No, I’m not claiming it didn’t exist. If that were the case, I would have explicitly stated it in the OP; I don’t beat around the bush in these topics.
I’m stating what the numbers say. The numbers say that the strategy was actually incredibly rare, too rare to be worth addressing in the fashion it was.
Either that, or the strategy was common back then, and it’s just as common today as it was back then, which defeats the purpose of the rework anyway.
So, quite frankly, there are two words to describe the agenda you are pushing here:
“You’re sayin’ those words like you hate me now. Our house is burning when you’re raisin’ hell. Here in the ashes, your soul cries out. But don’t be afraid of these thunderclouds.”
They are statistics from global averages. That is proof.
Except, I haven’t. You misinterpreted what I said. Read on.
If the average player had the chance to deal 11900 healing/game, then the players using this strategy will certainly have the chance to execute the tactic 3+ times.
Because it is already accounted for by the population averages. Global averages, remember?
Elaborate. I did the math, and it’s all laid out in the OP. I would like to see you do it and disprove my numbers, if you can.
Short, or high of the expected?
It’s obvious that you’re grasping at straws when you claim that a tactic that included (and got its name from) nonparticipation for prolonged periods of time didn’t change the amount of healing a player dealt…
Proof of what? Statistics or correlation can’t prove something without causation. You can’t just give statistics and say it proves something without properly analysing it in full context.
You tried to “prove” the rework didn’t increase Mercy’s healing. Mercy can heal potentially 300hps for 15 seconds with each use of Valkyrie. That is unquestionably an increase in healing. But in practical use, this is rarely fully executed. Healing is only one part of Valkyrie, of which there are many. Valkyrie can be used in more ways than just healing. Chain beams allow Mercy to spend less time healing and more time doing something else. This is why average healing may look similar, but her healing potential has unquestionably increased.
Her healing was also nerfed to 50 hps outside of Valkyrie. But her average healing remains similar. 50 hps and 60 hps have similar limits to what they can out heal. Teammates just need to be slightly more careful and spend less time in extreme danger.
That’s why it feels better to use damage boost, than pistol. Pistol earns ult charge only for yourself, boost helps with ult charge for Zenyatta or other healer with better ult.
Even if you only heal one person during Valkyrie, and dont use any of the other advantages that Valkyrie, you’re healing them at a 20% faster rate. The impact is very significant
In my opinion, tho, a good Mercy player avails him/herself of all of the functionality brought to the table by Valkyrie, and there is quite a bit of it in this powerful and versatile ult
I like long essays. Fully explore your thoughts and such so I can follow your argument. I don’t want to scavenge and dig through forty thousand comments.
I don’t think valks role requires healing in large amounts to make valk good in it’s role. Beams could be a flat 30 and valk would still be impactful and still be a good ult.
It doesn’t feel impactful to her role imo. Similar to my thoughts on symm.
Barrier is a good ult… But not for sym. Valk is a good ult,.but not for Mercy. It’s technically impactful, but it’s not healing to her role which makes it feel like it’s not .
I respectfully disagree…I find it is impactful, and also that it feels impactful.
I never worry about what an ult does for my character, but rather what it does towards to overarching goal of seeing V I C T O R Y flash across the screen at the end of the game
I think impactful and impactful to the role is not the same. I can block plenty of stuff with barrier ult. And that’s impact
.but I don’t think it’s to my role.
Valk for Mercy is impactful. But I don’t think it’s impactful to her role thus why a 30 beam would be just as fine.
Some players (for example) refuse to pull out their pistol as Mercy, stating such things as “thats a DPS job”.
I see it differently - to me, it is every player’s job to try to earn a Win, and if I can contribute to that win by killing a pesky widow or temporarily body blocking for a wounded teammate - or whatever - I see that as part of my job, regardless of my role
Now, that doesn’t mean I ignore my role. As Mercy, I spend the vast majority of my time healing, boosting, and/or rez’ing. Rather, it means I dont see my impact as confined in any manner or by any descriptor
Valkyrie has strong and impactful healing. But, supports are more than just healing. Their “role” isn’t to just heal and do nothing else.
As for Symmetra, what was her “role” before? Shield gen protected her team, teleporter regrouped her team and made their deaths less risky. Photon Barrier is the strongest shield in the game that can stop a Pharah Barrage. It protects her team. What “role” is she missing? Do you mean a dps ultimate? Sombra, Widowmaker, Mei also have ultimates not based on damage. They enable damage.
Role design and abilities outside of the room isn’t the same Imo.
Thus why I think the only time the game “incentivized” anything was ana with her 80 dps and 75 hps. Ana had a role of support but plenty used her as a dps. It hindered her spot on her team
For symm, I think barrier is a tank ult. By using her , you lack the tank utility in main play like Mei,but have a tank ult even if you already have a main tank with their main tank ult. Her ult is therefore redundant .
For mercy, healing in valk Is purely for sustain and consistency. But she is already a healer meant for sustain and consistency In her main kit. So her ult in healing is redundant. It’s why healing in valk isn’t needed with high numbers. 60 or 30 makes no difference for its role. Healing in valk flat, makes no difference for Mercy’s role
The impact is only there if the enemy team is dumb enough to not concentrate fire on priority targets. From my experience at least 2 of my teammates will die even if I keep healing for the whole duration of valkyrie. Now if the enemy team throw all of their ults onto the objective, valkyrie does very little (read: nothing) to prevent the team from dying.