Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

I had the same problem with a pill bottle once but then i realized it was just a side effect of some other medication i had taken. If it doesn’t go away, i suggest to consult a Mercy main.

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Neither of which were terrible things that were removed from the game, as opposed to mass res.


BTW, today mark the day that OG Mercy was officially in the game for less time than Valk Mercy.

We are all old school now.

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Here’s another hard to swallow pill:

It is impossible to know your assertion to be a fact. Therefore, it is purely speculation. Thus, your hard-to-swallow pill isn’t a pill that needs to be swallowed.


Yay titanium back with another thread!

“Hide and Rez” was not Mercy going:
“I have Rez, go die now!!!”

“Hide and Rez” was:
“The enemy is using ults/doing unhealable damage. If you’re going to die, do it on point”

The fact that people seriously believe as soon as mercy had mass Rez, she’d tell you to die is absurd. Where’s the logic in it? Why would your team throw there bodies at the enemy, give the enemy free ult charge, and then have Mercy come and Rez them back?


The biggest problem wasn’t even mass rez, it was the tempo rez, that’s why Mercy was still OP when Valk reset the rez CD.

Back in the days the problem was the tempo rez, your team killed 1-2 enemies but 2-3 members of your team died, Mercy flies in and tempo rez now it’s a 6vs4 gg.

can we just stop saying that?

it’s offensively redundant to those of us for whom all pills as hard to swallow, it’s like telling a kid ‘oh that’s a scary needle’

The reason Valkyrie became so OP wasnt just tempo rezzes, but the fact the devs have her such an easy way to do it. Mass Rez was a one time Rez that heavily relied on good timing and risk vs reward that could put the Mercy in danger.

Valkyrie completely took away risk AND you could still do 3 rezzes(4 if timed right). You were given flight, constant regen and way more mobility AND healing.

Your experience does not match the broad reality of the situation.

There are also a lot of videos of D.Va getting a pentakill with her ultimate. That doesn’t mean that a pentakill with Self-Destruct is a remotely common occurrence.

Considering that we’re dealing with global averages, these factors are held constant.

If a teamfight is occurring, you’re going to be healing for a lot more than 10 seconds worth of healing over a 20 second period, but I’ll humor this.

That’s 600 healing lost from pre-rework, which should show up in the healing averages… but we’re already 200-400 healing short post-rework.

Furthermore, if someone is going to use “hide and rez” once in a match, they’re almost certainly going to use it again, which means that they will be losing way more than 600 healing/match compared to the player that didn’t use the aforementioned tactic.

Except, it can. It is quite effective for said purpose, even.

And… a change in the playerbase/tactics/playstyle is exactly what we’re looking for here, remember?


And yet, here you are, assuming something that was never said (twice; once from the developers, once from myself), so you can insert something that is only semi-relevant to the discussion.

I’m illustrating the reality of the situation. You are assuming the motivation behind me showing that reality.


Do you have any proof?

There are also lots of videos showing d.va not getting kills with it.

Nope, they are not held constant over time.
Especially not when we look at buffs and changes in the meta.

600 health, only in the games where the mercy hid.
In other matches she would not hide, and would heal.
So on average that doesn’t change much at all.

This fits with half of the mercy players doing the hide and rez…

This is dependent on the lenght of a match, how often she gets her ult, etc.

No. You are only looking for a change in healing.


“YOUR anecdotal evidence isn’t as good as MY anecdotal evidence…”

I always found it was more, you focus the Mercy first like you were supposed to and then finish off the rest of the team JUST IN TIME for Mercy to come swooping backing in from spawn to rez everyone (bonus points if she did it through a wall.)

Mercy mains wanting maz rez always ignore this point though as it doesn’t have anything to do with “hiding and rezzing” but at my level it would happen in nearly every game there was a Mercy.

I’m glad it’s gone and never coming back.


Just because a bad argument against mass rez was made doesn’t mean that invalidating that argument validates mass rez as an ability. I’m very much against the ability every returning, but I’d rather people didn’t use irrelevant stats to keep it gone. The concept and the way it was used were what I had problems with, not overall healing output.

As far as Valk goes, it’s really not just a healing ability. You can’t really quantify the impact of the ability because of how versatile it is. You can heal, damage boost, use it for mobility, get kills with it, and mix and match those and everything in between as necessary. It’s not meant to be able to heal through burst damage (there are already other support ults that do that) or really do anything more than give your team a fifteen-second edge, which is oftentimes much more useful than a huge amount of healing for a short time. It’s much more engaging and, to me, much more fun. I’ll admit that Valkyrie is an odd fit with the rest of Mercy’s kit, but I still love the flexibility of it. I don’t want to be relegated to heal/rez bot, as comfortable as that might be for some. I play a very active quarterback-style Mercy and I like the ability to determine the flow of the fight. Valk helps me do that. The fun part is subjective. I understand why some don’t enjoy the ability, but that doesn’t make it any less engaging. I love it.


Are we going to talk about how effective “hide and rez” was as a strategy? That wasn’t the point of the OP, but I’ll be happy to supply a counterargument that’s 6 months old yet still dead-on.


Too late. :smirk:

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I don’t care (and actually embrace the fact) that some people will only experience a bad case of the Backfire Effect upon reading my posts. That doesn’t stop me from making my posts.


I know it to be a fact that a lot of people hated mass res and thought it was bad for the game.
I know it to be a fact that the devs feel the same way. Source
And as far as I know they have never reverted any changes on live thus the probability leaning in the favor of a no go fo mercy reverto. Evero.


They think if they write enough essays they can change the reality of the situation and the facts of the past that put us where we are today. The intent of this thread/essay was to blatantly lie and present the posters feelings as fact.


If Mercy’s healing the team rather than hiding, she’d be getting all of that healing that would have taken place after the Resurrect in addition to the healing she’s already doing.

If I heal Reinhardt through a fight, I’ve dealt quite a bit of healing.
If I let Reinhardt die and then I revive him, that’s 500 healing that didn’t do. That 500 is removed from my healing bank and replaced by a 1 in my revives bank.


Since it effectively canned a strategy that was already so rare that it may as well have not existed?

Can I have some evidence for this assertion?

You’re presenting speculation as fact.

This, my friend, is factually incorrect.