Let me get this straight

You have a point. If OW meant for players to stay on one character they would have made it so you couldn’t switch mid battle.

GODDANG this simplified things a lot HAHA (half kidding).

It’s the transitive property though. You know? If A=B and B=C then A must =C?

It relates to my ultimate point. “Should all other 5 players on a team suffer because one player is refusing to cooperate - “the process of working together to the same end (winning in this case since we’re in a competitive environment)” when they clearly aren’t working together to their FULL potential: which said potential could be achieved by something as simple as switching? Because that is griefing IMO.”

It’s not griefing DIRECTLY, but I made my case through A=C

Congratulations. We’re not doing math here, we’re playing a game. Get over yourself. Blizzard has defined what poor teamwork is and is not. Even though they’re bad at actually enforcing it, you’re in the wrong for behaving as if poor teamwork is anything Blizzard has said it is not.

…still incorrect.

Poor Teamwork
Not trying to complete map objectives or constantly communicating in a negative fashion (I.E. “This team is horrible.”)

Poor Teamwork is not
Playing a hero that is not considered optimal by the community or staying silent in voice chat.

People, like you, who report one-tricks for ‘poor teamwork’ constantly use the “They didn’t swap when they’re being countered so = poor teamwork” excuse when that is clearly false reporting.

If the one-trick is trying and taking part in team-fights, they’re ‘trying to complete map objectives,’ simple.

Overwatch uses math though. Ever heard of Skill Ceiling VS. SKill floor?

Anyways, I summed up the relevant stuff through my quoted dialogue if you cared to read it again.

If only Blizzard could be assed to enforce that rule, hey?

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If OW meant for people to be constantly countering each other then they would have made switching mandatory after certain intervals, this argument goes both ways. Half the pro games aren’t even based on countering each other so much as who plays “X” comp better.

Switching is an option because the team has faith in the player’s judgement.

you just contradicted yourself here, you may think it’s something wrong but you have no right to speak for the other players on your team. this goes back to the main issue which isn’t one tricking but rather players individual ability to accept loss.

Completely countered through quoted Blizzard points. Again, you are wrong. Get over it.

Ofcourse i’m going to report. If I have a Winston one trick on my team and the enemy has a bastion, hog and reaper that is borderline throwing and poor teamwork.

It doesnt matter if the Winston is trying. Those are 3 very powerful counters and at that point he is literally feeding. You can try and argue with me all you like my opinion will not be changed.

And this goes back to team contribution.

I’m able to speak for the other member if I know basic team contributions at my level.

Again, there are heros where you can know little to none about mechanically but do good with them. Then there are those who if you’re bad at you might as well sit in spawn.

As for the switching at certain intervals? That’s a little farfetched concerning convenience. You’re expected to switch off if something isn’t working to reach the ultimate goal. Most OW players agree with that:


When I say I will never be able to speak for the other person 100%, it’s the same as the whole Sylvibot SSSniperWolf fiasco.

You know, “Everything hints at her being boosted… But nothing can be confirmed since the GM streamer’s page who she was playing with ‘magically’ got taken down.”

Blizzard has said that it does matter if the Winston is trying. You don’t run the game, you don’t manage the community. Hell, Blizzard hardly bothers to do those things, what makes you special?

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Who’s arguing?

I’m simply informing you you’re false reporting and that’s not what ‘poor teamwork’ is.

Good day to you too! :slight_smile:

why are you getting so defensive, cant handle an online opinion? Get some fresh air man, you’ll be fine.

You’re not able to speak for other team members, ever. What if I spoke for you? “NissanZCar is excited for you to play your favorite DPS character no matter what!” But you’re not. But I said you were. Because I understand that it’s a game, and games should be fun, that’s fundamental to play games, right? See? But you disagree with my opinion. And I disagree with your opinion. You don’t have any right to speak for anybody that’s not behind your keyboard when you’re playing.

have a good one.


Because you’re clearly using the report system to do something for which it is specifically not intended?

One-trick reporters like this person won’t listen to you.

I made a thread asking Blizzard to add an example clearly showing people WHAT ‘poor teamwork’ actually is to clear up this obvious confusion.

The current ‘poor teamwork’ report card only gives an example for negative communication.

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I don’t understand your quoted argument. I would have no problem someone speaking for me since I can handle the truth depending on whether I know it deep down inside or not. It would hurt me, but I would learn to eventually overcome it.

People said I was a terrible Reaper when I mained him. I asked my Master friend why and he said it was because I was too focused on flanking when his purpose is completely different. I knew I would never be able to stop flanking as Reaper since it’s too enticing, so I completely altered my playstyle and am having so much fun contributing as Reinhardt!

Again, it’s the entire SSSniperWolf boosted story. I edited that in, so maybe you didn’t catch it.

So, if you were on a team with me and another player who was playing attack Sym, or attack Torb, poorly, but clearly trying very hard. And I said, “Hey, NissanZCar supports your character choice, do your best, buddy!” you’d be okay with that? Because everything you’ve said thus far suggests otherwise.

This right here is the problem, you don’t. Because before the game even started you decided to invalidate the one trick, so instead of actually being able to accurately analyze contributions you:

  1. Ignore all your mistakes (something most people probably do anyway)
  2. Ignore or willingly overlook your team’s mistakes
  3. Go out of your way to look for any mistakes the one trick may have made to justify your inevitable loss.

It was supposed to be, the point is it’s a utility there for you to take advantage of at your own discretion. Mercy has a pistol, is she throwing if she doesn’t use it? It’s the same concept, someone isn’t throwing simply because they don’t utilize a particular mechanic.

You’re too biased to make the decision that someone is the reason for your loss.

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