Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

We have enough data and patch corrections to show Valkyrie is awful and mass Rez was better and healthier balanced based on additional nerfs they had to give to heroes.

The culture at Activision-Blizzard is stubborn and tone deaf. Mass Rez isn’t coming back and the game is now dumber with Mercy being dumber.

That being said as much as people wanted res changed nobody not even Seagull proposed the god awful overbuffing that the devs did to Mercy as well as other heroes in this game.

The problem is if they do look at feedback they decide to take a suggestion or problem they agree with and change it buff or nerf in an extreme direction rarely listening to ptr warnings of revert.

Mercy has always been for me the support I hate playing the most. I enjoyed her mass res cause it was impactful. Rez as an ability felt broken both playing against or with.

My opinion she feels worse than ever but I have other support options so it doesn’t bother me. I get it for those that enjoyed what ever version of her or other massively changed hero you enjoyed.

That’s what this game is for now until they get more staff or talent on the balance team to get Overwatch more viable heroes across the board.

Tl,Dr. Mass Rez should be in the game, not coming back, this is who Activision-Blizzard are controversial changes and unsatisfied customers

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Titanium I completely agree with you. Mass rez should be reimplemented. The likely hood of this happening, however, is slim to none. We as a community should come up with more concepts like we already have been. I love Mercy she needs changes but I don’t think mass rez is the way to go. A lot of the community would be outraged.

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Nope. I said objectively false to this:

And tell me why I should care as to what you personally call it. If anything, your personal distinction between the two means nothing to me if you’re just going to dismiss my personal view on it.

That is thinking of mass Res in a vacuum. That is a poor way of thinking and arguing when you consider the fact that Overwatch isn’t a vacuum with just Mercy in it. There are multiple other factors that determine the value of Resurrect. Stop confusing maximum value with numerical value. The two aren’t the same.

You just acknowledged that you’re breaking CoC… I think this convo is done. That and, what you’re doing now is called ad hominem.

Google, “Strawman Fallacy”


I like Valk. I would say its more fun to use and play against than mass rez was. I don’t see whats so terrible about valkyrie to be fair, only thing i feel for mercy mains on is her E. It does feel extremely bad, and rez should just be removed from the game entirely to give mercy something like a cleanse or some such other helpful support ability that doesn’t hold her still.

I am also still not talking about Rez being a bad mechanic because of balance, but rather the feeling to play.
I do however think that if we threw her E in the trashcan and give her something different, we could re-balance her better to fit more in the power bracket she needs to be to exist against the current meta and burst damage necessity. Also a cleanse to get rid of bloody anti because that’s an overpowered mechanic that shuts out mercy entirely.

Think of this, her ult paired with E could cleanse all targets she is linked to, remove EMPs/anti’s, grant quick recovery from a shattered team, things like that, debuff cleanses on any linked targets for her E ability replacement. That would certainly fit her kit better with valk than rez ever has.


Not trying to be rude or anything but this,

Contradicts this:


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Well, you could have described why from your point of view it was so bad. I think current Mercy is infinitely worse, and the game has been wrecked with spam fest being 100% uncounterable and a free win. The community has been wrecked too, with an incredible increase of toxicity since the revert back to alpha started.

Anyway, you can “Never say never”. Those famous words are from Jeff himself after bringing Deathmatch to Overwatch despite he clearly said the opposite sometime before. Valkirie was never coming back despite it got removed during alpha. Stationary rez was never coming back, and it got removed during beta. Trash healing was never coming back despite how bad it worked during seasons 2-3. Well, they are all back. Next thing never coming back? Do your bets.

Gotta be honest I just do not like Rez in any form. Didn’t like playing with it. Don’t like playing against it. I don’t think it adds much to the game outside of enjoyment just for Mercy.

I get if you, as a Mercy player, are not having fun with Valkyrie. I get that Mercy should see some changes as a result. But Rez is a garbage mechanic in this game. Put it in its grave and put this stuff to rest.

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All I know is that I would play safer when I had rez, and keep more in the back so I could dodge ults, but I would not just run away and find a secure corner - that’s just too damn boring to play.


