Let me get this straight

Why would the sym need to switch? Because they are being countered? Why dont you focus the Winston that dives her? Or take out the Pharah that is tunneling the sym? Or maybe the team isn’t pushing, that isn’t her fault. She is spamming orbs forcing the team to either feed her ult, or forcing them back. Sym is constantly doing all she can, how about the team support her?

I never even use report system because it literally takes too much effort, for little to no results.

The one thing that does grind my gear are KB+M on console. :broken_heart:

Yes, but why would you be upset with a support main, right?oh yeah…

I think you’re making incorrect assumption at this point.

Blockquote This right here is the problem, you don’t. Because before the game even started you decided to invalidate the one trick, so instead of actually being able to accurately analyze contributions you:
Ignore all your mistakes (something most people probably do anyway)
Ignore or willingly overlook your team’s mistakes
Go out of your way to look for any mistakes the one trick may have made to justify your inevitable loss.

I don’t believe I stated that I viewed this situation as a lost cause just because someone instalocked a possibly unviable character (only after it could have been prevented). Did I ever say I ignore my mistakes as long as me and the other 4 members are trying EVERYTHING in our capabilities (including every viable tactic) to ensure victory? If that was the case, couldn’t said mistake apply to instalocking a Sym in an unorthodox condition (this one being EASILY preventable)?

The same applies to the rest of my team.

The only mistake I will see in the one trick after the game has ended is that a loss was preventable if this mistake I addressed earlier was taken into consideration. Could other mistakes contribute to it to? Sure.

But it seems that what you’re implying is to focus my attention on the tip of the iceburg (me, my team… Seagul, Seaguls 3 stack) to do what we can to overcome the situation when there’s a much deeper problem that I’m seeing, as well as a host of my fellow OW friends are experiencing in the competitive scene.

You did the second you took issue with a one trick due to their hero choice at the start of the game, whether or not you consciously take issue with it is irrelevant, subconsciously you have your excuse to lose and that’s what’s important.

Have you considered the one trick is doing the same? Even if they’re being countered overcoming those counters is a part of being a one trick, they’re still likely to preform better on that hero than any other not matter how optimal you may consider them to be.

This is operating off of the assumption the one trick isn’t taking issue with everyone’s hero choices and demanding they switch, I know there are some out there who do but I think the vast majority or one tricks have enough experience to not care who plays what. Regardless of the possibility of them making those same assumptions, the point here is that you can’t use those false assumptions you’re making to justify abusing the report system.

I’m telling you to focus your attention to the very root of the problem while what you are currently doing is focusing on the tip, one tricks aren’t the reason you lose your games, it’s your attitude and how you convey that to your team. If you step back and analyze everything that went down sure you might be able to see they caused a loss every once in a while but there is way more to it than just who picked what.

Further to the point even if they were the cause of a defeat, so what? Do you honestly think you never caused your team to lose a game? Because I guarantee you at some point or another you have. And bottom line that’s not something you report someone for, what you’re doing is venting by fraudulently reporting people and it’s bad for the health of the game and to yourself as a player with potential to improve.

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so basically “protect the OT” ignore every else the main priority is protect the OT?

I hope they redefine what is and isn’t poor teamwork.

Because I had a Hanzo one trick, a Symm one trick, a Widow one trick, and a Doomfist one trick on my team on Nepal and it was horrible lmao.

Wait which bit was sarcasm?

First off anyone can pick whatever any hero they like. Out of curiosity, who do you think should get to decide who plays what?

Who decides who IS the reason for losing?

As long as they’re trying they aren’t throwing. Also, why would you want someone who has all their time on a particular hero, who has earned their rank with only that hero to switch off to something they’re not familiar with? Your welcome to your opinion, but as it stands your abusing the report system if you try to report them for it.

People can love to play their hero of choice wherever they like. This isn’t the OWL your in where your (maybe…?) contractually obliged to do whatever the coach/org tells you. Also the Satanic Church welcomes all >_>

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and only cuz isnt OWL means he can be liability to their team and other 5 people need to suffer the loss of SR? plus a lot of us dont give a dang about OWL stop putting that thing like if they are gods to be revered, besides other “pros” (lol …pros in videogaming…) dont like the OT ruining matches, in the old forums someone post a video how a “pro…lol” dude preferred to abandon the match and take the 50 sr loss to a horrible match with a OT sym in his team.

We’re you gonna address the rest of my several comments?

Dunno why only picked this point, but I guess it still stands. Who gets to choose who goes what hero? Who determines who is making the team lose?

Keep reporting them for poor teamwork action will be taken eventually.

This is getting out of hand and offtopic. I’m going to try wrapping this up with one more comment.

First off. Am I sometimes the cause of defeat? Yes. What does that have to do with anything? I have no clue. Considering we’re talking about a causal relationship that can be prevented (something as easy as learning to flex by enjoying the games characters as a whole rather than locking yourself into one type of perspective), it makes no sense to divert attention to, “Sorry I got picked guys. I should have taken cover faster when the Reinhardt’s shield got cracked.”

This isn’t a causal relationship as to what I’m addressing. Otherwise, every time a teammate got picked in a team fight said team would lose the game.

