Let's compare Ana and Mercy as main healers

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because ana got more options that to just heal

if you want to just heal you can do that and get tons of heals but you’re not playing ana to her fullest potential if you do so

those best players are playing ana correctly and doesn’t just heal all the time

It’s easy to heal as Mercy.
But what’s difficult about her?

You know all those aim bros who like to insult people and get really arrogant about their skill level?

Yeah, my job as Mercy is to FLY AROUND THEM trying to heal my team while people shoot their guns at me.
I have direct interaction with the “sacred aim mechanics,” but because I’m on the receiving end of “godly aim,” and not dying to it, I’m on a skilless hero?


Mercy exists in direct collection to the enemy DPS.
Her job is to not die to them while keeping you alive.
If you think it’s easy, do it.

I’ll show you how easy it is to play Pharah and Tracer right, while you’re feeding as Mercy because you have no idea how to position on a hero people actually want to kill.


Every game I have with an Ana, she is terrible and not helpful for the team comp. I hate Ana mains more than Ana herself, because she’s very situational and precise, yet people think she can be played on maps like Temple of Anubis and Horizon.

Agreed, I understand Ana players feeling slighted that Mercy requires less skill yet having Mercy outshine her, but then again, hatting on the hero or the people who main her isn’t going to resolve the issue with Ana.

The problem is that Ana NEEDS BUFFS, not that Mercy needs nerfs. Mercy was actually WORSE than Ana before the rework, so unless you’re also vouching that she get a Revert (which isn’t guaranteed right now), she’s not getting any more nerfs.

As Jeff has stated himself:

Take your problems up with him regarding Ana and get her a rework or a viable buff instead of trying to drag Mercy down to her level.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I say give Ana a passive that heals herself 25-30 hp for everytime she shoot an ally, and maybe, MAYBE, buff her bionade to 60% heal.

You cannot solely fall back on Ana’s utility as that is also too inconsistent to rely on.

The problem with Ana is that everything in her kit is horribly inconsistent and her self-sustain is next-to-none.

When half of your options besides healing can be negated by barriers and map design…of course everyone is going to be reliable.

…and that’s not factoring in the woeful ult that is Nano Boost.

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correct i’m not saying she isnt lol. However if healer one tricks were more willing to sink time into learning a skillful hero perhaps ana could see a rise in winrate and popularity.

I half agree with you, the sleep dart is super inconsistant, the only inconsistant part of grenade is if its off cooldown or not as you probably already used it to heal from a stray junkrat bomb.

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Where are the aim bros?
Where are the chanters of the sacred mechanic?
Where are the purests?
Where are the shade giving DPS mains?
Isn’t Ana for you guys?

Why do Mercy players need to play Ana?
She was made for you lot.
Some of us are a little sick of going “pew pew” with guns.

They’re busy playing the skillful dmg dealers you know that lol. If someones all about playing the highskill heroes they’re off wanting to kill people not heal. Healers are for the more passive players so a high skill healer is’nt going to be picked as much by anyone who isnt one tricking healers already. The problem again is that the one tricking healers are one tricking mercy/moira/lucio aka easy heroes as oppose to ana a high skill hero.

The keyword is consistent. Ana is the only support that is not consistent with her role.

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Ana I think is suppose to have more of a reward for playing her properly (although Im not 100% sure). Out of the few times I played her (on comp at least), she can heal a more effectively, and has nano boost, which is (though not great), is pretty fun to use. Mercy on the other hand, is easy to pick up, though is fairly boring to play, post nerf.

Yeah, she isn’t even niche, assuming you can form a team around her and the other team can’t really target her, and you’re landing all your shots, she still isn’t that good.

also there is many high skill dmg dealers for them to pick from. Theres only one high skill healer.

There are very few one trick healers, there are very few healers.

If you’re reading this and you’re a DPS player that likes to give shade to Mercy players for being brainless;
Play Ana.

Make an actual difference in your games.

at least those dps guys play high skill heroes (most likely). The healer mains are the ones who need to be more flexible in picking the highskill heroes bc they’re used to being a brain dead mercy or lucio.

Mercy can heal more effective, Ana can have higher spikes of output.

With godlike aim Ana can heal everyone while Mercy is flying towards them.

The more effective and reliable healer is Mercy. Ana has a much higher potential, and isn’t expected to hit it all the time.

Ana has higher spikes, but also has to reload, so there is literally time where you just watch your team mates die.