Lets talk about Widowmaker

It’s a sniper. Most PROS average like 55% scoped acc with 25% crit. That means half their shots land, and only 1/4 of those landed shots are HS’s (possible 1S1K’s.) If they take ten shots, 5-6 will land and only 1 or 2 will be headshots, and that’s counting tanks. So that’s about 1 one shot kill per 10 shots. If you can’t counter a widow before 10 shots are up, you’re doing something wrong. If she hits you with one of those, she’s just a good widow. Some people are just good.
Also, the closer you get to her, the easier it is for you to damage her and the harder it is for her to damage you. And that’s a widow with PRO stats.
Very balanced, if you ask me.

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Why are you avoiding the actual point? The actual point is that even if they buffed her grapple again she would still be trash for most of the playerbase.
Let’s say for a second she is balanced. If they buffed her grapple again she would be more powerful correct? Would that make the trash widows hit their shots? No it wouldn’t. That is the point.

If Widow gets pocketed, they simply kill the healer then transition to Widow. This is still true today, and still just as effective, even if dive isn’t popular.

Again not true. Most picked DPS at pro level currently. Dive still popular

Love the hypocrisy level of these forum. Exactly same things are true for Tracer as at least 96% of playerabase are incapable to use her to get even average winrate, yet it never stopped constant stream of whining and nerf cries.

By the way Widow has same pickrate in OWL that Tracer had before Stage 4. It was used all the time as a reason for nerfs.

No. In fact, they could continue buffing grapple hook down to Genji reset-on-elim, and she still wouldn’t be any more powerful than she currently is, because she’s countered by barriers, and her hook doesn’t work as intended half of the time.

No. In fact, they could continue buffing grapple hook down to Genji reset-on-elim, and she still wouldn’t be any more powerful than she currently is, because she’s countered by barriers, and her hook doesn’t work as intended half of the time.

That is bull. I cannot believe you actually got to the point where you claim giving her a reset would not make her extremely OP in the hands of non trash players. Her mobility would skyrocket.

You seem to not have reading comprehension.

When the hook is so buggy that it has a 50% failure rate, and over 7 bugs attached to it that cause it to drag Widow to unwanted places, and can even be the cause of her death?

No. Giving her a reset-on-elimination wouldn’t be OP in the hands of a skilled player, because half of the time, it wouldn’t even work as intended.

You seem to not be well versed in Widow’s grappling hook bugs, so let me educate you on that.

The only conceivable way that it would be OP is if the damn thing actually worked properly.

And even then, it’s very arguable because barriers are mobile, can be repositioned at will, and hardcounter her shots.

So now, Even high tier tracers can be dumped on by low tier brigitte’s without any effort, and you want the same fate for another mechanically difficult hero? NO.

This forum needs to STOP. Every time a dps hero becomes strong in high tiers, hundreds of posts asking for nerfs. ENOUGH.


I don care how good is a widowmaker even if she 1 shot 1 kill , those who don defend point or push payload , they are equal to trash .

She requires the same exact skill that EVERY sniper character in video games EVER , uses. Its called precision aiming . She keeps killing with 1 full powered shot to the head? GOOD! Thats how its suppossed to work. That is what a sniper is suppossed to do. That. is. their. job. ONE SHOT. ONE KILL. END! OF! STORY!


How would you fix that? Make her not headshot instakill squishies anymore? So with all the shields, armors and barricades walking and standing around she is complete and utterly useless?

Make her use her smg only? Give her a damage dropoff so she is only viable in like, the 10 to 20 meter range? So you need insane reaction times, coordination and overall over-the-top on-point aim to land those sweet sweet CqC flicks?

What are you gonna do?

YEAH EXACTLY! She. is. supposed. to. do. that.

Are… you joking? Click on the links. See for yourself. Test those spots I’ve stood in. Try to make the grappling hook obey, and go where you want.

I. Dare. You.

Go ahead. I’ll wait.

No, actually, they do stop it from being a strong part of her kit

The grappling hook’s buggy behavior literally drops her over bottomless pits, to her death, for some inexplicable reason.

As proof, OWL pros have literally resorted to AIMING AT THE GROUND A FEW FEET AWAY with the grappling hook because the damn thing doesn’t work. It’s a liability that literally leads to her death in very common situations where you don’t want it to do something bad, and it does that bad thing anyway. They’d rather aim at the ground than at a distant object to completely minimize any sort of liability, and even then, because it procs on destructible railings and map props, even aiming at the ground is NOT foolproof.

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im discussing about a nerf ok

gotta correct you there fam.

*ridiculously high skill floor.

The floor is how low you can go. Widow as a low skill floor. if you cant aim, you are sh*te. Brig or Lucio or Mercy have a high skill floor. Even if you are horrendously bad at the game, you being there can give your tean some value.

She scales with skill. She is not usable for the majority of the playerbase, but in the high skill bracket she can seem quite strong, but thats how its supposed to be. High risk/high reward.



Your teammates are as dumb as 3 meters of pavement. When a widow who is not completely sh*te at aiming, play around her or stay behind some type of shield. Thats it. Simple as that.

Bad positioning? Punished.
Impatient little sh*t? Punished.
Ignoring Teamwork and just “going in”? Punished.

The only change I would want to change is the name from Widowmaker to Punisher.

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When they added a voice alert for her ult, everyone was calling it useless… nothing about it has changed since then and it’s suddenly OP.


Not hypocrisy for most of us.
A lot of us who think widow doesn’t need nerfs also didn’t think Tracer needed nerfs.


Skill != effectiveness. A hero’s skill floor is the minimum amount of skill needed to play them effectively, not how effective they are with the minimum amount of skill.

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Please change the title to “Lets gut Widowmaker.” Because clearly that’s the only thing you’re interested in.