Now, if you’re trying to divert our attention to automatically being biased when I see a Sym on attack, there might be a small bit of cognitive doubt, but feel free to search up this guy on Xbox and message him. His GT:


It seems that you’re diverting our attention further to human bias, something present in all humans, when it’s negligible in the conversation we’re having. Feel free to message this guy on Xbox. Why? He mains Widowmaker.

If you’re under the assumption I have an excuse to lose the game when I see him instalock said character, ask him otherwise. I was dropped in a game with him with three of my other friends and he instalocked Widowmaker. I said, “Yah know what guys? Devin (my friend) here is a really good Hanzo so maybe this Widowmaker can surprise us.”

You can check his Widowmaker stats from there on out. Let me just say how he’s in Platinum I will never understand. With the amount of picks he got, he should be in Masters at the least. He didn’t prove me wrong, because I don’t go into situations expecting the worst. This logic applies to Seagull when he faced against that one trick Bastion. Sure, he was slightly biased towards proving the one trick wrong, but he completely swept the floor with him and sat him down for being the cause of the other team losing (he got picked in every engagement).

If you want to continue using the self-doubt present with an instalocking SYm, why is that even the case? Is it because we know that a Lucio or Mercy could be all the more helpful no matter how good or bad of player they are? I say it is.

What is a causal relationship represents is using a hero that isn’t necessarily viable in a situation essentially making your engagements a 5v6. Here, it is much more evident that every time someone uses a hero that doesn’t contribute to a composition effectively it leads to said team losing a game.

I’m not saying that said player can’t contribute in any way, but their resourcefulness can be extended to something so much greater to reach the ultimate goal we all strive to achieve.

If we want to still divert attention to my mistakes, let it be known that I spend a lot of time in arcade. Doing what? Mystery Heros. It exposes me to all types of matchups, situations, and different hero perspectives.

If I told an instalocker what they valued more: using the character they are right now or switching to a better equipped character to achieve victory yet still have fun and yet they don’t, what is that person valuing more?

The collaborative effort of the group ? Or being stubborn and not listening to constructive criticism. “Hey, try out Mystery Heros. It might just be an Arcade mode, but I learnt a lot from it using other characters and you might enjoy it also.”

It is evident that these type of players are more concerned about their self-experience over winning as a collaborative effort. For if they truly valued winning over the occasional game where they can go something fun, just not equally, they would switch. So by this, I can’t see why others wouldn’t have a reason to be upset when they’re losing the rank they strived so hard to acquire to something as simple as complying every once in a while.

At the end of the day, you can play how you want to. Overwatch allows you to do so. You can be a Sym/Torb who builds turrets in spawn, or one who strives to better their team yet still loses in both scenarios. IF you want me to say that I made mistakes in both scenarios, I’ll say yes if you want me to. That’s unrelated, however, and inevitable in all circumstances if I try my best. What isn’t inevitable is trying your best with a more compatible character.

Continue playing how you want with whatever composition assures you victory. I, as well as any other reliable OW player, will continue playing in the way that allows my team as a whole to reach the greatest outcome victory while having fun in the process. This is the point of the competitive system. If one tricking wasn’t a hindrance to performance, gather a team with only Winston, Dva, Lucio, Zen, Tracer, and Genji. See how far that takes you in terms of performance. Will you be having fun if after some point teams catch onto your pattern and you begin losing game after game?

What difference would it make playing in a competitive mode rather than taking said shenaningans to QP?

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I remember Jeff somewhere (probably in a Developer’s update) saying that the OW team thought long and hard what would be the perfect size for a team. They found 6 was the magic number because it would allow you to have a noticeable impact in the game while not being impactful enough that you’d be throwing if for some reason you weren’t playing to your best potential.

The point being, if you lose it’s not just the fault of the one trick.

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True, but it’s also true that Symmetra in particular is a badly designed hero that isn’t easy to work with in most situations.

I find that to be pretty stupid. I get them playing their hero to see if it works and if it does then great, but when it doesn’t and they DON’T swap it should fall under throwing because its like having 5 people on your team at that point.

Pretty much and this is why the one trick issue is an issue bc Blizzard hasn’t really distinguished wether this is reportable for not playing as a team or safe from reports bc it also says playing a certain hero isn’t reportable.

Badly designed, sure I guess. Dunno about “isn’t easy to work with” though. She kinda just does her own I’m in controlling an area an supporting team with shields/teles. Regardless, blaming a loss on a single person playing to win on a hero you don’t like is like saying we lost because of a missed grav at the end.

Who decides what is and isn’t working and who should be the one to switch?

Cbf finding it, but they put out a comment somewhere saying that hero selection isn’t grounds for reporting and is in fact abuse of the report system. So long as that person is trying (on whatever hero they pick) then it’s not reportable.

Exactly but at what point does a hero not working on a certain map or a player being countered change from non reportable hero choice to bad teamwork for not working with your team to win the map? Technically as long as you trying it doesn’t but if you’re effectively feeding being countered refusing to swap you’re technically not helping your team. I know you shouldn’t be reporting it but there is some area where you could lean either way

It doesn’t. I get what your trying to say, but the way I understand it is that if your solution to the player is to change, than it’s not reportable. If they’re defending spawn with turrets, throwing armor packs off cliffs, teleporting people off cliffs, ice walking spawn, etc this is reportable.

If I’m not mistaken their is nothing blizzard can do about it. This is a Xbox decision and has to be taken up with them. Blizzard can’t stop this at all can they?