Let's Assume Reaper and Mei are good now

McCree is in a descent spot right now tbh OTHER than the fact Dive completely shuts him down, wich should not be the case imo, he should really get his FTH buffed to at least 50 damage per shot, Roll should dispell him and be on a 6 s cooldown/ have 2 more meters on range, i suppose Flashbang’s cooldown could get looked at somewhat, tho i fear that might be too much, unless he lost bodyshot damage in return…

How early could you go tho…

I dont know about that… she seems so… easy to counter, specially when you have a descent Widowmaker, problem i see with her is that shes pretty all or nothing, some maps shes ridiculously hard to deal with, tho most others shes dead weight most of the time compared to a Gengu or Soldier, what have you.

Sombra is somewhat strong, tho i fear her design is a bit too complex for non-pro play and indeed a small damage-threshold 10-14 on hack/stealth interrupt wouldnt be too big a buff, tho would definetly help her consistency considering so many 1 damage spaming D.vas on the game…

Wich is never… unfortunately, her niche is too limited imo or too weak, for the skill/risk she takes.


You just did :rage:

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But there’s still no reason to play McCree over Soldier…
I only do it because it’s fun.

Soldiers kit is so much more cohesive and useful, which is why i think they should do something.

Sure, Widow is a good hard counter, but she in turn gets quite countered by maps. I think thats fair, i don’t think all heroes should be equally viable on all maps.

Yeah, what they could, and in IMO should have done was remove either the heal or damage from the nade and made the one that stayed twice as powerful.

I don’t care who they change ,just PLEASE buff mccree ,if you pick him without a pocket mercy you’re literally holding up a sign that asks for violent death.


Nah, it’s usually okay as long as you don’t have a stupid off-tank that won’t peel for you.
But they shouldn’t need to…

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This is exactly the problem.

Why does a DPS need more babysitting than a mercy to be even remotely effective ?

He has a NEGATIVE winrate in masters for christ sake ,something is wrong here.

And for some reason, the higher the rank is ,the worse mccree’s winrate compared to other heroes is ,which is bizarre considering he’s supposed to be a high skill hero, the only hero with a winrate worse than him in masters and GM is hanzo

Well the thing is, he’s had everything in his kit consistantly nerfed while other strong DPS are mostly untouched and the newer heroes get lots of bloated abilities.

FtH was too strong against tanks, lets make it useless.

Dead eye was too good for zoning with the 50% return, nerfed to a reload in current balance.

Combat roll has always been bad, except in conjunction with the OP FtH.

The only thing you have are strong M1 with good aim and a Flashbang every 10 seconds, of course you won’t be as good as the top 3 dps heroes that have all their abilities being useful in different situations.

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Work on the way:

Need buffs:
McCree (small one)

Need MINOR nerfs:
possibly Brigitte but at the very least not until in comp

Need reworks:

Need rebalancing (both nerfs and buffs):