Legacy hero option in custom games for OW2

That sucks, hopefully blizzard will consider adding a legacy mode


I’ve been hoping for something like this ever since I heard of the Doomfist rework, because watching something that I over 2000 hours in be permanently gone just because of ow2 being released would be really sad. Not only would it be sad because it would be gone but the amazing community wouldn’t be like it is right now, I have met some of the nicest people from playing Doomfist parkour so it will always be important to me.


Is there any reason such a Doomfist cannot be made in Workshop?

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Doom parkour IS one of the only reasons for me to even open Overwatch. A lot of players are coming from the DPK scene, would be sad to see a whole niche dissapear.


This is the idea i was hoping for! Blizzard, this is not a lot to ask for, just as you put open queue and quick play classic in the game, you could port the old abilities into OW2 at least just in workshop.


Yea, and the main post mentions it. But here’s a slightly more specific version.

  • headbounces. It sounds easy to make uppercut in workshop, till you realize headbounces exist. No way to detect were to go and how far etc.

  • animation canceling into next skill on reaching a cp.

  • indicator slams targeting is impossible to make. You cannot grab the positions it should target. Nearest walkable position ignores all platforms and high grounds that cannot be walked to without movement skills, wich is a lot. The only other way is raycast hitdetection, wich is unreliable and mostly results in being able to slam everything including walls and roofs.

  • indicator slam flying is kind of possible to half make, but the landing isn’t. The landing is often used to cancel into the next skill or to land in slam-only positions. That said the flying path wouldnt fully match up and the hitbox would be wrong.

  • we can’t mess with the animations and visual effects and sounds. These things we normally use to time and estimate things.

  • The punch timing will trow people off and let people go further due to less time spend being slowed. This one actually can be done in workshop so this one is ok.


I totally agree with this idea! With the rework of numerous heroes within the Overwatch 2 game, the majority of parkour maps are broken, if not destroyed. Doomfist parkour especially will suffer due to the massive rework to the hero.

I am in a server called Gemster’s Workshop that has amassed nearly 5,000 members over it’s 3 years running. It is a lava parkour server (basically touching the lava kills you) and this uses every hero inside of Overwatch. With the rework to numerous heroes, this would ultimately break almost every map with these heroes inside.

It would be amazing if there was a legacy option inside of the Overwatch 2 workshop so that the thousands of hours put into creating the parkour maps, and all other game modes that include these heroes, were not put to waste and can still be enjoyed in Overwatch 2.


Please, Blizz, revamp the workshop and give us the actual power to do things with it.
Legacy abilities would go a long way in letting us not lose OW1 when the transition happens, and give people a lot more to work with.

The workshop has sorely needed an update for a while.
But I suppose they won’t do anything, when QP queue times were as bad as they were in the last beta, not hard to see why Blizz will give little care to anything beyond QP.
I think if Blizz cared about those who don’t want to play Comp/QP PVP they’d have said something by now. Then again, logically making custom games fun would probably make players less likely to complain about having to wait 10 minutes for a game.


Ah, that actually finally answers my question. The rapid number of likes, and majority of posters being sub-10 post count makes sense now. They’re just people who otherwise don’t use the forums, but were directed specifically to this thread so they can show their support.

For what its worth, I’d love to keep legacy Orisa. I like the current ‘bunker’ playstyle and I hate the new abilities that completely change it.


yes ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎


I mean I could totally see those heroes get their original abilities in some form in the pve. Depending on if it’s a mode in overwatch or not it could totally end up becoming an option in custom games if blizzard is inclined to do so.

I doubt they’d allow players to utilize PvE abilities in custom games because then they might think it’d eat into PvE sales but it could be made available for those that do buy it at least? Maybe?


and my axe


I agree with this post, nothing wrong with keeping these things somewhere.


Coming from the much smaller bastion parkour community.




And the Bastion escape community


Doom sumo and doom parkour are very fun and significant game modes.

To be fair you can probably just set his sentry mode to infinite. In fact, the possibilities could even be more, considering you could put them on a sort of movements track.


Better Idea!


I want nothing to do with the new game whatsoever but they won’t even let us keep playing the game we love because they’re so f’ing afraid that it’ll lower they’re player count for the sequel and it’ll make them look bad in front of their investor sugar daddies!


yeah, this is something i wanted since the very first rework


This is catching traction! Google Chrome start page suggested me this thread.


There was a post in DPK Discord (i came from there) so many people came here to show their support of such idea

My bliz account is pretty old (2015ish, maybe even older) but it says i’m here from may 17th when i liked the post about xqc being toxic

so yeah, there are a lots of people who didn’t post or liked anything but who want to support legacy hero options so Doom Parkour would stay alive