Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

Don’t you mean, “Factually, I respectfully disagree, and have nothing further to add to my statement” :wink:


If you heal a full health target you don’t get any healing.

If you rez your team in front of the enemy team they will take damage that you can heal.

If the rein on your team dies, and you don’t rez him, you need to wait until he comes back from spawn for you to be able to start healing him again.

I’m pretty sure “factually incorrect” is the correct phrase in this situation. :wink:

Except we would have statistical symptoms of such behavior if the tactic was common. This has nothing to do with how common tempo-revives were; it has everything to do with how common is was for someone to stop participating in the fight to hide.

Those statistical symptoms don’t exist.


I was being facetious :slight_smile: It’s a reference to something from Titanium’s other thread


Mercy was D-tier the last time she had Mass-Resurrect.

Just saying.


Oh. Okay then. :upside_down_face:


Hide and rez was the common way to play Mercy, anyone who played back then knows it. No one who played back then wants mas rez back.


No, it’s people who don’t play now that want mass rez back.


Have they?

They said that there were no plans to revert Mercy as of nearly a year ago. Under no circumstances have they said that Mass-Resurrect will not return in any form.

Thus, your assertion, which you are presenting as fact, is simply speculation.


I’ve been at it for one and a half years already. :man_shrugging:

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Replying to plausible reasoning with what can only be summarised as, “I disagree boo hoo” is a poor way of arguing your point and just makes the opposition’s stance look better.

Just saying.

Objectively false.


Why not just add this to the mega thread instead of just making ANOTHER mercy thread?


People should stop making up tier scales just to make false points

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Is there a reason why Titanium should just post this in an already existing thread? Asking because I’m genuinely curious.


Not an assumption. One of the reasons they wrote why Mercy was being reworked was because of mass rez. Its common sense that they wouldnt bring it back, after saying its why they changed her in the first place. I understand you want to find a loophole, but it means nothing when the devs changed her for that reason.
Its pretty much only her ult that got reworked. She was given an ability, in addition. Everything else was the same. She was reworked specifically to get red of mass rez.

Them saying they will never revert her is them saying they dont want mass rez. You can say its speculation, I say common sense.


TBF the mega thread is kinda a cess pit and really should be let go… his other post is approaching the post limit, and while this thread is related to his other post, it’s a more specific exegesis of the Hide n Rez issue while the other thread is more a criticism of Mercy as a whole.


Oh look it’s another 5000 word essay trying to convince blizzard to bring back multi Rez. It didn’t work the other 10 times so why would it work this time :joy:


you are trying to push a point of “it didn’t work” that’s not what it was about. It was a strat abused by ladder players to gain sr. Blizzard didn’t want the behavior, and knew it was going to stay unless they removed rez as an ult.

Either accept it or move on to a new game.


I take pills twice daily; I’m used the swallowing them. :wink:

In fact, I’m usually the one who distributes them from their containers.