šŸš€ Let's Have A Rational Discussion About Pharah

You canā€™t buff pharah without considering the synergy with Mercy. Any kind of health buff would be too much since she would not be able to be taken out of the air without a head shot period. Any damage buff would put way too much pressure on her counters to have at least diamond level aim to take her out consistently especially with a Mercy pocket.

The only thing you can reliably change on her that would both buff her without affecting the relationship with Mercy would be more mobility while airborne. Im basically an average player and i detest going against a pharmercy because the counters to it basically get one maybe two shots depending on distance before they are royally f****ed. There have been many games where i go pharah and literally dont care that the enemy is playing a dva and two hit scan because of how easily they can be outplayed (depending on the map and rest of your team).

Soā€¦I actually do ok on Pharah, but I know she gets destroyed due to hitscan.

Based on what I understand about Armor, the best fix I can think of is giving her some of that as part of her HP. But, I donā€™t think that will solve one of her core issues, sheā€™s a sitting duck in the air.

I think giving her a Dash that drains some of her fuel and has a cooldown on it would really help out. If youā€™ve played Doom Eternal literally that, just gimme that, please.

Iā€™d also like to point out that for a game that copies TF2, it forgot one of the core things that made Soldier balancedā€¦he had to reload one shot at a time.

You can dislike that but it really does balance out the scale of the power of a hero or class.

Hence why Ashe felt pretty fair before they buffed her clip size, that long reload make her counterable.

Remove phara mercy and then buff phara as much as you want

The only way we can do that is remove Mercy.

I mean, as long as Mercy exists thatā€™s always going to be a thing, and if not her itā€™d be Ashe+Mercy.

I think figuring out counterplay options and ways in which you could slow down Mercyā€™s healing if sheā€™s shot, or shooting her while sheā€™s in air forces her to drop to the ground or something. Idk

Unless we make phara 100 hp 100 Armour