Let’s test these hypotheses: Creator Experimental Card and Experimental Cup 2

I wanna play the game, not some meme game.

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Well would you rather nothing then? Cause they’ve said no new heroes and stuff until 2. So I’m not going to complain about something new and fun to play.

I’m just going to assume that they have scheduled this article to be published and completely forgot about that mistake they made but I’m willing to bet that they are going to correct this later.

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better nothing than stupid useless joke patches.


Jump into the latest Creator Experimental Card when it goes live February 8th at 11am PST

It’s definitely hidden in the Live Client somewhere, right???

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Another case of Blizzard announcing an announcement that we already knew of.

Waiting for the next announcement where you actually post the changes from the announcement of the announcement forever ago.

Is this really what all the CCs tried to hype us up about? Their meme changes that will enter the live game at some point?


Bad take honestly bro.


Hella? What is this, 2015?

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Yea bro it’s hella swag!

Agreed, maybe stop issuing this joke patches and put it towards something of value. By now they would of had something to give us

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I’m not angry. I’m just disappointed.

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But this is much easier to do. Plus it doesn’t require the new engine 2 is on.

Dude if they have time to do these carnival patches they also have time to do AT LEAST some serious buff nerf. Instead we have same stuff over and over.

Nah don’t be dawg, we’re bring it back :sunglasses:.

How could you say something so snarky and accurate :open_mouth:

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The article has been edited to say February 10th, for what it’s worth.

Dang so one more day.

And tomorrow it’ll say February 11th :wink:

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Hi, everyone!

My apologies for the confusion. The update for this Experimental Card will go live tomorrow, Feb 10, at 11am PST!


not this