Let's talk about the Mei in the room

She’s pretty good. I don’t know where people get the idea that she isn’t. She’s not a damage dealer, shes area denial and utility. Her wall is essentially on a 5 second cooldown and she can freeze multiple people.


Uh. Hate to break it to you, but Mei is actually weak to mobility. Contrary to what you would actually think. Anyone with good mobility can easily escape her Ult and her primary range with ease unless she purposely catches them off guard.

Her main strengths lie in freezing larger targets like tanks and cutting unsuspecting targets from their team with her wall.


Even glancing MB1 slow targets. That’s all you need to immediately reduce speed for squirrel-y targets. That’s the point of having her counter them. Slowing is great and isn’t a hard CC like Brig’s stun, but team needs to be able to prioritize. If team doesn’t collapse on correct targets, then Mei’s slowing/solid freeze is not being made the most out of.

i agree with this, but this is probably why people see mei as a troll pick and her pick rate being so low. She’s not a real dps and any other dps character can out damage her fairly easily so it doesnt feel like shes doing a lot bc of that low damage output.
A lot of that damage that’s being sacrificed for control that could be pulled off with other heroes is needed to win, or would at least help a lot, so people dont like having a mei on their team bc it feels like a throw pick.

I for one love mei and i hate when my teammates get toxic as soon as i pick mei (or instantly ask me to switch when theres 3+ dps even tho i picked first :unamused:) but she needs some help to be on par with other defense heroes.

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Something I think would be cool, though not really needed is if her left click made barriers more brittle and take more damage. If you hold left click on a barrier, it freezes over, but that effect doesn’t actually do anything, it’s purely visual. If it made the barrier take more damage, that would let her do her job (as an anti-tank hero) even better.

At the moment, she’s pretty trash against flankers (although, one shotting a Tracer always feels nice) because they can just run away before she can actually freeze them. She’s half decent at shooing them away for a few seconds, but she can’t really get rid of them.

Okay, that’s a fair point, but I still don’t think that can justify calling her an anti-flanker.

thats the problem with all CC v mobility in the game, characters like tracer and lucio with their seemingly endless mobility abilities are so hard to pin down with freeze (or other cc) so you might as well keep it for tanks until you need to use it on them

Its a bummer since stuns/ slows are the only ways we have to counter heroes like tracer but she can just… not get hit by them with a well timed blink or by staying out of range and using her overly generous fall off distance to her advantage

I mei-n her and she is honestly in a good place right now - aside from her ultimate that really needs some changes to actually be a danger to anyone.

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The only thing Mei needs is a more reliable Ult.


Agreed. People think others should only play ‘meta’ because it works. They are unwilling to work with other heroes whose kits are also equipped to deal with the same thing.

Hopefully after some re-tuning on some over-tuned heroes, we’ll again see more diversity in team composition. I’m not sure when that will be, but hopefully before end of summer. :frowning:

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I always thought this would be really nice and a unique part of her kit as another else makes barriers take for damage like this would, plus it makes sense that it would become more brittle and shatter like frozen things do. It could really help her out with brigitte too as mei should be able to handle her but generally has trouble

If I’m not the one playing main tank, there’s almost never a main tank.

At first I thought it was just my account, so I’ve been smurfing Hanzo, and it’s roughly 5 out of every 6 games with no tank.

The game doesn’t need more anti tank, it needs tanks that can do their job. Mei just needs to be either given damage, or made tankier. She’s sitting inbetween two roles, and she has no real purpose when this slot would be better served with a DPS or a Tank.

Mei needs a real toolset of denial of area, to actually allow her to play her role. She annoys, she’s limited range, she’s limited damage, and she relies on her other teammates to do the rest, which in most cases isn’t enough now.

with all but like 8 heroes having an ability that gets them out of it (with zarya giving someone else a free escape and lucio speeding the whole team out) her ult is better used for keeping people off of a point or paired with a grav (as counter intuitive as that seems) they really need to fix that and have it disable movement abilities like grav does, and maybe (meibe) even give it a larger radius

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I also fully agree with that. We do need more main tanks.

I personally think Mei is pretty much perfect where she is (apart from things like cryofreeze not working properly), but if something were to get buffed, I think that would be something neat to add to her kit.


Mei isn’t supposed to tank, she can stall a payload at a choke for a few seconds if she needs to but that’s not her purpose. She doesn’t need more damage either, her role is CC.

She’s made to break up deathball comps and turn what would be team fights into 6v1-2s so you can force a retreat.

She could use a little less harsh fall off but that’s hardly a real issue and honestly she gets by just fine without it, once you learn to use her secondary fire her damage is consistent enough to win a lot of fights and if that wasn’t enough then her primary definitely is.

She barely needs her team to do work for her unless she walled off a tank in which case it may be helpful but even then she’ll put up a solid fight most of the time.


not really though, because mei is terrible and breaking shields and is a closer range hero like brigitte (who has much lower cooldowns on her abilities) brigitte can usually just combo shield and combo until mei either manages to escape or dies, even with the 150 heal from iceblock it just allows brigitte to get her cooldowns then immediately remove that fresh 150 health.

I know brigitte is supposed to be great at close up 1v1s but so is mei, but without being able to break brigitte’s shield or get behind it to freeze thanks to SB she cant do much

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You guys are arguing for keeping one of the least picked heroes, one of the least picked heroes. She’s ineffective.

I personally think her character design is great and her personality is awesome. Her toolkit is good in theory, but it’s like Torbjorns. It’s dated and falling away with the newly disjointed style death ball of the current game.

She needs a tilting number figure. Something to make it so she’s more effective. Currently she’s just NOT effective at anything, subpar at best. Or she needs to be made tankier.

As it stands, she’s on the precipice between two chasms, and it only takes one big buff to either tank or anti CC side to shove her down into it.

I’d personally prefer her to have a bridge over to either side where everyone is playing.

Mei can freeze through shields

no she cant lol ???

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Okay she has been freezing me through my shield

if youre playing brig then thats thanks to its tiny size, you just arent blocking it well enough, if youre playing rein then shes walking inside it and freezing you (same deal for orisa and winston)

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