Let Mercy defend herself rezzing

It is absolutely crazy. Mercy does NOT need any buffs. You are reviving someone… Undoing a pick… EVERY 30 seconds AND you want a chance to defend yourself during it? I just cannot comprehend. Mercy is my most played hero so I have no bias against her but …

Mercy is not overpowered, she’s actually balanced. The problem is the other main healers need some buffs here and there.


“She is only considered the best because as long as she doesn’t have to aim her healing be honest.” You’re exactly right, her aim is consistent and essentially has no weakness. The fact you can’t get rez’s off is simply A) You’re out of position or B) The unluckiest player to download OW. Her rez’s even in Masters and GM are not that difficult to pull off if you’re playing correctly. The fact rez has no self-defense is promptly due to the fact it’s is The Most Powerful Single Ability In The Game.

Well that good for PC GAMERS but not for the thousands of people on consoles. I personally don’t have the money to buy one so I play on console why does that mean I should suffer because this game is “ pc only potential”

How about a rework that gives her a more interactive ultimate and an ability that helps her out during the mid-fight when no ultimates are in play.

WHAT??? WHAT GAME ARE WE PLAYING. Moira has ONE mobility ability that has a 6 second cooldown . Mercy has ANGEL bouncing GA on a 2 sec CD. Mercy has consistent 60 hps and will consistently outheal Ana/Lucio/Zen. She has damage boost. Moira is literally a short range healer… How does she have better range?
I don’t want to sound rude but I think your rank is really reflecting on your post right now. In GM, Moira is NOTHING compared to Mercy. Mercy is an absolute god of a healer right now. She’s got it all going on. Also, Mercy’s mobility makes her harder to kill than Moira lol… Moira gets focus fired and she’s done for but Mercy can get out of it with Valk or a good GA.


Please no more healing… We’re already in a triple support meta. We have no need for anymore absurd healing, especially when DPS are getting more buffs and getting harder to kill. The snowball of healing will not benefit the game as a whole.

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Better mobility? I hope you’re trolling. Mercy has GA and Valkyrie. she’s one of the most mobile characters in the game.

I have yet to come across a Moira beat me in heals. There’s a reason why mercy is still a must pick. Moira can’t compete and is not viable since the nerf/bug fix. She can’t keep a scattered team alive.

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Glad you feel that way I don’t want to fight with anyone here I am just putting this out because where this game is heading with so many new people coming in with knock backs stuns and you know they aren’t going to stop. In the future she just won’t be able to in the middle of team fights weither it is a safe place for not.

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Mercy is still a must pick on console and undoubtedly the strongest healer out of all of them she actually doesn’t need buffs or changes to help defend her self on console she’s a must pick in higher teirs.

Better ult? I’m afraid to burst your bubble but Mercy Valk is actually one of the make or breaks in a team fight if your SR is above Diamond. Moira has a lower winrate than Reaper and Sym pre-rework in GM. You’re quite delusional or straight up trolling if you believe Moira is better than Mercy bottom line cut and dry. xoxo


Idk how these sort of posts are not immediately removed by mods when it’s obvious trolling.

You are being respectful with your opinion and I can respect it but I just won’t stand for any ‘‘buff mercy’’ posts honestly. Mercy is and has been the best support since she got reworked. She was MANDATORY in Overwatch League. The highest level of play. A 1 star support. Was mandatory. As in, you don’t pick Mercy, you don’t win. You shouldn’t be able to revive someone in the middle of a fight and get away with it. It’s craaazy strong.

  1. Mercy’s healing isn’t on a resource. Her team can actually poke.
  2. LMFAO. Fade is on a 6 second cooldown and is way more exploitable than Guardian Angel.
  3. Damage Amp>>>>>>50dps and a useless Orb
  4. No, Guardian Angel has a range of 30, longer than Fade. And while both of their primary healing abilities are 15m, Moira’s is a projectile so it is harder to use at that distance. And no, Orb isn’t good. It is way too slow at a distance.
  5. OMEGALUL. Coalescence lasts 8 seconds, and does 70dps 140hps in a localized beam while making Moira slightly faster and giving her some regen, but it completely knocks out her abilities. Valkyrie lasts 15s, gives 60hps in an AoE or amps damage for the whole team by 30% while giving Mercy 50m beam, 60m Guardian Angel, literal flight and regen.

Moira doesn’t even have vertical mobility. And no, Mercy is not super easy to kill. If you can’t survive as Mercy, you’re a bad Mercy.

girl, chill. lmao.

moira’s moblity ability is better because it’s faster and she’s immune to damage. also, valk only works as an escape in low ranks, it’s slow as hell.

moira’s range is better because of her orbs (which can heal an entire team at once, mercy can’t relate). also, isn’t her primary fire about the same range as mercy’s? :thinking:

I don’t want to sound rude but I think your rank is really reflecting on your post right now.

i play on ps4. :heart:

how is her pistol gonna help her when she rez someone?

wouldn’t make a difference when someone is stopping you and would just look amusing for the one killing her

Yeah dude Lucio and Ana were so bad before Mercy got reworked.


Why no one think what the reason is behinde the 1.5 sec rez.
To punish mid teamfight rez.
Rezz is now more for to start teamfight faster so your 6 man agian dont need to wait 10 sec more for that 6th guy.
And still it is possible to get a team fight rezz if u want dont do it on the front of enemy(team).
Do it in cover.

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i can tell sweetie. i can tell. moira’s mobility is extremely exploitable once it’s on cooldown. Valk literally works for me as an escape in 4200 on PC. So… I think it’ll work for bronze on PS4. Mercy can LITERALLY FLY TO HER TEAMMATES. And HEAL them. OR REZ them if they die. You also don’t play Mercy enough to know that her pistol has no fall off dmg so therefore she outranges Moira? Something stinks…

The PS4 really gives why you feel Moira is too strong away xoxo.

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