Let's compare Ana and Mercy as main healers

Or, people know how to counter her in Grandmaster a lot easier than they do Mercy.

Ana’s problem has always been consistency & reliability.

Just because an Ana player can heal 15k for a match, doesn’t mean she can do it consistently.

Even the best Ana players in the world don’t average 15k heals with Ana.


How has everyone failed to mention Anti Heal?

I know Ana isn’t the best right now but don’t down play Anti, it’s one of the most powerful status effects in the game and one of Ana’s best utilities.

Honestly Mercy started overshadowing Ana the second they reworked her and made Resurrect a regular ability when they did that Resurrect officially became the most powerful regular ability and Biotic Grenades Anti effect is 2nd now.

Now I’m not saying Resurrect should be removed or nerfed but I do think it should be an ult again.

Also, Ana could still use more QoL changes but I appreciate Blizzard trying to make her a little bit better right now with the last patch changes.

No one is forcing you to read or comment in this post. Clearly you have enough interest in the issue to do so…

Way to make those numbers seem way worse than they really are. What you are saying is Ana is at 11.4k, while Mercy and Moira are at 12.8 and 12.5. The gap is smaller looking up than it is looking down.

It’s no secret that the only real reason anyone picks Ana (besides to flirt with Rein) is because the grenade. Nerf the grenade, buff the player in it’s place.

Because Ana’s synergy is low with the roster?

Because Ana has next to no self-preservation?

Because she lack the ability to get INTO said positions to avoid her LoS being obstructed?

Yes Mercy is easy to pick up.

She easily synergizes with that largest number of heroes.

But she’s heavily reliant on her team. That insane mobility? It’s good but she NEEDS to have a teammate to use it.

Rez as an ability has had Mercy Mains screaming into the void about it being a really DUMB MOVE by Blizz. Pointing out that as an E ability compared to the others is laughable.

Her ult’s AoE is 10 meters, not the entire battlefield. I’ve seen Mercy players complain that it’s too safe and removes her from any danger.

Mercy is picked more because of her survivability and the fact that she now works well in nearly any comp.

Ana DOES need more love and looking at. She’s suppose to be a good counter for Mercy with her Gnade.

Maybe Blizz should look into that more.

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Zenyatta is at 8k healing. Ana is 9.7k.

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Then I misunderstood. My apologies.

It’s all good.

20 characters

Is it skillfull to handicap yourself?
I think no.
Part of skill is making the right decision.
9/10 times Mercy is the right decision.

In the world where Mercy had Ressurect as an Ultimate, of course.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Why has every buff Ana post have to be an attack on Mercy? We all agree ana is and has needed some attention for a good while now, but your whole attitude stinks, yes we get it, Ana is harder to pick up and play then mercy, that does not mean she should be universally better then Mercy in every way which your OP implies, thats not how game balance works or has ever worked.

You would gain allot more goodwill for your cause if you stopped attacking other people.


You are absolutely right, I wasn’t force to read nor comment, I took upon myself to read this thread, which is why I comment what I comment.

All you are doing as of right now is complaining. Complaining about an already known issue, complaining about a issue without giving suggestion on how to fix the KNOWN ISSUE.

This is a very poorly constructed thread that will receive negative feedback, because people will pre-assume that this is an complaining thread. You are the one that create this thread to the public, and now you will receive a vast majority diverse opinions. If you can’t take the feedback, then the forums is not for you my friend.

Again, what are your suggestion on how to fix this already known issue?

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Thread is over, this thread is now about hot pockets.

No. It’s about Lean pockets.

because ana got more options that to just heal

if you want to just heal you can do that and get tons of heals but you’re not playing ana to her fullest potential if you do so

those best players are playing ana correctly and doesn’t just heal all the time

It’s easy to heal as Mercy.
But what’s difficult about her?

You know all those aim bros who like to insult people and get really arrogant about their skill level?

Yeah, my job as Mercy is to FLY AROUND THEM trying to heal my team while people shoot their guns at me.
I have direct interaction with the “sacred aim mechanics,” but because I’m on the receiving end of “godly aim,” and not dying to it, I’m on a skilless hero?


Mercy exists in direct collection to the enemy DPS.
Her job is to not die to them while keeping you alive.
If you think it’s easy, do it.

I’ll show you how easy it is to play Pharah and Tracer right, while you’re feeding as Mercy because you have no idea how to position on a hero people actually want to kill.


Every game I have with an Ana, she is terrible and not helpful for the team comp. I hate Ana mains more than Ana herself, because she’s very situational and precise, yet people think she can be played on maps like Temple of Anubis and Horizon.

Agreed, I understand Ana players feeling slighted that Mercy requires less skill yet having Mercy outshine her, but then again, hatting on the hero or the people who main her isn’t going to resolve the issue with Ana.

The problem is that Ana NEEDS BUFFS, not that Mercy needs nerfs. Mercy was actually WORSE than Ana before the rework, so unless you’re also vouching that she get a Revert (which isn’t guaranteed right now), she’s not getting any more nerfs.

As Jeff has stated himself:

Take your problems up with him regarding Ana and get her a rework or a viable buff instead of trying to drag Mercy down to her level.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I say give Ana a passive that heals herself 25-30 hp for everytime she shoot an ally, and maybe, MAYBE, buff her bionade to 60% heal.

You cannot solely fall back on Ana’s utility as that is also too inconsistent to rely on.

The problem with Ana is that everything in her kit is horribly inconsistent and her self-sustain is next-to-none.

When half of your options besides healing can be negated by barriers and map design…of course everyone is going to be reliable.

…and that’s not factoring in the woeful ult that is Nano Boost.

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