Let's compare Ana and Mercy as main healers

I don’t believe you’re looking to discuss questions just by how you compared both chars. You go into greater detail on how abilities are used and their negatives but don’t do the same for mercy.

-Hold right or left click on target which puts in the front line when healing tanks (dangerous)
-a rez ability that leaves you completely immobile for 2 sec
-ult requires your team to clump up fairly close to get full affect and puts you in danger of enemy fire if you fly to high making it a double edge sword

That kinda thing


bc top players have the skill required to be effective with ana? My point was that ana has a high skill cap while mercy is brain-dead easy

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To be fair, Ana doesn’t become a main healer till Masters.

If you look at her healing output per rank, she’s an off healer till masters, then she starts being a main healer.

The issue is so many people rely on Mercy being both easy and good to keep their rank. If you changed this, then like 70% of the game’s support mains would go on strike and start learning Winston instead. Kappa


You are totally wrong.


That’s fair, I could have also added ult tracking to the list as every hero requires that skill.

How does flying too high put you in danger of enemy fire? If someone is trying to hit a valking mercy who is almost at the sky box, they are wasting their time.

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too true (20 characters)

I wouldn’t really call Ana a main healer since even Lucio can beat her on average healing.


Ana used to be the go-to main healer which is why I still consider her as one.

“Long range heals!” .

It will be strong when it pierce barriers. Right now I play Ana behind of my tanks and I try to survive.

About Mercy: she’s fine. Ana is not…


its easy to heal as mercy, therefor she is easy and she is good because she is easy. what dont you get? Make mercys heal a skillshot and let her not self heal (obliviously they’ll never do this but this is a way for them to make her require more skill)

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How does this post help Ana in the slightest?

I swear…do any of you guys actually want to see Ana be improved or do you just want to use her as an excuse to nerf all of the other Supports.

We’ve been through the song and dance before.

Mercy is objectively and statistically s better Support than Ana.

However, is this the fault of Mercy or Ana herself?

How about we actually lobby for Ana to get some forms of change or improvements (outside of number changes) instead of whining about all of the other Supports?

…or are we just going to sit down and say “Ana is fine and then try to get Mercy nerfed anyway?


nah, Im ok at best and Mercy is much harder to be great at with than Ana. Mercys playstyle is completely foreign to me and thus I bomb on her while Ana’s mechanics are very familure and she can defend herself much better then Mercy can.

Good for you if you find mercy easy to play with but it’s good for me that I find Ana to play with. Don’t assume your experience is universal or that the same reasons for your experience apply to everyone.

Nothing would have changed in the OP if Ana had 200 HPS/DPS and Sleepdart had 5 seconds cooldown. Which shows how pointless it is.

thats because the ana player is dpsing a lot

i’ve gotten 15k with ana just by focusing on healing and using nade just to heal the tanks

if you truly wanna heal as much you can do that but that’s boring

I am not using this as an excuse to nerf mercy, though buffing ana could lead to power creep. I’m not a balance expert, I just wish blizz would try some things out on PTR at least.

then you’re in the minority. Mercy is the most braindead hero lol. She requires no skill yet can be extremely effective.

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you can’t pretend like Ana is easier then Mercy. Mercy is objectively a better hero then ana due to her being easier/more effective with a low skill requirement. The proof is in the stats of those who play these heroes


The only thing that Ana beats Mercy on is average Elim and damage, which is normal since Mercy isn’t really known to do dps except coughNeptunocough but what I find really annoying is another support beats her in every stats. Moira. She can heals over an average of 10k and she average more damage than Ana and she has more mobility than her.

Like what the heck does Ana have over Moira besides long range healing and anti heal?

I am just confused as why do you need to compare the two, when we already know the comparison?

Other then that, list some suggestion that may potential help improve Ana.

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