šŸš€ Let's Have A Rational Discussion About Pharah

Armor makes Mercy EVERY more important.
After all, keeping her topped up means it is more effective than healing her when she is damaged.

Which is why armor is a bad idea IF you want to disconnect her from Mercy.

It ALSO buffs her more in lower ranked play than upper ranked, since they take longer to pull her health down.

Shields would be a MUCH better idea, because it means she is less reliant on Mercy, and keeping her topped up is less important.

Youā€™re kidding right? Pharah counters about 75% of the cast and can force teams to make dramatic comp changes due to her being virtually untouchable to the vast majority of the cast. If anything, Pharah needs some serious nerfs imoā€¦

Its a huge piece of her kit lost and dramatically changes the targets that are reasonable to attempt. She needs a compensation buff for it more than speed to even match her previous potential at league level. Maybe Iā€™m way off but I just donā€™t see her coming back expect in metas where we roll two hitscan nerfs. Pharah used to be a tool often used in OWL to contest Widow as counter intutitive as it seems. Loss of 80hp splash still hurts people there.

When you say you want more of the same what do you mean in exact terms. Like with numbers? Iā€™m curious. I was skeptical of that statement when I think for pros overall she was nerfed, but now that I see you donā€™t disagree with that Iā€™m curious how youā€™d go about turning losing splash into a net positive. Just making her even faster or?

Youā€™re going to need healing no matter what, but if you have armor, it should at least reduce your dependency on Mercy. Pharah suffers from being a niche pick depending on the map and the insane amount of counters she has.

Lower ranked players are going to struggle with a lot of heroes, you canā€™t exactly balance a game based on players who (not to offend people) barely know what different heroes do. Lower-ranked players need a little bit of help in other areas. If your DPS canā€™t aim, have one of your tanks play D.VA to deal with her.

And yeah, shield would work too. Theyā€™re pretty interchangable.

Iā€™d buff the living hell out of her self boop. Since, it is something that the low ranks donā€™t use.

Iā€™d also make the rockets travel faster, so that higher ranked players hit more often, where low ranked players were relying on splash anyway.

It INCREASES her Dependency on Mercy, Shields decrease it.

if you require for max efficiency of your health for you to be kept in the higher range of your health (which is what armor does) you get more for having a healer on hand at all times.

Shields doesnā€™t have that effect, AND it gives her self healing.

Shield and armor are NOT the same effect in the game. One makes healing SUPER EFFECTIVE if you can place it on them right away. The other removes your requirement to need a healer on hand.

Shields would be amazing for Pharah, and Iā€™d be all over that, Armor would be super bad for her, since it would cement her dependence on a healer on short notice.

125hp/75sh and conc blast on shorter cooldown would be nice for her.

Honestly Iā€™d want that splash damage buff to be reverted
or ability to cancel respawn button
or something like dive rocket similar to what she has in highlight intro

That would be broken af, terrible idea.
Shields could be a good idea since it would also increase her viability when playing with healers that have a hard time reaching her, but absolutely not armor since someone like soldier would have his damage reduced to 5 per bullet against her at long ranges.

not 75% cast but 100% lindholm family

Armor reduces damage taken, doesnā€™t it?

So it is effectively more health, but healed at the same rate.
Which means healing it is more effective than healing non Armor. So you ALWAYS want to be healing Armor while it is still Armor.

So you would ALWAYS stick mercy to her since the combo would be even stronger.

If you want to make her independent of Mercy, then shields is a damn good idea. Since it means she can get healing WITHOUT a support being involved, so running her with Mercy is less effective than now.

Sure mercy can heal the shields, but a lot of the time, they would have healed themselves, and Mercy could have been doing something more useful. So having her there is less strong than it was before.

In short

Armor = More Pharmercy
Shields = Less Pharmercy

Maybe then 175-200 HP Plus 50 shield ontop of that. Iā€™m not too sure what the logistics of having Pharah with regenerative health would be. Iā€™m sure Widow, Cree, Ashe and Soldier would still be effective.

Personally I really love Pharah, she was the first hero I played outside of tutorial on console, however Iā€™m not a DPS player. I donā€™t know how hard she is to play. I think there are times where a Pharah player should be relying on cover rather than constant healing. But that might just be an issue with her kit.

All of the time. She should be peeking cover all of the timeā€¦ this is why shields would be so good, since she can drop, and recharge shields without having a Mercy stuck to her like some kind of demented wart.

We need a separate patch between console and PC as Pharah dominates in consoles.

I hope they can revert her splash damage, mobility buff. I donā€™t mind introducing rocket damage fall off based on the range in order to discourage Pharah from spamming rockets far across the map. In TF2, Soldierā€™s rockets have damage fall off.

Because of the massive advantage of being above players with mobility at such a range, making the counters more difficult, I think you are going to have an issue convincing most people that she needs a buff. Even in her state, she is still pretty disruptive and able to suppress parts of the map. Maybe she does need help and maybe she doesnā€™t from the perspective of getting eliminations and overall value but I thought she was a bad idea from the beginning. The vertical play in this game and mechanics for that would need to be completely redone.

In heroic shooters balance should take priority over realism. So it is not legit argument.

I think simple increasing of acceleration and speed in air would work great for pharah without any aditional tweaks.

Iā€™m fine with both. Faster projectile makes her easier to play for anyone though. That would have been the logical buff to accompany the removal of her splash direct break point.

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Yeah, thatā€™s why she has a 60 percent pickrate/winrate, right? Cause sheā€™s soooooo untouchable so everyone plays her.

Thatā€™sā€¦pretty high actually.

Thank you for proving my point! :grin: