Let the highest Rank be the group level

so that a dia can’t play with a gold in a plat game.


This might discourage boosting. But as long as groups get put against solos on a 1 to 1 not stacking odds against grouping think it would work well.

it would destroy boosting :slight_smile:

A diamond probably isn’t going to be hard carrying a gold player in a plat game. Get real.


I agree with this. Queueing within 500SR is much more balanced than 1000SR.

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I’ve seen it in low plat. Diamond Pharah with 2 golds. Utterly destroyed my team round 1. None of my 3 dps or Dva could deal with her. I switched to Dva round 2 which countered her. But then they went Genji round 3 and carried that as well.

They had 68% kp at match end.

Plat boosting silver in gold games super common as well.

he is doing it every single time. You will see taht, cause supporting is pretty easy, a gold mercy isn’T doing bad in a plat game.

And plats are equipped to handle a diamond. They’re not some unstoppable god in your game; they’re literally just a couple hundred SR above where you are currently. There are tons of people in plat who have touched diamond that you play with every day. Just because someone in your game is currently there doesn’t make them any better.

Diamonds don’t carry plat games.


they do, i have replays proofing that not only once.

there’s nothing wrong with 6 diamonds going against 6 bronzes, cuz the diamonds will win 1 sr if they win and the bronzes will win 1000sr for a win,

why don’t people ever see this? :frowning:

Cause it’s not working this way. It’s looking at the team sr, and the broncos make that lower.

and they also lower rewards for playing against them

its not that much different. :wink:

no it’s the perfect amount of difference. it’s not that much, it’s not that little, it’s perfect.

if a team is expected to win against another team two-thirds of the time, when the underdog wins, they’ll gain 150% SR had the game been a 50/50 chance.

so if 6 GMs won a game against 6 Bronzes (if the matchmaker allowed it) then the GMs would gain 0.001 SR and the Bronzes would loose 0.001 SR.

like I said the system is perfect and the win percentage determines the rewards.

now if you wanna talk about people who manipulate the SR system, that’s a different story

but it doesn’t work as soon as you have one dia and one gold. In the end result it 0 itself out, thats the intention behind it. And i want it to only look in a group for the dia SR, so it makes like 2 dias joined the waiting list.

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well if a team of 3 GMs and 3 Bronzes face off against a team 3 Masters and 3 Silvers, the odds should be 50/50

those ranks may not be exact, but I hope you see my point

It doesn’t work like that.

PBSR is on individual statistics, and if a bronze player is fighting diamond opponents, their personal statistics will be horrible, and they’ll probably lose more than the average 24 SR for the inevitable loss. There’s absolutely nothing to be gained by horribly imbalanced matches. In fact, the matchmaker will throw away the game if either team has less than a 40% chance of winning. (before even starting it)

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The change I advocate here is simple, for this calculation always take the sr of the groups highest players instead of the average.

A diamond can carry in a plat game, but it is not that difficult for plat players to use a couple brain cells and counter them. I played against a diamond Symmetra one trick once. I was playing Rein, and swapped to Winston to deal with them: completely nullified them.

In fact, I will go one step further and say as a plat, you SHOULD be able to go toe-to-toe with diamond players if even hope to climb. It’s not enough to play like a plat in a plat game to climb. You need to be playing one level above your rank if you want to climb.

So, long story short, no, just get better.

I hope that they’re weighing in the actual skill/performance difference between each tier on the ladder as well, not just the SR numbers themselves; that would just be … dumb