Let's talk about the Mei in the room

Even after her buffs, they didn’t really address Mei’s core issue.

Her right click is bad for killing barriers.

Her left click is super stubby, so it doesn’t really deny anything.

Her left click doesn’t actually hurt anything, it just tickles and annoys, then you can be healed before Mei can actually KILL you.

Her ult can be eaten by Dva, and denied by transcendence or drop the beat, or even a vigilant Moira in many instances.

Her wall is annoying at best, at worst it’s used to deny THE MEI’S OWN TEAM, which occasionally DOES happen.

Now that we’ve pointed out what makes her bad, what would really IMPROVE her?

I’m thinking personally, that the right click should do improved damage to barriers. Like if they were critting the barrier every time. This wouldn’t even help very much, as the right click is slow startup.

Speeding up the right click’s startup, would definitely help. Adding a bit of recovery time to match it would be unadvised, because it’s already one of the slowest startup projectiles, and it’s rate of fire is sub-par as is.

Allowing the right click to be held, is another option. This would allow players to prep the right click ahead of time.

She’s just… still ineffective in my opinion. I hate to be that guy, but she needs something to really amplify her damage, or boost her ability to deny area.


Mei’s right click oneshots Tracer at any distance, and I feel like increasing her rate of fire/start up time directly would be too good against her, as biased as I might seem. I think 70 damage with a considerably faster charge up time and rate of fire would be good. I think one of Mei’s abilities should be removed and replaced with something more offensive to increase her overall damage, in my opinion. Self-freeze shouldn’t be an essential ability for a 250hp hero who should ideally be healed sufficiently by healers as other DPS heroes are.

I dunno about removing her abilities. 70 damage seems fair.

Maybe add a freeze effect like her left click, in a 5m radius around her ice prism, rather than actually removing her ice prism. Or adding a slow effect to her wall, so she can place it to chop battlefields in half, and actually have some use out of it.

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No, her icicle has damage fall-off, so anywhere outside of the 75 damage range is not going to cut it.

I agree. The 75 is a bit pointless and really only serves to mess with Blizzard’s baby. So, why not just remove some of that counterplay from Tracer and add more consistency to Mei while they are at it.

I prefer Mei as an off-tank, honestly. I like her abilities. In fact, I would rather them nerf her damage potential and buff those aspects of her, myself.


I feel like the left click already has very potent slow and freeze potential when it works, doubling down on that with additional freeze/slow abilities will make the hero extremely unfun to play against, somewhat similar to Brigitte. One addition damage in exchange for one of these protective abilities might help define Mei better as a DPS (because her alternate fire damage is certainly that of one) and thus work better in team comps. A lot of the time I personally feel Meis on my team are having a hard time doing damage due to the nature of the kit but they are taking up a DPS slot anyway. I dunno.

Mei shouldn’t be killing barriers.
I can kill Pharah with her right click.
Her left click does 45 dmg per second.
She is quite effective at what she is made for.


Feeding and getting killed by Hanzo?


the buff did nothing imo.

maybe they should experiment with her freezing ability, make it less unfun but buff her dmg.

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Oh, sorry, I thought she didn’t have damage falloff, similar to every other projectile in the game. I genuinely don’t know if you’re being sarcastic with the 75 damage part because I do know many people feel Tracer isn’t countered enough, sorry. I thought it was a fair tradeoff to give her a better general buff in exchange for that 5 damage.
I don’t really know how any further nerfs to burst damage on alternate fire would work since then the whole freeze-shoot combo to kill might not work. I know it’s cool for some people to have hybrid feeling heroes but in my opinion if she’s to be an off tank, her health should reflect that, about 300 to 400 health.

Are you calling Mei an elephant?

Nooooo…? Yes.

She’s not a barrier buster, don’t use her for that.

It gives some of the longest CC in the game and penetrates, it doesn’t need to do a lot.

So can a bunch of others, not really a core problem and the fact it disappears after casing because ping is a much bigger issue.

You’re not using her wall right if you’re only getting “annoying at best” out of it, it’s easily the best part of her kit.

I don’t really see much of an issue with her right click aside from the harsh fall off which could maybe be toned down a bit but she has far more glaring issues a lot of which are bugs that I’d rather see fixed.

It won’t after 26 meters.


Well, how I see it, is Mei has no business trying carry. It seems to me that’s what you’re trying to do. Mei is utility. You pick her for DEFENSE and CONTROL. If you need CC? Mei. If you going against a Genji or Lucio or Tracer? Mei to lock them down.

A Mei’s job is to protect and run interference, not be able to do burst DPS.

Yes, sorry, I’d assumed it was like every other projectile in the game. My bad.

Oh I’m an awful Mei. I’m just going by what I’ve seen in the enemy Mei player’s, mostly being incapable of doing relatively anything when anything becomes dicey.

Hence the conversation about her ineffectiveness. She’s quite literally not in the tug-of-war game, she’s like an outlier that forces her way in, without much success mind you.

She’s incredibly effective. But like most supports/defense, needs a team to follow through.

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You may be interested in checking out the discussion in this thread: [Mei-gathread] Does Mei feels balanced and underpowered at the same time?

Lots of information and insight into Mei.


Mei works great against brigitte.

A well placed wall isolates the enemy tank from being healed by teammates, can defend teammates stuck in a grav ball, reduce impact of other enemy ultimates, etc etc.

We’re in a meta where nothing ever dies, nearly all DPS have problems, not just Mei. Briggs and Hanzo have to be balanced first.