Let the highest Rank be the group level

that’s why PBSR would have to be removed to publish the MMR formula. You can’t fudge a win. So publish the MMR formula

Wait, did I complain about incorrect numbers? My topic is that a dia can easily carry a gold mercy, cause she didn’t needed that much skill, in a plat game. To make this fairer she gets put in a dia game like everyother comp game does.

Depends if the golds listen to the diamond.

If the diamond makes calls to group up, dry push, who to counter, etc, the golds’ bad game sense won’t matter. The diamond is taking care of that for them.

In quickplay I was with 4 bronze friends. We got wrecked by a gold 5 stack. Next game we faced them again. This time I told everybody exactly when to attack, retreat, etc. Feeding was almost zero. We beat them. (Enemy likely not try harding, but we did far better than when my team fed 1v6 all game).

I’m not sure you read my replies…

So, you’re asking for them to eliminate any actual formula for MMR gains and losses, and then publish it? So… Change it fundamentally, and then tell you that you gain 0.0032 MMR for a win, and 0.0032 MMR for a loss.

This would then eliminate any ability they have to move players quickly to the MMR that they should have based upon huge amounts of statistical data.

Also, as I’ve argued in the past, the MMR gain / loss calculation is probably not even an arbitrary formula. It’s probably a statistical machine learning model that adjusts itself continuously, feeding actual match data back through after an MMR adjustment to validate whether the adjustments were correct a very high percentage of the time.

So, not only are all of your arguments invalid (based on incorrect appeals to the rules of physical sports games being known), what you are asking for is conflicting with itself. You can either eliminate the “formula” for MMR gains and losses, and publish that, or just accept that it’s a complicated statistical model that probably doesn’t have a mathematical calculation that can be written in a way we can understand it anyway.

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I’ve told him this before but he doesn’t care - he only wants to hear people agree with him. I don’t know how he constantly seems to get away with derailing, trolling, and spam.

LOL That’s like trying to turn a player into a smarter player in one game gl. The harsh reality is so many are stuck in lower ranks because of their inability to learn and discipline themselves to get better by catching their own mistakes. If these players correct their errors they deserve to climb and that’s how ladder works

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We’re talking about a smarter and better player boosting their friends.

All the lower tier players have to do is listen to the higher ranked player in the game.

When they’re on their own they may just go back to being as clueless as they were before.

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this guy suggests keeping the skill system transparent. I’m going to believe him over you.

But some do and some don’t as I said if it was just easy to absorb and understand how to play better the majority of the player base wouldn’t be below diamond. I can agree though that the combined average Sr is broken when this theoretical duo doesn’t q together. The high player will climb more and the low player will drop more breaking the fabricated Sr gap.

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