Let Bap shine for once!

I mean, I think if they revert imax he’ll be fine, maybe nerf his damage down to 23 as well. Other then that I think he’s fine.


He’s not fine he’s not grandma :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

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This isn’t true. The shield nerf was huge and totally changed the pace of the game. Plus, you need strong supports if you’ve got no shield! Even assuming tanks don’t want to tank because supports are garbage that would be because people are playing them as DPS in which case what has the community got to fear from Baptiste? His DPS is less effective than Moira in getting kills.

In higher ranks where healing is the priority Baptiste still won’t be able to mitigate shields breaking. He isn’t a superman. There will still be plenty of opportunities to get eliminations.

It is true. Currently, DPS, by themselves, don’t do a ton of damage. The damage they do is manageable for the most part.

The issue starts to form, however, when you add supports that enable DPS, like Zen and Mercy. The amount of damage that is done due to these 2 heroes is absurd.
Take playing Rein as an example. In the time it takes you to firestrike, a damage boosted Soldier can do about 300 Damage to you, though this is ignoring crits, and Rein has a big crit box, as well as additional damage from the Zen and the other DPS. These heroes are the meta btw.

Then you have Ana who counters literally every main tank, where the only counterplay to her is to be a shield bot.

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right before this ultimate buff bap got a lot of changes in the 225 HP brig patch. most notably was reduced recovery time between shots for both his primary fire and nades. AND they buffed his heals from 50 straight to 60 heals, so he can spam healing a lot faster

It is literally true.

No one here is talking about your scrim games, or anything involving OWL. On Ladder, Ana was meta from January until literally middle of this month. That is roughly a little over 9 months. Now that other supports are competing with her for pick rate, they are quickly getting nerfed (see Brigitte).

Stop lying please, thanks.

and a couple metas before that.

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his hps on his nades CHANGED BY T H R E E so your " a lot " is just false, its even more punishing for missing your heal nades than before because of the fire rate nerf

Huh? The recovery rate on nades was increased.

The nerf to his healing rate of fire, while buffing the healing number per shot landed, only increased his hps by around 4-5 points; putting it currently around 66hps

The nerf to his damage while increasing his rate of fire broke a few breakpoints for him downwards, requiring more shots/ ammo to secure kills he could do with the slightly higher damage and slower rate of fire.

And the window change is more for the team; most players already used it for solo stuff anyways so that’s not going to change how much Baptiste personally is gaining from it. Heck, with the team being able to actually use it now rather than it being pretty much a solo ult, Baptiste might actually lose more value from it placing it further up for his team

thats goal that we are looking for average is not bad its balance you dont buff the balanced hero

It’s AoE healing

Very small nerf to his damage and fire rate is typically better than damage, especially in this case since he only loses 3 damage per burst.

It takes away a lot of the skill with it. You no longer really have to consider where and how you place it and his ult now gives way more value than before

No. People are just losing their minds over a needed buff to an irrelevant hero.

…yet again

Yes it’s AoE healing? It was AoE healing when he was literally one of the worst heroes in the game and it increased by 4

And sure the nerf to his damage isn’t much, but it still manages to stop breakpoints he could break before. In the same vein that 25hp for Brig made her too strong despite being such a small change

I mean that’s debatable. Before it was; Oh I can do something with it guess I’ll use it for myself. I hardly EVER saw anyone, even up to Masters use it for the team, and mostly used it to boost themselves… Which kind of goes against the entire support thing

The hypocrisy is real

Baptiste can sit at a sub 50% winrate, below a 4% pickrate and that is “fine it’s just not his meta”

While Zen can be one of the only characters in the game with an over 50% winrate in every rank and people say “Oh Zen is useless and needs buffs”

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People cannot adapt to a shifting reality. Bap was very powerful when he came out, so he always will be in their mind. Zen was irrelevant for a very long time, so he always is. Ignorant people who cannot be educated, cannot admit their faults and cannot ever simply be wrong.

I mean even then, when Baptiste actually launched, he needed to be buffed a few times in order to even catch up with 50hps Mercy

It really wasn’t until this time last year when he was hard meta in GM with the Original Double Barrier did people actually really notice him and start the complaint train.

A 10 HP increase to AoE healing is huge. Not only does it increase the overall HPS, it also increases the uptime of hs healing since he doesn’t have to reload as much since he heals more with less ammo used.

Very minor break points

Yes, and this change gave up that decision almost entirely. The less decision making you do, the less skill it takes.

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*multiple patches lol