šŸ“„ Lets (Try) To fix custom games!

Aw hell yeah, more good custom game discussion!

Does this mean I should finally finish my big olā€™ custom game essay? I mean-- I still donā€™t think theyā€™re going to listen, but I have 49 unique problems listen and 14 paragraphs on them so far. Iā€™m hyped

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Feel free too

Ive been spamming threads on how to fix different parts of the game for a while nowā€¦

Started a series of threads

Could I get the option to play as heroes from their past patches? Like, any major variation of each hero? Could I choose that please? Wouldnā€™t ever play QP again, but oh well.

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That could work too, but i dont think theyd do this oneā€¦The hero creator could fil up for this ideaā€¦

I just think blizzard needs to embrace the creative community they have inestead of ignore them

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another easy fix is remove xp gain for no timing out

dunno why its so strict considering you need to spend 10 minutes for 1000 max just seems like an excuse to make sure you donā€™t have fun unless itā€™s an actual blizzard game mode


Iā€™m not done with the big essay yet, but I just wrote a custom games post about bots being incompatible with CTF if anyone wants to check that out.

I love all of these and would die for them to be add these.

The hero maker would be so much fun because then youā€™d see things like Genji Cat, Jetpack Cat, playable Talon Assassin and other things. It would be a blast. It most likely will never happen though. :frowning:

My personal suggestion would be to add things where you can swap heroā€™s passives and abilities. So like Mercy with Reaper abilities but her pistol. Would be a blast. And Bastion with wall climb. The animations would be broken but fun.

I would pay 20$ a month to make a always up custom game server (So possibly a community around it could form) where I can change any damn thing I want, use any patch iterations in any combination I like, add custom heroā€™s or even add custom maps. Like the freedom TF2 game us.

To be honest it would probably Pyro dodgeball with lucio.


20$ is a bit excessive. Iā€™d say it should be a free feature. You can have one slot of your own custom game always up.

I highly doubt any of this will ever happen anyways though so I guess the price doesnā€™t matter.

Those two things would never be possible it would be impossible to do this if they did people would make bad/innapropriate things or the Hero maker would be terrible as there would be a lack of weapons and designs. Iā€™m not saying its Overwatchā€™s fault Iā€™m just saying that its hard for Overwatch to do that. The reason TF2 could is because it wasnā€™t so high graphic. Your post is still very interesting I love it!

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20$ cad is the regular price for a 12 person server rental at external sites.telling them i will pay for it means I am more likely to get said feature also

This is the worst bug they need to fix FIRST

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I think that all of these ideas are pretty great and some of them like the slider changes and customizing what kind of health you want should really have just been there from the start.

As for what I would like to see. You have said all the basic changes like better ability customization and spread changes so I cant make those ideas but what I havenā€™t seen yet is stuff like better healthpack customization. You should be able to change how much they heal, how fast they spawn, if only certain teams or even heroes can use them, and where on the map they spawn or at least being able to remove some of the spots where they spawn.

Another thing I would like to see is changing the size of heroes and their abilities. and while this one is a pretty big stretch and I donā€™t think that Blizz would do it I think that it would be pretty fun to see something like a twice as big Winston chasing after half size Genjis or Tracers or Torbs.

Overall I think that all of the ideas you mentioned are great ones and that Blizz should really consider adding a lot of these to help improve the custom game experience. Great post Magy! :grinning:

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Henlo, new problem to report on with Custom Games. Still sorry about not having my big list done

Game modes that encourage dueling or practice.

A bounty mode that upon respawning puts you against a free player and only allows you to attack that player, nobody else. It allows more players in a lobby, and variation among skill levels.

:clap: Yes :clap:

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The best way to fix custom games is to remove exp gain completelyā€¦ actually remove custom games completely when we are at it. Outside of checking new maps and training vs ai, what is the point of those?

Like a mix between TF2 MGE servers and Jedi Academyā€™s duel system? Actually sounds like the greatest of all time tbch. Iā€™d play and host those nonstop.

This is basically thread derailing. Hopefully people follow suit and donā€™t bother trying to explain why an optional, community expression-encouraging feature that you just happen to personally not like is still in the game. Congrats on 11,000 posts btw

Are we going to deny that most custom games are just made for farming boxes? (the ones where people just afk). Removing the exp gain will improve the quality of the rest of the custom games since they wonā€™t be made just for farming.

After the announcement regarding AFK games and the reworking of Custom Game XP, you know, 2 years ago, the amount of lobbies made to afk farm has been next-to-none. Every time a new exploit to host these has been found, players have been regularly reporting them so as to not further increase the chances of Custom Game XP being removed entirely.

Furthermore, implying that players deserve 0 XP for playing on modes other created, especially when we already have the existing XP cap for them, is completely asinine.

Finally, your complete shift from ā€œRemove Custom Games, theyā€™re only good for (insert non-farming reason)ā€ to ā€œRemove XP from them all Custom Games, theyā€™re only for farmingā€ makes me believe that youā€™re not only woefully unfamiliar with the Custom Games scene, but genuinely are just sticking around to derail or farm post-count with a conversation we shouldnā€™t be having.

Iā€™m done now, have a nice day.

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