Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

Theres one key difference fiesty one.

Most people speak at the time of a change. The general sentiment was happiness that it was gone. After it’s done, the people stay silent except for a few who lamented the changes.

It’s safer to assume that hasn’t changed since then, than to assume that it has changed since then with nothing really proving that. No need to get bitey though. I didn’t. Be nice.



What’s absurd is that you want a mechanic that other players do not want. Claiming a vast majority don’t mind is questionable. I do know many players don’t want mass rez back, because it drags out games.

For Blizzard, the extra time rez adds to match costs them money.

So I don’t see it happening.


There is nothing objective about anything you wrote in OP and to present yourself and anything you offer as objective on this topic is disingenuous.


If they’re at full health the entire time, they’re not dying in the first place. :neutral_face:

That makes your next statement…

Void for these comparison purposes.

Because if they’re at full health, where you wouldn’t be healing anything, then they’re at full health, and you won’t be reviving anything.

You’re trying to compare two different conditions in two totally different scenarios.


To be perfectly fair, a lot of current players never played against mass rez to have a formed opinion about it. We old folks that reminds stuff like Soul Orbs and when D.va killed herself on Self-Destruct are a dwindling mass.

But given that the current outcry is that ult storm win matches, having something to stop ult storms would be welcome, and Mass Rez fits that bill perfectly.


Like the large number of OTHER suggestions multiple people have made on the forums that simply get buried because none of you actually want to hear any ideas and just want to sit there and be mad that we are still motivated enough to care?

Or trying to show another viewpoint when it comes to a widley held belief that many see as a misconception.

I didn’t see a title on this thread saying " bring back mass rez now blizzard oh my god."

Forgive the mild sarcasm, I’m just tired of seeing people make this argument when what you’ve just asked for " something else to talk about that isn’t mass Rez" has happened and is happening and nobody reads it.

I myself have spent the time and effort to come up with my own idea. What does your comment really contribute to the discussion?


It’s a reference to something else.

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Mhmmm? Tell me more… I’m sorry, but I told you to bring an irrefutable proof of your statement. That’s not being rude. Your answer was unpolite, so if you can’t show respect to people, I’m sorry, that’s your own problem, not mine. Don’t act the victim when you are not.

Anyway, if you are saying that maybe I didn’t get the point, instead of ragging, you could have read a few posts below, and you’d find something incredible:

Those two quotes are a reply to me about your first post, and my reply to it.

You know the cherry on the top? I checked it and that last post was just the second above your rage speech. Please, next time read before going mad.


Firstly, I genuinely don’t see how I wasn’t being nice. Is it cuz I merely called you out for something? Secondly, following your argument, the silent majority exists. We don’t know if this specific group is mostly against or for mass Res. Thirdly, your argument was that we couldn’t know the large community opinion. According to what you said, what you later said can also be subject to your argument. Fourthly, do you have any solid evidence that the majority opinion when mass Res was announced was positive? I’d hate to listen to an argument based on false facts. :sweat_smile:

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I exist. Thus, two of your assertions are incorrect.

The numbers clearly indicate the opposite of what you are suggesting in the other assertion, so that is also incorrect.


For a long time, Mercy threads were all that filled these forums. Actual threads would be buried at the bottom of the feed under a sea of Mercy threads. So when these threads are still popping up, people are bound to get annoyed by them regardless of whether they click on them or not.


True enough, but I think that most players are still here from the launch of the game, and they make up the majority of the community, but yeah there will be some who never had to deal with it and can’t have made an opinion on this.

I miss soul orbs :stuck_out_tongue: But D.va self essploding? Not so much >.<

I disagree with that, it props up snowballing, a lost fight after a mass rez = newly charged ults on that secondary cleanup since mass rez usually never really worked for the team that got rezzed and had to try win a second fight in inopportune positions closely lumped together. I think it makes ult storming more common and better than it does defend against them.

Those people are living in the past. In which case, they’re getting upset at themselves and are venting their upset out on those who are simply using the forums correctly.


Because the megathread is closed. :smirk:

But I wouldn’t be putting it there in the first place if it wasn’t so…

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What does talking about an ability that isn’t in the game contribute to the game do? There’s 0 point in even talking about mass Rez. “People ignore our bad ideas/ideas they don’t agree with so let’s talk about an ability the devs said isn’t coming back”


It is also because people don’t want past mistakes to be repeated.

If an issue is flooding a forum, that usually means that either the issue is prevalent and a large number of people are faced with it and want change. Or that those faced with the issue are sick enough of it that they are motivated to repeatedly take to the forums to try and incite change or some sort of acknowledgement.

Either way its usually indicative of an issue that needs addressing. It’s still flooding the forums because it still hasn’t been addressed.
And that sucks.


I don’t see how this changes or refutes my argument? They are still quite literally getting upset at themselves in more ways than one.

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Mercy is one of the fan-favourite heroes in Overwatch, ergo a very large portion of the forum’s userbase will be Mercy mains.

Correlation does not equal causation.


Tbh, no Mercy megathread has ever worked, and we had… ten of them? The last one got finally closed because of massive false flagging and trol posts being merged in it. In the end, the megathreads were just the place where all complaints and rubbish were sent to die. I’m glad it’s gone if you ask me.