"Less event content, focusing on balancing." With little to show

If it’s something brand new then it’s an engine they built for Ovewatch.
And if that’s the case you’d think 2 years would be enough tim to get the game down pat especially since last I checked there hasn’t been any huge shifts in the team since launch.

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I mean, last time on PTR they had to disable Reinhardt as he was crushing an entire server just by getting picked. The engine must be a hell to work with, plus through the years they have added new maps and physics.

Dosen’t change my point, they’ve had 2 years of active use in this engine they should have a grasp on it to not be breaking the game with every tiny change they make

Also we’re talking about seasoned developers here, newsflash, one of THE MOST important skills a game dev can have is the ability to adapt to new eqquipment quickly. If your excuse is the right one then these guys aren’t exactly as seasoned as we thought

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No it wasn’t. Blizzard has done talks about it before. While Titan was the original idea, that was scrapped and they developed the new engine from scratch. It was purpose built for a team shooter game. They have lots of early engine footage showcasing things like “this was the first stuff we rendered” and “the first destroyable crates using the physics system” that was all being prototyped with Overwatch heroes.

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As long as they keep adding heroes and maps, the game will NEVER be balanced. Meta’s in a decent spot right now so for the love of god ADD SOME NEW CONTENT.

They do balance testing internally. The “test” part of Public Test Realm is build testing. They’re testing build stability, major bugs, server communication, etc., not balance.

That said, they don’t need it. They could absolutely do that internally as well and show us nothing about the new patch until it comes out. They give us the PTR to provide a preview of upcoming changes and let us get a bit of hands-on experience with it before it launches if we want.

You are correct; We don’t have the right to test or know anything about what is happening to the video game. We have the privilege.

Who perfects a profession or a project within two years or more even ? This is naivety there.

Judging is the easiest thing to do, anyone can do it. Do we actually know how the engine works and the amount of time it is required for the team to take decisions ? Like the most logical thing to assume is that first they have to decide what they want to change, how the said decisions affect the game which is something they test in private ( as they have mentioned it several times before ), then review again if they like the changes and then they make the patch.

It’s not about changing one number or press a button and all is done, of that I can imagine even if it is not in my field. It is not about dealing with balancing guns only like in BR games either. Balancing guns and abilities are different things.

I swear this is the very reason customers are disliked these days and rightfully so. We all know everything, we are always in the wrong while not having a clue of what is going behind the scenes. I don’t like waiting as a player either but as a person who deals with customers or daily basis in person for over 5 years let me tell you, this behavior is insufferable most of the time.


Making balancing decisions shouldn’t be a problem unless it’s something at the very core of the physics engine, which when it comes to the numbers changes that several heroes need like McCree there is no way any game engine would make that more complicated then a few button presses.

2 years isn’t perfection but 2 years sure as heck should be the amount of time it takes to not break your own game every other week and cetainly enough to be able to impliment minor changes on a monthly basis rather then once every 3 monthes.

And if you think they’re putting time and effort then w is the Torb rework the first successful rework they’ve done since D’va? Why was Mercy allowed to even make it past their internal testing without some one going “oh hey uh, yea this is kinda OP?”
And why did it take them 6 monthes to tone back something that was hated on all sides?

There wa laziness in that and there was laziness in this most recent event. This team is getting lazy plain and simple.

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Its more like a “calm before the storm” feeling to me. If they speak daily about their plans thats spoiling the hype like the early skin leaks before an event. There is a chance that an Overwatch V2.0 is coming to Blizzcon with major changes brand new features and multiple new heroes/maps/gamemodes included in it.

In this case the balancing priority is more understandable since if the game gets major changes and multiple new heroes maps and modes then the game has to be the closest to be balanced to await the changes.

I’m just dissapointed that the next three events (Summer games, Halloween, and Christmas in the future) have, or will suffer from lack of content to focus on quicker balance updates.

But what gets me is that its almost been a month since we got another balance update, which is almost the exact same as their previous schedule.

Where is all that time and resource going if it isn’t being shown in balance? (I’ll eat my own words if the PTR is grand). Season 2 OWL maybe? Its not far fetched that they’d do something like that.

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In mystery heroes, obviously.

Hey, if it makes you feel any better, TF2 just had it’s Halloween update. Way better than Overwatch. Come on over if you want a bit of a break.


I would definitely be fine and even prefer less event content if they actually DID focus on balance. But the rate of updates has not increased. The “size” of updates, or the number addressed heroes is the better phrase, I suppose, remains the same. Hell, even the heroes they do decide to address are weird. No Reaper, no Bastion, Hog is delayed, ignoring the weird balance of Sym and Sombra. Not only that, but when they DO address heroes that actually need help, Soldier and McCree, namely, the changes are just baffling and not their problems in the slightest. Soldier needs more burst or a way around barriers, or I guess just a reason to be run. McCree needs a kit. A 2 second reduction was never going to help. I have been saying the same nonsense since launch though, McCree is never going to be fully realized with these half-hearted qol buffs. He can have another dozen of them, it will change nothing.

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Archives is likely the only event this year (year 3) that’s getting any new mode.

But I can see them not bothering to add one as well.


Good, they should only do what they want to do, the players are too split and are never happy no matter what, they need to do what THEY think is best not come complainers on the forums who insult them, wish for their death and even email their boss saying they should be fired.

you forget that dota doesn’t want every hero to be equally viable, and don’t have to think about things like verticality on maps.

You obviously don’t know anything about meta trends if you think blizz can just wave a magic wand and balance the entire game to equal viability. it is infinitely harder than you are making it out to be. Changing one small thing can tip the balance to where a hero who was never touched becomes insanely weak or strong.

balance is more than what one hero can do. its all the possible interactions between heros and team comps that can happen and there are damn near an infinite amount of possible matchups to consider

I have no doubt they’re constantly testing small changes. It’s just mostly done internally because it takes fewer resources than updating an entire public server every time they want to tweak something. That’d also why they don’t really do many changes once things hit PTR, because they’ve already spent a ton of time adjusting it before it even goes public.

Also, what they have to “show” for the change in focus of manpower is the fact that we have so many heroes getting reworked now. The resources for those don’t come out of nowhere.

More Archives would require more story. That department has completely shut down.

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PTR is at best stress testing, at worse just promotional for new content.

It’s not really necessary.

i don’t know if anyone has said anything, but…
