Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

By someone who I’ve been told hasn’t played the game in over year no less…devs should really pay attention this time!!!


A good chunk of mercy threads get closed and told to refer to the mega thread, so what is the point of starting new ones?

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jeff Kaplan has explicitly said himself they are not reverting mercy to mass rez, live on stream


As far as I’m concerned, that system hasn’t been used for months. Blizzard gave on that after they couldn’t even control their own Mercy Megathread which, let’s be real, was just a pathetic way of containing critiques and feedback of those who disliked the Mercy rework; a way for them to ignore all the negative feedback regarding Mercy.


It will eventually get closed and a mod will refer to the mega anyway


So then why don’t we take the obvious solution here… and removed the ability to abuse the system for SR.

Which, the devs did. And a whole week later, we got the rework, which means the patch had little time to actually demonstrate any benefit before the rework got rolled out, and that most likely, the rework was going to be rolled out regardless of whether the SR exploit fix ameliorated the Hide n Rez/Die n Rez issue in any capacity. So, in effect, they basically did little to address that issue before grabbing the sledgehammer


Ah, yet another wall of text by Titanium, lovely.

Extremely biased as well. True to form


so punish players by lessening how much sr they can get, rather than fixing the problem like they did?

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And that, my friends, is called reaching.


But they fixed the issue after her rework? You know, the one concerning the SR system.

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First I commend your diligence in doing your homework and laying out your post in a thoughtful, easy-to-digest format; I really do. I think your analytical nature is very important to setting various opinions straight, because it’s true - we see a LOT of opinions here. However I think your train of thought leading to the conclusion you came to here leaves out some potentially very important factors. Here’s just a few that come to mind:

  1. the presence of other healers (with new ones added since launch) and their output when paired with Mercy.
  2. the overall dynamic including damage dealt per game being pretty different then vs. now.

As I’m sure you’re aware the gameplay has changed significantly from the early stages of Overwatch, generally speaking it’s much more fast-paced and as a result balancing has been shifted for almost all heroes to suit this new rhythm. Furthermore new supports have been added, with Ana and Moira being very prevalent main healers so it’s natural that Mercy won’t have as much healing if paired with them vs. if she is with Lucio, Zen, or Brigitte. Your data leaves out how frequent she is paired with each of her support teammates, and what the averages are with each of them.

And that’s just one change among many since the game has become more dynamic with new mechanics, tweaks and heroes; you have to consider these things but I think you are comparing healing numbers within a vacuum which doesn’t give a full story. If you can come back after reading my post, providing concrete data in the areas that also consider the other changes Overwatch has undergone then I will be happy to reevaluate your stance, but honestly I don’t think anyone has access to that info apart from Blizzard because it’s just simply too layered and nuanced.


Yup pretty sure OP quit the game after Rez Ult was removed and isn’t returning unless it’s put back into the game which will never happen :joy:


OK cool.

Well Mercy use to ignore her team and let them die. And now she doesn’t.

It being a good strategy or not is completely irrelevant.

The devs just didn’t like how Mercy would would go against her role. Which is not to let the team die.

Kinda feel sorry for you to for writing all that. When it wasn’t the reason it was removed. Please watch the dev update on it.


Why is it punishment to re-balance the SR gain from Mass Rez, but not to fundamentally alter a hero’s kit and power state to address an issue that required a much smaller fix to eliminate, thereby setting this hero on a course to become obnoxiously OP and receive numerous nerfs to said kit in an effort to balance her?

Again, it seems like the obvious solution to the SR exploit would’ve been to fix specifically that: the SR exploit.


because you take sr gainability from mass rez because people are abusing it. meaning that those who are good and just actually get many rezzes off, get punished because of those who game the system.

the solution was what they did. it made the problem go away. that’s what blizzard wanted, and their solution worked. You not liking that, doesn’t change the reason they changed it.

i really wish they would just give her something else, I think Rez in a nonult form really holds her kit back because the only way to balance it is for it to be incredibly unfun to use and on a 30 sec (and still super annoying for the enemy team). But its so iconic to her kit I doubt they would remove it.
I do like the idea of a stronger rez being in Valk only and a different ability while not in valk

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I can tell you know that this is objectively false. People letting their teammates die as Mercy is naturally going to get worse in terms of how often it is done when you buff the frequency of being able to use Resurrect, I.e: Charge to use to 30 Seconds.

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Hi. I’m here since launch. I don’t main Mercy. I barely even play Mercy outside of Mystery Heroes. I want Mass Rez back because it was the one thing that made Mercy feel like a hero and not a sidekick.


Assuming this actually became a problem, which I don’t really see any reason it would be, you can fix that by increasing SR benefits in parts of her kit that are what the devs would like to see Mercy using. Again, there is a simple solution, and there’s the one the devs took.

I think you misunderstand me.

I fully acknowledge that’s part of the reason the devs changed it. I’m just saying that reason is bull.


Another hard to swallow pill: it doesn’t help to incorrectly and repeatedly grossly over simplify every Mercy thread as wanting Mass Rez back or thinking that doing so will ever get the Mercy posts to stop.

People should try something else. Like reading comprehension.