Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

I don’t disagree with this, because originally we had two characters with a “Rez” mechanic: Mercy and Symmetra.

One-shot abilities aren’t bad on their own; lots of games have had them. What makes them so infuriating in this game is that if you’re playing a Tank or any Support that’s not Mercy, you can’t do a thing about it afterwards. If the enemy team gets a lucky headshot, or your teammate steps slightly of position and gets killed, then your team is now at a 5v6 disadvantage with very few ways of evening those odds. It’s not like COD, where every character’s TTK is so low that any person on your team can quickly even things up.

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I always see Mercy threads reach 1k replies, and I have to wonder.
Don’t you people have anything better to do?
Is a video game character that detrimental to your well being?

Yet devs removed “rez” from Symmetra, when Mercy lost ability to bring back whole team at once.

Exactly. And I think it’s a cool concept to have this mechanic on two sides: healer and damage. If symm was viable as a primary dps, you have this mechanic not needed in your healer choices. This means if rez was an issue for your team from the enemy, you don’t need to change the supports, but you can as a dps. I think that would have been very cool and unique…


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I like the rework. After it got nerfed to its current spot I’d say its pretty balanced.

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It happened, it was a thing, it’s gone now.

Can we move on now?


Every time I fly with Valkyrie, I dream about gifting that flight to someone with more firepower and flying with them by using GA. Since if some players claim, that flying with pistol is that good, flying 76 or Hanzo would be even better, especially with me giving them damage boost/healing.

Objective statistics are now “disingenuous”, apparently.

If you’re dismissing statistics upon the basis that you don’t like them, you are the one being disingenuous.


Your disagreement with that which is objective does not turn said objectivity into subjectivity.


What’s with people saying things like this and then never providing any citations?

I mean, there’s the occasional citation of the post in which Jeff said that they weren’t going to revert Mercy, but that says nothing about mass-Resurrect itself.

It’s almost as though people are generalizing a specific statement to match what they want to here rather than taking it for what it is. :thinking:


Personally, I find that Mercy’s pistol is highly underrated, particularly by those Mercy players who refuse to use the pistol at all


Not interested in picking healer for performing DPS role.

Get. Help. Please for the love of Odin.


Why are we still talking about this? MASS RES IS GONE. Mass res on Q lead to problems that the rework tried to solve. At low level, that was hide and res. At high level, it was that her ult rarely gave an advantage. At all levels, it was teammates complaining about how you used your res. And at all levels, you had to fail as a healer to have the ult be effective.

Seriously now, I’ve been a Mercy player since before the rework, through the rework, and still now. In her current state, she’s dull. But looking back at mass rez isn’t going to fix that. Move on.


Your “objective” statistics are backed up by citations to your own posts though.


This is EXACTLY why I think this game needs a Rez mechanic, and could even use more of them, so long as there is a VERY set and unchangeable method of limiting the manner in which it can be used to stall and limits on using it on the same person again and again. Even without multiple resurrection mechanics, I still think this would be a beneficial addition to the game, purely because there are one shots that you just can’t do anything about and if that cripples a push, there goes 30+ seconds plus respawn staggering plus team resource disparities increase as your team has to over commit to account for it being a 5v6. In too many ways there is zero counter play to the power of the enemy team getting a lucky or cheeky pick out of the gate, and EVERY aspect of the game should have some type of counter play. Otherwise its a straight zerg fest to see who can get that one uncounterable advantage the fastest and all other theory crafting and counter strategizing is worth nothing.


Numerically balanced doesn’t mean a healthy design. Thats the problem people have with Mercy currently.

Not until the problems are adequately addressed. Since they aren’t and since people are refusing to take the time to understand what the problem is, that will probably be a “no”.

The removal of Mass Rez didn’t fix the underlying reason why hide and Rez became a thing. The only reason it isn’t a problem right now is because Rez is on a flat cooldown with no way to manipulate the number of times it gets used in a certain time frame, but it still holds extremely disproportionate weight on Mercys SR and as such incentivizes play styles that let you get the most Rezes to get the most SR; namely letting people die if/when needed to pad Rez stats. It’s just doing it less obviously than before, and as the devs stated their problem is with that behavior being encouraged at all. Even if its being encouraged less obviously than before, its still encouraged.

Mass Rez can stay gone, it can come back, or they can replace Valk, or they can remove Rez entirely. I really could not care less, and many others don’t either. We care that the broken mechanic actually gets addressed, and over simplifying it as “wanting mass Rez back” means the threads will keep happening until those fallacies stop happening.


And walls of anecdotal text don’t turn your subjectivity into objectivity. Nice try, though.


Well, looking at it critically, the main culprits that makes Rez infuriating are Tanks. It takes Mercy the same amount of time and effort to Rez a 600-HP tank that it does a 200-HP squishy.

But at the same time, Tanks take more burst damage overall. While it only takes one shot from Hanzo or Reaper to kill a squishy, they can still destroy a tank in no time flat if all that damage lands.

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That is able to be addressed, we just haven’t seen any effort to do so. That’s not a flaw in Rez as a concept, its a flaw in Rezes implementation.