Let's work together and not apart on Mercy

Hello everyone! I’m here today/tonight to discuss Mercy and the #ReworkMercy movement. Now, I’m all for reworking Mercy, but I noticed something rather odd that’s been happening among the community. As this movement has gone on, the player-base has only continued to split. More people leave, rant, and argue over this every day, and nothing is actually getting done.

What I’m REALLY here for is to tell everyone that we should work together on this.

We should consider as many opinions and perspectives as possible. We should think for the health of Mercy as well as the game. We shouldn’t think about Mercy being either fun or balanced, but rather as both. To the people on the casual side, take a moment and consider the competitive players. You state how Overwatch is inclusive all the way down to its roots, so let’s include them. Same for the competitive players. Don’t think only on Mercy being balanced. Sacrificing her fun is not the only way to keep her balanced.

Let’s talk changes! Reworks? Buffs? Nerfs? Think of a change and go through a checklist:

-Would this change be fun to use?
-Would this change be balance-able?
-Would this change keep Mercy 's core design?

Let’s build bridges, not walls. Let’s think with everyone, and stand together as one community.




Keep her as is because she’s viable and fun to play.

#RevertMercy is just a bunch of players who never had fun playing Mercy in the first place. They had fun with mass rez.


And let’s be honest, #RevertMercy is exactly what this is. They’re not fooling anyone.


Can’t up-vote you enough


I understand that, but there was for some reason a desire by the extremely toxic Mercy youtuber behind this whole deal to have a shiny new wrapper for the same old stuff


I disagree. I find that chain heal and constant flying during ult removes the most fun things about her; juggling healing and bouncing between team mates to escape flankers. I love the long range she gets during valk, though (both the beam and GA). I miss mass rez because that made room for a Mercy to be a game changer and make big plays. It would have been better to tweak the old ult (imo), and for instance make it possible for her to res up to 4 people within 8 secs or so, with a short cast time on each. Valkyrie, to me, feels lackluster and unimpactful.


But its #reworkmercy not revert

Exactly. It feels. Valk DOES have impact.

  • Chain beams: Multiplicative healing, allowing her to potentially quintuple her healing output. Damage boost applying to everyone in range.
  • Enhanced beam: even on single target, it’s an effective healing increase of 20%.
  • Unconditional regen: Mercy receives her full 30 hp/s regeneration passive without interruption by damage
  • Limitless flight: Speaks for itself. Mercy can effectively outrange some of the greatest threats to her, and combined with her unstoppable self heal, she becomes far harder to actually kill
  • Increased range: Both beams and GA can be cast from MUCH further away, allowing her to enable her team from greater distances.

Read it out, and tell me you honestly think that has ZERO impact. You just feel it does nothing, because the known alternative is mass rez, which was instant gratification and quantifiably game changing.

Fact is that GA is leaps and bounds better now than it was while she had rez, and her E is no longer an empty slot. EVERYTHING Mercy does has been improved since mass rez was removed.

I’ve seen both, and I stand by my statement. Mercy is fun and balanced as is. Not to mention, there were no such “movement” while mass rez was a thing. It magically appeared LONG after the rework, once the revert pleads had mostly exhausted public attention.


This is untrue. I support the “movement” and wasn’t around during the mass res. age.


I’d love to hear your thoughts as to why?

Especially considering you have no experience with the thing you’re lobbying for?

Why are you experience shaming? They have the right to support a movement if they choose to believe in it.

What the hell even is experience shaming???

The person said they wanted Mercy reverted, but didn’t play the hero prior to the rework, meaning they realistically have no idea what they are actually asking for?


I’ll make a post about this when I have time to!

I’m not sure what you believe I am lobbying for. If it’s mass res. as it was before, then you’re mistaken. I am all for a rework, though. Which is what #reworkMercy means and is promoted as.

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Please kindly re-read my post and my goal. Judging from your arguments, such as “it doesn’t feel impactful. It DOES have impact,” and “You just feel it does nothing.” Contradicts my post.

I said that we should consider changing Mercy to be both good for Casual and Competetive play. Arguing how Valk does have impact but doesn’t feel that way is very strongly leaning towards one side over the other. In short: I want us to talk about how Mercy can be fun AND impactful, not just one or the other.

How about other abilities to replace resurrect on E? Or a series of buffs and nerfs to keep her balanced but more enjoyable. A different ultimate? A combination of the above?

Mercy as she is just isn’t ok, as if she was just fine, then there wouldn’t be so much controversy behind it all. Not to mention that Mercy can be better than fine.

EDIT: read through these comments a little more. You believe that she’s fun and enjoyable? Well good for you! I’m glad to hear that you can find the fun. I just think that she can be better than this. She can be more enjoyable, she can be balanced better, and she can most definitely have a different perception if she was changed.

I said no such thing, actually.

There was another similar thread recently where the poster also said they wanted mass rez back though they had never played Mercy with Mass rez.

definitely confusing

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Doesn’t mean they can’t support a movement wtf?

Then it’s just a misunderstanding. What you quoted from me was revert, not rework.

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Oh, my bad! I see #rework far more than #revert and considering that both were being talked about in the beginning of the thread, it’s an easy mistake. Sorry about that!

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