Let Mercy defend herself rezzing

Yeah dude Lucio and Ana were so bad before Mercy got reworked.


Why no one think what the reason is behinde the 1.5 sec rez.
To punish mid teamfight rez.
Rezz is now more for to start teamfight faster so your 6 man agian dont need to wait 10 sec more for that 6th guy.
And still it is possible to get a team fight rezz if u want dont do it on the front of enemy(team).
Do it in cover.

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i can tell sweetie. i can tell. moira’s mobility is extremely exploitable once it’s on cooldown. Valk literally works for me as an escape in 4200 on PC. So… I think it’ll work for bronze on PS4. Mercy can LITERALLY FLY TO HER TEAMMATES. And HEAL them. OR REZ them if they die. You also don’t play Mercy enough to know that her pistol has no fall off dmg so therefore she outranges Moira? Something stinks…

The PS4 really gives why you feel Moira is too strong away xoxo.

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Mercy can shoot with her Rez as soon as her self healing stops working while rezing and 2 seconds after or anytime she has her pistol out


To quote a wise man:

That’s why I said small buffs, like removing barriers blocking Ana/Moira from healing. Nerfing Mercy is not going to make a difference unless she becomes more gimped then Ana/Moira.

Just take Valk and put it as her E ability. She can fly freely for 5-10 seconds with 3-5% boost to healing/damage beams, cooldown can be 15-20 seconds that doesn’t start till animation is fully over and remove chain and self heal.

Res goes back to being the ult as mass res with balance tweaks. Make it smaller AoE and LoS, give Mercy damage reduction so she doesn’t sacrifice herself.

Yeah and mass res was easily countered but the community thought differently.

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the cute little healing valk brings can’t compete with the HELLA healing + HELLA damage that comes with coalescence.

that you have to aim for, and that isnt immediate or consistent like Mercy’s. Also, Moira can’t fade so she gets focused and she’'s done. You’re done for, sweetie. I just can’t argue with someone who thinks Moira’s ult is better than Valkyrie when Moira’s ult is the equivalent of pulse bomb. 60 hp/s/dmg boost to your WHOLE team while you have better flight than Pharah AND self regen AND ALL of your abilities are improved… And you think Moira’s ult is better? GIIIIIIIIIIIRL.

So yes, Mercy is OP? Thanks, now how do you suggest we nerf her?

Also, Mercy was reworked because Blizzard didn’t like Mercys hiding for Resurrect instead of healing her team, not because she was OP. She was bad.

Do your research sweetie… Moira’s 140 HPS requires aim and it can only target your entire team if they line up in front of you perfectly. Meanwhile, Valk can do 60 HPS to an entire team based on simply being around her and a 30% damage buff to 6 Allies for 15 seconds. You need to watch competitive games such as OWL or Top 500 streamers. Moira is a very niche pick for a reason.

But you were the one saying she was op tho…

She is OP. Mass Resurrect was bad.

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aiming isn’t hard, lmao. not sure why you brought that up. :yum: the facts are that moira’s ult outheals and outdamages mercy’s. it’s consistent, too, it’s not like your team is gonna run away when they hear your ult, we’re not in bronze, girl.

Yes, I know we’re not in Bronze. In fact, I know from experience in Master and low GM that Moira is not consistent. As to “aiming not being hard”, sweetie… try Aiming a one directional beam at 5 people doing different things. The facts are Mercy, has a higher pickrate and winrate for the past 6 months in all SRs and that’s the tea. :heart:

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you’re right girl, i know im not in bronze but idk bout you…
feel free to overbuff me :*
so explain to me why ANA has a higher pickrate and winrate than Moira in GM? what about MERCY? why is she still the highest picked hero? it’s been 6 months and mercy still has the highest pickrate. x_x. youre done sis

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mercy is literally the best support at the very least, and you want her buffed? :rofl:

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sis, if you think aiming’s hard then i could see why you think mercy’s better than moira. xoxo

oh yeah because Moira requires a lot of aim.

If this is your argument, how do you explain Mercy’s must-pick status in pro play?

For a Masters/Low GM Widow Main, I think aiming is quite harder than people think. Maybe on PS4 it’s easier to aim when enemies are walking in straight lines. If I can smurf in Plat as a mercy one trick and get POTG by pistoling down an entire team, than there’s a problem. Don’t come for my mindset when you play PS4 and think you’re on the same playing field. The game is completely different and x5 harder than you can imagine with a mouse and keyboard. You can keep your opinion but the numbers don’t lie sweaty, Moira is the lowest winrate and pickrate support in GM for the past week, month, three months, and 6 months and that’s just tea.