šŸš€ Let's Have A Rational Discussion About Pharah

In this case if your complaint is she isnā€™t played in the upper ranks both donā€™t even get a look in.

Since the same issues are in lower and upper in this case.

Which goes back to, this wonā€™t be a pure buff, because of low ranks.

So, I mostly agree. But, even as a Pharah player (when I do play dps), she can get out of hand quickly if sheā€™s too strong. I donā€™t exactly know what her hitbox is like, but that could indeed use a tune, Iā€™m genuinely not sure. She does have a horizontal movement ability, but itā€™s just her conc blast. Maybe a cooldown reduction on that would make you feel more mobile?

But really, I think the best thing that would help pharah is probably coming eventually anyway: a new aerial hero.

I highly suspect that whenever Echo comes out, she will be able to fly to some degree, based on the video of her. That could be just a bit, like mercy, or a whole lot, like Pharah. Even if it isnā€™t Echo exactly, I think the best thing to help Pharah would be another character in the sky. That gives hitscans 2 targets to worry about, D.va 2 enemies to fly out, and possibly another healer in the sky with you to help give you health.

It really sounds like the problem with Pharah right now is that she needs a ton of space and aerial cover, and with another able body in the sky, you could have a LOT more space to work with.

Itā€™s more that she canā€™t be, because sheā€™s essentially a throw pick due to how easy it is to kill her when you can aim.

pharah is a character that forces counterplay, and she isnt even in a bad state right now. Low pickrate is really just because its mccrees meta. The ā€œnerfā€ to her just punishes bad players. I play her in 3.7k scrims and perform pretty great (because i can actually hit my rockets onto a target because i learned projectile speeds instead of relying on AOE)

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So we fix that, but, we fix it in a way which doesnā€™t make her a must pick at low ranks right?

This is why things like self concussion is a good place to start. Because high ranked players use it a lot for mobility and low ranked players donā€™t.

So it gives us a thing which we can tweak for high ranked play only.

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Sheā€™s not played almost at all by the top 50% of rankedā€¦
I.e. The entire range of where the gameplay balance should be decided.

So yeah.

If anything Iā€™d say reduce her explosion radius more on console, then do some of these buffs, and maybe a mercy buff.

š“‚€ Pharah ideas thread

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Well of course, but the problem is how do you do this? This is where my idea to give her horizontal movement in the air comes into play. Conc blast is not the most reliable (you need a wall or other object to push yourself off from), nor does it do what I would like to see this ability do, plus having an actual movement ability would allow Pharah to use her conc blast more for re-positioning enemies.

Bad plan. It will make lower ranks not be able to hit her at all, and upper ranks are better at compensating, so it would help lower ranks more than upper which is the reverse of what we want.

Upper ranks do more direct hits and play closer, so extra direct hit damage + falloff may work.

I think what pharah needs, or at least would help her a lot-

Is fluidity.

I often hate the word clunky to describe heroes

But pharah is clunky

Rocket Boost

Jet. Jet. Jump. Jump. Tap tap. Jump. Tap. Jet. Tap. Jump. Jump.

Oh okay itā€™s off cooldown


Jump. Jump. Tap. Tap. Pfft pfft pfft tap jump.


Make her flight mechanics more fluid.

If you want her to fly, just let her fly. Maybe give a few additional conditions on it if youā€™re worried about the issues of free flight.

Give it a cooldown between uses, where she needs to touch the ground to begin the cooldown. (Or dont. Again she can just be the flying hero. Iā€™m fine with that too. She can already fly indefinitely)

Limit her flight ceiling- only let her ascend up to 15 meters above the ground (PLACE HOLDER NUMBER), with her slowly falling to that flight deck if she ascends high off a piece of terrain and goes out over it.

Replace the rocket boost with an air-dash similar to a tracer blink, letting her choose the direction, forward backward side to side, no direction goes up, holding crouch goes down.

Make her flight mechanics feel good. Not sluggish.

Donā€™t give her a huge boost of speed like mercy has- Iā€™d keep her around base speed if not slightly slower- relying on her dash for quick repositioning. she will still after all be a mobile target in the air, just make her feel fluid.

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Sideways airdodge would be nice.


Sheā€™s a giant floating rectangle, sheā€™s really not hard to hit :stuck_out_tongue:

But Iā€™m talking about an ability similar to Hanzoā€™s leap where itā€™s just a really quick side juke and itā€™s on a cooldown, so it wouldnā€™t really be that oppressive even at lower ranks.

Exactly what Iā€™m suggesting.

At upper ranks.

At lower they have trouble hitting her now, making her even more op in lower will lead to more nerfs, which is why you need to avoid changes which are stronger at lower ranks than at higher ones.

Which sideways Dodge most certainly does.

It is the reverse of what you need, because it makes her so much stronger in the ranks where they are having trouble hitting their shots now.

Upper ranks will barely notice it.

They are hitting faster moving targets already.

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Do D.va and Sombra really have that much trouble?

Iā€™d like to see Pharahs health changed into unhealable shields. That way pharmercy doesnt ruin the game at low levels, but pharah is still able to stay active in the fight and not have to slowly retreat for health packs any time she takes moderate damage.

She would be much easier to balance.

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Are you seriously suggesting that low ranks didnā€™t have more of an issue with pharah?

To try to push this through?

She is played at low ranks BECAUSE they have this issue.

They did. But now D.va boosters are on a 4sec cooldown, and youā€™re airborne for about 3sec.

And Sombra buff means picking Sombra and playing her like a Soldier 76 almost is a reasonable playstyle.

Iā€™ve played in bronze and silver. Iā€™ve climbed over time and have taken multiple accounts out of silver, so I do know how it goes down there.

People can hit Pharah down there. Sheā€™s not hard to hit. It isnā€™t that they canā€™t hit her so much as it is that they choose not to. They either donā€™t look up or just choose to stay on Junkrat and Reaper and not swap. Thatā€™s bronze. Then in silver, youā€™ll have people swap but when 76 is being ignored by his healers, itā€™s very easy to kill him before he can kill you.

So itā€™s not that they canā€™t hit Pharah so much as it is that they just have no coordination or teamwork or desire to actually counter. When they do, Pharah has the same issue down there she has in higher ranks.

You are suggesting a buff which will effect low ranks more than upper ones, WHILE trying to get her a pick rate in upper ranks, that will end super badly.

It is like that youā€™re guy saying adding armor will make her less dependant on Mercy, where it will have the reverse effect.

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You could say that about just about any buff to any hero.

No seriously, you can nerf parts of the kit which is mostly used in low ranks and buff the parts which are mostly used in high ranks.

Self concussion isnā€™t used in low ranks. So you can buff the hell out of it, without effecting low ranked play.

You can make her rockets have less splash and have faster travel time, which means high ranked players will get more direct hits, and low ranked players wonā€™t get as much from a miss.

You can absolutely buff / nerf for particular ranks ESPECIALLY with pharah.