Let's fix Ashe, she needs buffs


  • Movement speed is no longer slowed while she is scoped it

Alexis Comments: This change should help Ashe have an easier time dueling heroes such as Widowmaker and Hanzo as she is a very predictable shot when she is scoped it


  • Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds

Alexis Comments: This will allow Ashe too take the high ground more often


  • if BOB is nano boosted he will stay in play while the nano is in effect, even if his time is expired
  • BOB will focus whatever target Ashe is shooting at, like a turret
  • Damage decreased to 12 damage per bullet (from 14)
  • if BOB is CC’D in anyway that prevents him from shooting he is inactive for 4 seconds MAX, regardless of the normal duration

Alexis Comments: BOB is not a very good ult, it does alright damage but its extremely easy to avoid him by sleeping him, hacking him, booping him ect. These changes will help make BOB less of a joke in the higher ranks while making it not as strong in the lower tiers

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Thats a very significant damage nerf, may I ask why? It sounds to me like an overall Bob nerf.

the goal is so he can stay in play longer, he shoots pretty fast you gotta remember that, maybe 12 would be better?

Can you tell me why Ashe needs buffs when her pickrate and win rate are good?


Ashe 2% pickrate, 50% winrate. these are mainly changes for BOB anyway cuz hes a bad ult

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I mean these changes are fine by me whatever, just seems like she is well balanced at the moment. Thought I wouldn’t reduce coach gun. Do not forget your own problems with widow, long range characters need mobility weaknesses.

Most hitscans have bad ults that are easily avoided. At it’s core, hitscans don’t rely on ults for kill confirms, at least not as much as other projectile heroes.

she is OK, only because a hero is not Meta, it doesn’t mean that hero needs a buff. no buff or nerf need at the moment.

Fix her inconsistent ADS fire. There are ghosts bullets on it because some of the shots don’t connect even if your reticle was on the target.

I feel she is fine tbh. Any extra buff and she will be a bit OP.

2% seems fine for DPS.

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do you have a link to all the patch notes?


these are just bug fixes a QoL stuff, where is the hero balancing?


She absolutely does not need a buff, she needs a meta shift

All she needs is to reload two bullets at a time instead of one.

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Can we please not break the only well-balanced hero release we’ve had so far?
She’s the only one who isn’t too weak or overbearing to play against, nothing really extreme about her kit either. Her main issue is the fact that why play her when you can just go Widowmaker, which applies to practically every hitscan these days.


Ohhh this is the GM player all the mercy mains touted as their reliable source for everything right and wrong with the game, Ashe isn’t bad, goats is just good, I don’t see you calling for tracer and genji buffs, because we all know they aren’t bad, just like Ashe