Let's Assume Reaper and Mei are good now

Reaper got some pretty sizable buffs to Wraith Form, and Mei is much more effective in a teamfight. Let’s assume for a moment that they are balanced.

Who is left that needs changes?

Hanzo’s rework is on the horizon, with Symmetra and Torbjorn changes hopefully coming this summer, so they’re being handled.

Bastion is the first one to come to mind. His mini-rework gave him a few short minutes of fame, but now he’s basically only seen on Junkertown with an Orisa shield in front of him. I’d love to see some changes that make him more self-sufficient without making him irremovable if the team decides to bunker around him.

Ana could use some love. I don’t think she’s in a horrifically terrible spot, but Moira and Mercy do more healing without needing a babysitter. Some QoL changes like nearly instant healing rounds and/or more ammo might be all she needs.

Doomfist has received bugfix after bugfix. I wonder if he’s competing with D.Va for “buggiest hero”. He’s really, really close to being overpowered, though. Perhaps a small damage resist while his abilities are active would be in order. It would make him a bit tankier while charging his punch or flying in with a slam.

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Buffing tanks a little would be nice, dealing with all the mobility in the meta is hard work and now we have Reaper and Mei to deal with. Nothing huge, maybe just curve Reins shields so he can’t be hit from all angles, or make Orisa move more quickly while shooting so she can actually do something while re-positioning.

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I think Ana is pretty important to buff, being a support and all. An Ana buff can make Rein, Zarya, and Hog more viable by extension.
Rein would be significant to buff so he’d be a bit more applicable, but like I said earlier an Ana buff would indirectly help him a bit.

I think those are the two heroes whose buffs would most significantly spice up the meta. Metas are defined by tanks and supports.


Reinhardt needs to be on this list.

Orisa too.

People are gonna jump down my throat for this, but… Doomfist is fine now. He doesn’t need anything, and he certainly doesn’t need to be tankier.

Edit: Doomfist just needs a little more bug fixes, but I wouldn’t call that “needing a buff”.


Definitely Reinhardt, Ana, Torb, Symmetra and Bastion.

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I think normal walk speed with shield should be a basic thing, to have.


Reinhardt, Bastion and Torb are the top three. Interested to see where they go with Symmetra.


A la the worst hero in the game where even despite being in a meta on 1 map is the least picked hero in the game.

This thread discusses what I want done to him:


  • less spread
  • headshots back on sentry
  • 30/35% IC on tank
  • Golden Bastion Cannon

Then he’s perfect.


Reinhardt and Ana are fine as they are, they’re just countered by current dive too hard.
Torb and Symm are on the way.
Bastion, McCree and Tracer needs some reworks.
Both Bastion and McCree have mega-threads with relevant posts.
Tracer needs shorter fall-off range IMO.

Torb, Symm, Bastion, maybe McCree.

Sombra just needs bug fixes.

Yes i hope so Im glad Sym, Torb and Hanzo are getting a rework also genji as well who I main I hope they think about Bastian in the near Future

Give ana hook to go on the roof + piercing healing shot + lower sleep cooldown … 5 minutes it’s done : we wait for years.

Eh, no? That would be brokenly OP.
Ana is fine, she just doesn’t fit dive cuz you can’t get any healing through.

Reaper is balanced now i think.
Mei i dont know.

Time for Reinhard, Ana, Torb, and Bastion

Some little buffs for each.
Reinhard: faster shield regeneration ( little more speed with shield active)

Torb: Turret starts at level 2; you can “throw” your turret (XX meter range) add turret auto regen (infight 5 hp/s out of combat 20 hp/s)
reduce torbs head box a little …

Bastion: reduce “his/her/its” hitbox a little and give him 30 % ic on sentry and tank mode. Reduce spread in sentry mode.

Ana: old 200 health Zero shield ; new 125 health and 75 shield;
Can heal through barriers (can NOT do any damage through barriers)
can shoot through full healed teammates.
Nano: additional health regeneration for her and the nanoed target.

No please, none of those changes would work.

can you say why ?

i think there is a realm its called PTR … :slight_smile:

Reinhard: more shields just makes dive even more effective.

Torb: Would be OP.

Bastion: You can’t make him more durable and twice as deadly.

Ana: Is fine as she is, she’s just countered by dive.
Healing thru barriers would make her to good.
Piercing shots would be too good.
Nano: Is already really good no changes needed.

than dive is the problem?
so nerf all dive heroes ?

Imo Reaper still needs some changes, a tit for tat, Wraith cancell should be a bit more telegraphed Not vulnurable, just easier to see and Shadow Step should be less telegrahped not invulnerable, just harder to see and some targeting QOL…

Mei i really dont know, tho if i had to guess she could still use some small buffs, as in her cryo healing and Wall cooldown or Ultimate charge, something that makes her less niche.

As for the others… Hanzo is on the way i’m excited, Rein prolly needs some looking at, specially his matchup with Briguitte and maybe knockbacks? Orisa might need some small tuning, Zarya as well, too situational, Hog is prolly fine, tho i would also like to see a small nerf to his Take a Breather’s movement speed while increasing his effectiveness somewhere else, prolly on the hook, Symm is on the horizon, who knows, Torb as well, Bastion needs some love, probably an new E ability, McCree might need a small buff to his roll, Tracer probably needs to charge her bomb slower or the bomb itself deals less damage, Doomfist still needs some QOL buf fixes and what not, maybe a slight increase on his passive’s effectiveness, Pharah is a weird one, probably needs a small rework, less flying, more something else probably, Sombra is a weird one idk, Ana is in need of some buffs, idk where, Junkrat is another weird one, maybe a slight increase on ultimate charge required, Mercy might need some tweaks but dont quote me on that…
And thats that.

In my opinion;
McCree needs Fan the hammer reworked, in its current state it’s useless.
Dead eye needs a rework or scrap for another ult.
Flashbang should have CD reduced to be inline with other abilities, 8 sec.
Roll needs something more or added range.
Tracer if she needs a change it might be some earlier damge drop off.
Doomfist i think he might be okay as soon as dive starts going down in usage. Pharah is strong as she is.
Sombra is strong too, 2 sec fail CD might be too much tho.
Ana is fine as long as you don’t play against dive.
Junkrat is good at what he’s supposed too, tire might need more charge time.
I won’t quote you on Mercy :slight_smile:

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