Let’s test these hypotheses: Creator Experimental Card and Experimental Cup 2

they probably had it planned for the 8th but probably a delay happened. i bet they were still ironing out the bugs

BUT you never know be prepared tommorow for some silly stuff. cant wait too see some hero fly indefinitely or shoot through shields again :wink:



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ty for the addendum :slight_smile:


Have the tank changes been posted yet? Been waiting for those

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Not yet which those changes to the heroes that the content creators have proposed are not guaranteed to make through to the Experimental Card which some of them were already confirmed to be rejected like Cassidy having a smoke screen to replace his Flashbang.

It’s not content….but neither is most of the other stuff people do call “content” :sweat_smile:

(not that it matters as it’s not a content driven game)

Unrelated - our btag numbers are strangely close :flushed:

maybe remove the article then, this is getting ridiculous.

is there like a weekly prank challenge at blizzard to disappoint players.

Also honestly get the creators to not say anything until like close to a week release, at this point there is no hype.


Thank you for clearing this up.

Yeah its cool and all but I want content for the game… At least put this changes in qp and ranked or something.
And please tell us something about the future, even if you are not going to release nothing until 2023

It’s just another April fools ExC.
People wouldn’t get “hyped” about it no matter what.

People had tantrums over the last time they put 2 creator exp changes into those. (I personally don’t mind them).

just feedback, not sure if you will even read this, but I clicked on the article expecting the changes would be listed. Maybe I’m jaded but it feels like what people mean when they say you guys just do announcements of announcements. Where is the meat?

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Announcement of an announcement again. Being a fan of this game is miserable.


It’s tomorrow…

Good lord. Not like it’s next year.

To confirm now. Is this “meant to be a joke” like the last one, or is this meant to be actual changes for the betterment of the game?

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Yes, ML7 is indeed Chad.

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Sign-ups will begin February 8 and end February 17 (3:00pm EST/12:00pm PST). It’s important to get your team signed up before the end date because we generate the brackets based on your account MMR, so don’t forget to enter by February 17! You can learn more about the tournament and sign up over on the Experimental Cup Series website.

Hmmmm, how are you going to filter out smurf accounts? There gonna be a cutoff or limit for higher ranks only?

I mean there’s no requirement for this. Me and my gold friends could go against OWL pros. They use a bracket system not a rank based system.

i’m for sure gonna try out symmetra for the support change. really curious how that will play out. if i like it ill probably main her this whole experimental. gonna get in the symmetra vibe and replays for those luscious thighs and legs

when mei was a tank i loved it and thats all i played for the april fools x-card

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