Im sure everybody is just making it up, you people act like its a myth that people hid and rezzed and that nobody ever did it, its absurd


No, it isn’t.
It’s not proof at all.

And we have. You yourself stated we had.

If they have the chance to do so more than once. Which you didn’t calculate for.

Your expected. Which is way higher than it should be.
The difference should be closer to 2-400 difference in healing.

But the tactic didn’t change her ammount of healing…

No need to give feedback on someone who didn’t understand the previous feedback.
Especially not when they come in with language such as yours.


I can say with high confidence that more people would be strongly in favor of the return of mass-Resurrect than strongly against the return of mass-Resurrect.

And yet, they were fine with it for the first year of its existence.

Did they really have a problem with it? Or did they feel the need to pander to a specific audience, and found a pair of excuses to do so?

We have actually seen quite a few full/partial reverts hit live.
Mercy’s base healing/second: 50 → 60 → 50.
Ana’s Rifle damage: 80 → 60 → 70.
Mercy’s Valkyrie: 60 HPS → 50 HPS → 60 HPS.
Lucio gets a speed boost from jumping off a wall → Lucio doesn’t get a speed boost from jumping off a wall → Lucio gets a speed boost from jumping off a wall.
Soldier:76’s primary fire damage: 17 → 20 → 19.

You are equating a reintroduction of mass-Resurrect in some form to a simple revert. Those two things can be very different.


I honestly agree with you, and I don’t think Rez should have ever been in the game. However given how intrinsically tied Rez is to the design of Mercy I dont think they will remove it as they would LIKELY have to entirely re invent the character and change things like her highlight intros and the like.

Given that I think its more productive to consider changes that remain in line with her hero design.

Given THAT there ARE some suggestions that have been made that DO throw out Rez in any form that, for the most part remain in line with her current design. However there is no much flexibility there and Blizzard is stubborn.

( Edited: Typos)

Read what Titanium said verbatim. Saying that “Hide n Res” was not common is not the same as saying what you’ve just stated. You’ve sorta just made a strawman out of his argument.


Contrary to what you seem to believe, global averages do not go out of their way to match my feelings.

Statistics are objective. If your perceptions are the ones contradicted by those statistics, then your perceptions are the ones that fail to accurately portray reality.


I think the opposite, you live in a forum bubble, the silent un-engaged majority exists. You could not know the opinions of the community at large. Anything we say is just a guess on the crowds we are around. But the general sentiment at the time it got removed was praise and cheering for it being gone. I don’t think that would have changed all too much. But that’s just a guess. But it’s a safer assumption to say the feelings haven’t changed towards it than it is to assume that most people changed their minds on it.


You stating this right after saying this:

Makes me think that the above is only being used to suit your narrative. If you’re going to use an argument that refutes your own argument, just don’t use it.


There is a problem there. There aren’t yet so many abilities that leave an effect to clean, so that cleanse ability would be too reliant of specific enemy comps being made, not even on your own team’s comp.

Yes, I agree E rez is just bad. I hate seeing her not fluid thanks to it (damn it, she is supposed to be a mobile support!), but I really doubt rez would be removed. It’s very important for Mercy and without it, Mercy would loose all her burst potential.

Valk seems to me a dead end. It’s bland and lackluster, just a copy paste of other existent abilities like Lucio’s amp it up or Orisa’s drumbs. However, if you buff it, it will mess with Zen’s ult, making him suffer because, why would you pick him? One of the problems with valk is that it’s not original at all, it’s exactly the same as other abilities in the game, so balancing it is extremely hard. The only way I could see valk working is by making an entire overhaul of it, or making it her E ability.


Because people that want mass res have a reason to come to the forums, those that don’t do not have a reason.

They were fine with Torb and Sym etc. being troll picks for a long time, or they didn’t know what to do with them?

Considering how they said that they think Mercy is currently fine, any rework would be pandering to a specific audience.

Fair enough, but it’s the only one I’d consider a revert since it’s not just number changes.


Do not invoke them. :laughing:


The ultimate isn’t coming back. It’s gone. Done. Finished. Deleted.

Let this go and find something else to talk about when it comes to Mercy.