Let me get this straight

You can be a symmetra one trick and refuse to switch when your whole team asks you to, but they can’t report you as long as you say “i’m trying”?


Almost correct. You don’t even have to say the “I’m trying” part. Simply playing the game and trying to win is all that’s required.

What your team thinks you should or should not be playing is irrelevant to whether any rules were broken.


So what man, let em play


Well they can report you but it’d be considered false reporting. Blizzard has stated before that one tricking isn’t a reportable/bannable offense. Thats right you technically cant report them even for “poor teamwork”


It’s sort of like how I want to see new interesting topics on the forum and I see yet another post complaining about one tricks. Doesn’t mean I can just go around and flag this thread.




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Depends on which representative sees the report tickets.

Almost correct. That’s when you realize there’s a report button for poor communication.

If a Sym main is only playing Sym and refuses to communicate with the team effectively or cooperate when asked nicely to change, Blizzard has a report button for that.

It doesn’t matter what you play. I reported a Tracer 1 trick to XBL and they got banned a week later. I even have the message stating it.

One tricking ruins Overwatch. Sure, you can make the argument that the game allows you to play that way; that’s the exact same argument Rockstar uses to defend GTA online (you don’t HAVE to buy any of the overpriced items).

No one is saying you have to, but the way that game is now setup the only way to have fun is to purchase them.


Not picking on sym mains, just using her as an example.

Nice way to admit to false reporting and abusing an automated system. There is no poor communication reporting option. Only an abusive chat option.

Previous blue posts have specifically stated that playing only one hero is not a punishable offense, and using comms is not a requirement for playing the game.


Not an automated report system if I talked to an Xbox Live representative about it over my computer.

I’ll see if I still have my time ticket with evidence of my convo on my email. Again, read my post another time. It may not be a punishable offense, but the same logic is used by Rockstar to defend their GTA online.

You don’t HAVE to listen to your team if we ask nicely to please play Lucio even if you suck at it. You don’t HAVE to purchase GTA online ingame items to PLAY IT.

But the way it’s set up now, purchasing in game items is the only way to have fun in it. if you want to make that argument about not trying to HAVE at an effort to work effectively in a TEAM shooter, both Gypsy (the guy who criticized this behavior) and me have NOTHING to say to you respectively. youtube.comwatch?v=-_2W3uojhwg

You don’t HAVE to switch even if we ask nicely to go Lucio or Mercy… But that is the origin of toxicity in this community.


Even if the player is clearly exhibiting signs of what people in the real world would classify as a Poor Teammate, it’s still not reportable because Blizzard “trying to appeal to everyone”

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That’s why I take this up with XBL.

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Hero choice is not a reportable thing. It’s being discussed here:

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No, they don’t. Refusing to communicate isn’t reportable, if it were they’d need to ban every disabled person who plays this game. Refusing to cooperate also isn’t reportable, you don’t get to dictate who they play.

What you just suggested is false reporting and is in itself reportable as griefing.


Keep reading what I stated.

This game is a team shooter. I hope I don’t need to elaborate on what that is.

Also, search up “Fate of All Fools” and “Destiny 1.”

You’ll get some interesting results. The most notable being the only person in the world who owns said weapon.

He’s mentally disabled. He has sections of his brain removed and his Neurologist recommended that he played D1 to help him with that. Could barely speak, remember his own wife, or controls to the game at times. HE made an effort in the end.

He was still able to effectively communicate with a team and do the hardest PvP multiplayer accomplishment: go flawless.

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Then the person you spoke with was incorrect. It happoens. Heck, the old forums had a gm comment on a thread saying hat refusing to switch was poor team work and was why someone was banned for one tricking. Only to have the ban over turned and a dev come into the thread and clarify that playing a single hero is not bannable.

If poor communication were a true reason than many autistic children would not be able to play (I know of several who do, they don’t read and have very under developed speech skills).

My so , who is deaf had been yelled at over chat for not using chat (in quick play no less) and was told he would be reported. I heard it over the head phones lying unused on the desk and had to pop in chat to educate the person who threatened to report.

I guaranty that if someone gets banned for “poor communication” they will get it over turned quite easily.

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Im a sym/torb/bast main

Honestly, i am against one tricking


I am happy that the rules like how they are because it scared people from reporting me just because i play them

Hell, people wantreport me IN QUICKPLAY
And this rules scare them and prevent them from reporting

“Team shooter” doesn’t mean “switch to what I say or get reported” it means you work as a team to accomplish a goal, regardless of hero choice, if you want to throw a tantrum because people don’t play what you want them to then you really need to step back an reevaluate what it is you’re doing here.

Every action you have described is reportable as griefing (false reporting) or poor teamwork/abusive chat (distracting team, making negative comments about hero selection, killing morale with complaints, potential escalation).


Once again, it is what is. I know I’m using A TON of hyperbole concerning GTA online, but this is the closest comparison to what I can relate to.

It may not be bannable by Blizzard’s standards (who knows why they even have a report button for that if this is truly the case), but I believe the GTA online comparison works well.

No disrespect to your son. That’s an inevitable circumstance that would rarely occur regardless.