Legendery/Origin skins are locked

Bought the Origin Edition hard copy for my PS4 back in 2020.
Also bought the Watchpoint Pack digital copy for my PS4 this year.
All my Origin Edition skins are locked as well.

I’m on PS4 and PS5, i bought game of the year edition, the skins were unlocked but now they’re not

I have the same problem here. I’m playing on Xbox One and i bought OW Legendary Edition

I also have the same issue! Some of my player skins are missing! The ones with a b and others i bought!

I am also missing my skins they just disappeared

Origins skins missing as well on my Xbox One (Origins edition)

Incidentally they WERE there this morning before the event started. But once the event kicked in they became locked.

Can confirm it happening to me also.

Origins Edition PS4 purchased at launch

Happened to me aswell.

Xbox Series S, Origins Edition

Switch player, i own Watchpoint Pack and have had physical edition since early 2020, skins are locked for me as well

Can Comfirm Happening on Xbox origins Edition

I purchased the origins edition for ps4 in 2018 and now I’m playing on ps5 and all my origin edition skins are locked

I am a xbox 1 player and i have the Overwatch: Origins Edition of the game. Thank you.

Yeah same here it’s kinda nuts no idea why

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I bought it for xbox one and had gotten a series x and the skins were still there and i bought the legendary edition but now it says i have the origin edition and i got the game almost 2 years ago

PS5, Origins Edition 2016

Ps5 Origins edition
Have the game since launch and suddenly missing the skins like how does that happen

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Im on ps4 with origins edition and all of the skins that i got with this version of the game are now locked

yeah same my solider 76 had the strike commander on yesterday and now its locked??

I bought Overwatch in July of 2021

Overwatch: Origins Edition, Ps4. All Origin skins are now locked.