Leaving QP game durring assembly no longer allowed?

I guess for me. Why I haven’t returned for almost the 4th week now. Is because the game pretty much doesn’t always have modes that I find “fun” “enjoyable” or “tolerable” and many of the matches that I am forced to play in, are with players much too great for my skill range, and considerably more well-coordinated.

I like the old system better.

“If the match wasn’t for me” and it seamed like the team was really outside of my skill range. I could leave it.

i think what that says about the game is. It cannot appropriately figure out where to place me. So I have to decline the game at this point. Since the matching system cannot appropriately match me in games that I feel comfortable with.

Thats not a good selling point for those of us here. That are not at a better player’s skill rating.

And before someone says “get good punk”. Well I mean. Fighting pro players isn’t going to make me any better. I need opponents that are more at my skill rating.

Sure. I can see during an off-peak time of the day where my “ideal” match would not be occurring. but during “busy hours”. I would expect to play in matches where I feel like I am not battling it out with pros.

I also feel like “push” is insufferable. To the point where I would rather tare a hang-nail off than to play “push”.

So we do need a way to opt out of :

  • Premades.
  • certain maps.
  • Skill dif matches.

All with the notice from the system. that if we select these things. our Q times ARE going to go up.

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Apparently it’s a glitch, you can still leave


Ah I’m usually very against leavers but I think leaving in setup should be allowed.


Or just don’t leave games.

Like, how hard is that yeah? You get into a game, you play it. Simple. You say you ‘never leave games’ (which I can already tell is a lie, because it takes leaving more than one game to get you a penalty) so, just play, even if it’s a map/mode you don’t like too much.

No, I don´t leave games. Appearantly last patch brought a new thing, when it takes only 2 leaves to give you penalty, instead of previous 4. And as I said in this thread - I got disconnected from the game that day, so yeah - I got a warning. Just a warning, never penalty, so leave you accusations for someone else.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Your choice, your penalty to deal with.

Is having the option to avoid one mode too much to ask? I remember a time before Overwatch when players could pick the mode before they even queue/join.


No penalty, but nice try. Maybe try someone else, who leaves games after they start

I despise Hardpoint. That game mode needs to be in arcade in a section by itself. And yes, I know what it’s called in game, but Activision brought their crap from COD over, so I’m calling it what it is.

I do not personally enjoy it when games do that as it splits the playerbase and whatnot. That being said, I totally get it because who enjoys every mode?

Arcade more or less does it and that functions well enough. It would probably be okay. It could be an interesting option to help queue times for people who do not mind playing anything and everything. If you frame it that way, I am all of a sudden so down. :joy:

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People should be allowed to choose what map type they want to queue for. Some people really don’t like certain modes. Give players the option and every would be happier for it. Why can’t Blizzard see this?