she doesn’t have room to make impactful plays.


Come now. You main Symmetra so you know what’s weak. Is there something in particular that is noticeably weaker?

One buff I’d give is a faster deployment time for her teleporter. It’s a nice quality of life change that helps her escape a little better.

Whatever I main Sym and she’s weak I’m silver

Might I ask how often Resurrect comes into play? Especially in a team fight? Mercy will often get focused, so Res is best used as an out-of-combat utility. It’s game changing when used in combat, but it rarely ever is used in combat.

She lacks game changing power by comparison as well. She is by far the most team reliant hero in the game and can’t do much by herself. Nothing she does feels strong even if it technically is strong.

Do you personally enjoy Mercy? Do you want her changed at all? I’m all ears

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One thread dies, another begins…

My thoughts on Mercy are all over this forum, more than Charlie Sheen’s seeds are all over Hollywood.

Here’s the main one though, if anyone cares,:


I just checked your profile.

There are some things that you an get away with, and what you have done is certainly not one of them.

Some heroes have good ways to protect her. I play a lot of Zarya and often try to save bubbles for Rez if there’s a Mercy on my team; I’ve protected quite a few of them this way. Barriers Like Reinhardt’s and Winston’s can also do this. Pressure from your DPS can do this. I feel I get a decent amount off mid-fight - I normally don’t even bother outside of the fight, it’s mostly just a waste of a cooldown then.

Again, I’d argue that her reliable healing impacts the mid-fight by keeping people from dying. IF that doesn’t “feel” impactful to you, then I don’t know that you’re fit for the healer role. I find it very rewarding, personally, knowing that someone would have died and the team fight lost if not for my intervention.

I went through a spell of not having interest in her after her very initial rework (she was never really my favorite healer anyway). Can’t really say why, I’m not sure myself. But recently I picked her back up and have been enjoying her. Tempo Rez is fun (and goes relatively unpunished at my rank, I can often do it right in front of enemies without dying every time), flitting back and forth among my team is fun. She feels fine to me, but she’s far from my most played hero so it’s kind of a grain of salt thing.

I guess this is a personal opinion thing (I mean clearly it is). I can tell you she does work at my rank. The Anas and even Moiras here can’t do Jack in all honesty - I regularly outheal them when I play my main, Zenyatta. Mercy is the only one who almost always outheals me. As a statistic from the side of the playerbase who isn’t used to her power in any of her prior forms, and as a console QP player, I’d say that she feels fine in my experience of the game.

Also about her being team-reliant, that’s part of the fantasy with her character. There are other healers who aren’t like that if that’s the experience someone wants. I think there’s value in having a hero that represents this fantasy of a highly team-reliant and team-supporting healer. Just as the fact that some people have a burning hatred for DPS Moiras doesn’t invalidate the fantasy of her design.

That’s why I play on console everyone sucks

Same here. Never played with mass res. Lets all go ahead and assume mass res was bad and Valk is better. Great. It’s still garbage and poorly designed ult that’s too complex to balance and clashes with Mercy’s kit. Those issues need to be addressed.


#RevertMercy is just a bunch of players who never had fun playing Mercy in the first place. They had fun with mass rez.

I will follow you to the battle chief! You have my axe!


I’m not sure that’s possible.

Some want reworks, some want reverts, some want her to stay as she is.
And for those of us that want reworks, some of us want res removed and others don’t.

It’s hard to please us when most of us want different things. I doubt they’ll change her again unless they absolutely have to, unfortunately.


Well for me in my rank, Mercy doesn’t seem to cut it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve kept on healing an ally only for them to die anyways because she gets outdamaged by their Winston alone, not mentioning the others 3 enemies focusing them down. I just know whenever that happens that I could have saved them if I was using Ana and used biotic grenade. I’m glad that she works for you though. Who knows, you could become great some day with enough practice and time.


I believe there’s a win-win scenario though. Removing chain beams, or at the least making the secondary beams weaker, seems to be a simple and cheap tweak most can get behind.


I agree with that.

And if they want to keep the skill floor the same, just nerf chain beams and give us a single beam along with them with a stronger heal.

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i’d just make her healing gun splash to nearby allies :wink:

maybe a bit too stronk, but they could balance the splash to do x% less than it does on the main target

*having to weapon swap to get in some damage kind of sucks too. idk how to fix that though.

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That’s fair. She’s clearly very opposite to Ana in that she’s more effective at lower ranks. Maybe this is the intention. At least there is an option for main healers to be effective at both ends, which I think is a good place to be. Though I can see the frustration for people who want to play either one where they don’t work so well. It is unfortunate that not all heroes have the same viability at all ranks. There may yet be a way to make heroes with low skill floors and high skill ceilings, but it would seem to be a very difficult feat to achieve. Hopefully these discussions can lead to that sort of outcome.

Depending on the rank, it’s a good chance you would not have. Missed shots mean even less than 50 HPS. But there’s the option anyway, if you have good enough aim. Some things can’t be saved by any amount of healing. Barriers/cover are a huge boost to healing and might have made more of a difference even than what healer you picked.

I appreciate this. I’m a casual player just hoping for good games that aren’t stomps in either direction, but it’s nice to hear. I hope you have success in whatever you hope to get out of the game as well.

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Even if that was true, if a hero is just terrible or boring or unhealthy, you will want it fixed. That means wanting a rework or a revert to a better form. It’s obvious at this point that this Mercy revert has been the worst change Ow has ever made, because it has wrecked the entire game, balance and community. We can confidently use all the time after the revert back to alpha/beta/seasons 2-3 Mercy as a perfect back up.

Mercy cannot be reverted because she already is, the only way she can be reverted even more is by changing her sex back to a black man like Doomfist, as she was in her first drawings. Any further change than means stop trying to balance this unbalanceable garbage, even if it means bringing back mass rez with changes will be a step forward through the time. Mercy never needed to go back to prehistory. If a provisional cure is going back again to baroque, then so be it.

Valk is the worst design ever by far and it got removed for good during alpha. Stationary rez was terrible design and contradictory to Mercy’s core concept as a mobile support, so it got reworked to instant for good (not saying that was the best possible design, other options could be considered) during beta. Trash healing made Mercy the worst main support by far, with the only advantage of being easier to play, so it got buffed for good. She never needed any of those problems back to her kit.

Funny thing, I usually didn’t need mass rez to enjoy my games, and sometimes I managed to win them just learning to prioritize targets, but I hate current Mercy because she has nothing to do with Mercy, and I hate her ez mode pro simulator for dummies, and her busted quicksands simulator that forces everything else to be weak as compensation. I find being forced to hide all the time extremely unfun, and having no reason to engage at all unfun too. I find her boring because she has no burst potential at all anymore. Valk is never noticed, but everyone wants to be rezzed.

Oh, and it’s funny how many of the best world Mercys are supporting that movement too, and they still are playing her despite, according to you, they only enjoy playing mass rez.

Finally, spam fest is still a thing and seeing braindead gameplay being uncounterable and systematically rewarded is disheartening.


Let’s not and say we did.

Here’s the thing: the forums aren’t a single entity. We all have our own opinions.