you really shouldn’t base anything on real world physics since the game isn’t balanced around it tbh
how could you forgot Defense Matrix ! How could you !
Not to mention Mei’s ice wall. It’s not exactly a counter, but it’s really nice when a friendly Mei raises the wall beneath an enemy Zarya’s ult, so you can actually dodge some bullets (and, sometimes, even avoid Hanzo’s ult).
I’ve recently started trying Sym out again, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve already found myself questioning the point of the teleporter. It can’t be used to reliably disengage because the deployment time takes so long. It really needs to be reduced.
But this is one of the coolest combos!
Indeed, I feel that with most characters. But I believe health pool is high because deployment time is high. If deployment was faster, probably the health could be reduced a little because it would account for faster enemy reflexes, and people would exit the portal sooner anyway.
Even if it’s not for grav.
Her lvl3 beam is powerfull but the chances of punishment is too high when you farm it. She should be able to disengage.
Having a short range, tracking style gun makes you move in a predictable way and even more when you chase someone.
In comparison to Zarya (self bubble and health pool), Tracer (blinks and recall) and Mei (Cryo and wall), Symmettra can set up her TP to have a gateaway to bad situations but when she needs it, TP despawned, got destroyed or is to far from you…
TP deployment speed increased is the last thing she needs to be a viable pick.
And instead of a increasing the interact radius I would prefer to have the spawn TP slightly under her.
Ho! And a last wish, being able to teleport souls would be a nice touch.
They should just allow the teleporter to be sucked into a grav. This guarantees it’s in user range.
I’m also thinking since the Sym 3.0 rework that these buffs are needed. More range of the teleporter (distance and interact radius) and much more important: faster deployment. Sym counts as an offense Hero now so she should not feel like a slow supporter anymore. Faster tele deployment would allow some nice infight tricks I’m sure.
Pretty sure I “forgot” many more, I just couldn’t be bothered listing them all.
Throwback to when TP was actually supposed to be a grav counter and new Sym was supposed to be “OP”. Good times.