🚀 Let's Have A Rational Discussion About Pharah

You are suggesting a buff which will effect low ranks more than upper ones, WHILE trying to get her a pick rate in upper ranks, that will end super badly.

It is like that you’re guy saying adding armor will make her less dependant on Mercy, where it will have the reverse effect.

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You could say that about just about any buff to any hero.

No seriously, you can nerf parts of the kit which is mostly used in low ranks and buff the parts which are mostly used in high ranks.

Self concussion isn’t used in low ranks. So you can buff the hell out of it, without effecting low ranked play.

You can make her rockets have less splash and have faster travel time, which means high ranked players will get more direct hits, and low ranked players won’t get as much from a miss.

You can absolutely buff / nerf for particular ranks ESPECIALLY with pharah.


So give her a buff that scales with the things that are strong in high tier, and weak in low tier.

Like teamwork.

Or mobility.

She even looks clunky sometimes, like when you have that problem where you’re just suuuuuuper low on fuel and you have like 2 seconds left on your boost and you start zig-zagging on your way downward it just looks so pitiful lol.

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Mercy should not be an excuse to not buff Pharra, and vice versa. People need to get over Pharmercy, it’s only decent in gold and below.

When pharmercy is as easy as it is to shut down, it shouldn’t be a reason for Pharra to not get the buffs she deserves.

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I’d argue that there’s a metric ton of anti-pharah buffs, so that buffing Pharah and buffing Mercy should be fine. Including the no-aim options of D.va and Sombra.

And for console, just reduce the explosion radius even more.

Mobility has the reverse issue, people in upper ranks can hit moving targets well.

You COULD put the sideways jump you want, BUT, you would have to make it take a lot of fuel, so that in higher ranks, they can use it when they need it, but in lower ranks, the effect would be knocking you out of the sky.

Personally, I’d buff the living hell out of self concussion, because that gives her the extra mobility, BUT it isn’t used in lower ranks.

A purely upper rank buff.

Actually, I quite think so.

Note how Lucio and rein changes only occurred once the synergy was cut.

Same for reaper with Ana.

As long as those synergy lines are rigid, so are the kits.

Pharmercy needs the lifeline cut

God tell me about it.

It’s literally like watching a cartoon character ride around in an ACME rocket pack that’s sputtering before it explodes

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I thought this was good but honestly she needs shields like symmetra and zen. 100 shields and 10p health or go as far as 150 shields 100 health for 250 hp.

As a pharah main since S3, with close to 400 hours, she needs survival buffs. I want to see basic buffs changes like lower cd on both jet and conc blast to 6 secs. Possible movement speed for flight. Rework her ult or give nice buffs to it so it wont be a suicide ult or you get defense matrixed killed mid ult. Add burst of shields when she ults or able to cancel ult like mccree. Or just have able to move around while ulting so she isnt stationary.

It’s sad and frustrating that pharah has to stay in this state. If they have to nerf pharamercy I would nerf the heals and dmg boost mercy does to only her. I wouldnt care! I want buffs to pharah! It’s been long overdue. Soldier just got a buff for crying out loud!


How about giving it a 6 sec cooldown, down from 9, and you can manually detonate it by pressing the button a second time?

Then it would be used by low ranks to boop people off the map a lot. You COULD lower the cost if you only use it on yourself.

I’d however, just massively up the self boop effect to REALLY push her about.

The manual detonation would be bad, since it would then be used by the lower ranks, and you lose the defining trait.

If it’s too good for boops, could lower the explosion radius

That you could, AND it would make it stronger for people who can aim better, you would still have to make it stronger for self use.

I’d be all over that change (without the manual detonation, because it HAS to be a high ranked thing)

The manual detention allows for some really clutch “skillshot boops”.

Not to mention, for jukes in the sky, without a nearby wall.

IMO the issue isn’t so much that they can’t hit her, it’s that they can’t kill or scare off the mercy that’s attached to her.

In most cases, killing the healer is a reasonable response to a threat that won’t die. That doesn’t work with Pharmecy in the sub-diamond area because airborne and hidden-from-sightlines Mercy is so much harder to hit than Pharah.

I personally think that making Mercy easier to hit while airborne would open the door for Pharah buffs, at least in the low/mid bracket.

The Pharah situation is not complicated, she needs more ground time. Period.

The nature of her “oppressiveness” stems from the fact that she doesn’t even have to walk on the ground like the rest of the pleb cast, thus a Mercy indefinitely flying with her further cements that advantage. She needs a rework to her mobility, one that introduces more landing time in exchange for faster movement when she does take flight.

My guess is this is precisely why she has seen no changes. Neither the devs nor the Pharah players are willing to sacrifice Pharah’s unique endless flight mechanic.

So how about delayong Mercy self-heal longer to activate when hovering?

Say 3-5 sec while hovering or GA, and 1sec while grounded.

Neatly solves the PharMercy issue by forcing a grounding eventually.

Also by nerfing Mercy in a way that specifically targets PharMercy, it opens Mercy up for buffs.

But it opens it up for low ranked play, which is the issue, it NEEDS to be high skill to use, or you have made her way stronger in the low ranks, and she will have to be nerfed in ways you don’t want.

Self Concussion is good to buff BECAUSE it is to hard to use in low ranks. Make it easy, and you lose the goodness from it, make it so you can fly WAY back there, and spam the bad lads, and STILL be able to use it easily, and it will be used constantly by the low ranks all of the time.

It’s requirement to be next to a structure is fine for high ranks, since they are ALREADY there.

I would rate the chances of major Mercy changes as low to nill. Like Sombra getting average win rate levels of unlikely.

We should stay in the realms of reality here.