Leaving QP game durring assembly no longer allowed?

Is this a thing now - threatning me with penalty, if I wanna leave that map/mode I really hate during assembly?
I never leave game, when it´s already going on and up until this day, I was able to leave before start.
If you gonna be like this - implement some “avoid” slot for maps or enjoy loosing players.


Commit to what you sign up for.


Avoid slots for players is coming next patch. Up to 10’players.

Why would you want to avoid maps ?

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If you now can’t leave unwanted maps - time to soft throw :face_in_clouds:
or just don’t play the game for now :smiling_face_with_tear:


Is just playing the game you queue into truly out of the question? :joy:


Because there are some maps I really hate?
Even one would be enough to avoid. You can avoid 1 BG in WOW. why not here?


BG Que in wow is 10 min.

Pretty sure a random full caffeinated DPS is not waiting 10 min.

So there is that.

That will just delay the time more.

Not good enough. QP match also takes up 10 to 15 minutes. 1 Avoid slot would for sure not delay anything.
I don´t even know a person, who would want to play all maps.

I don’t know why but I hate numbani defence (attack also but a lil less) when i see it pop up
can’t explain just don’t wanna play on it so yeah i understand that

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I can´t stand new Junkertown -_-

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I hate that Indian map.

15 mins?

Typicall I only see that happen on the new gamemode where you need to capture 3 points to win (flashpoint?) in a very even/close game.

Most QP games are 3-6 mins (at least for me)

Most is little over kill don’t you think ?

I highly doubt you are rolling us in 3 to 6 min.

Post you last 10 codes.

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All the points capture + all the overtimes + all the rounds often adds up to almost 15 minutes.
I know that well, cause I let my coffee in french press for 15 minutes - twice a day and rarely am able to strain it in time, lol


He knows he messed up haha

Im typicall the one getting rolled.

Also for clarifications, 3-6 is more for a “round”

So in payload maps where there is only 1 round its the 3-6 mins, but the capture the points where you need 2 to win, that takes multiple rounds. so 6-12 mins for those modes.

Also this is just my personal experience, playing around plat.

15 min games are not that common for me. Ill post the codes when I get home, but unsure if they are still valid. I saw a post by blizzard a few days ago saying they will be wiped.

makes sense now. I am also getting rolled.

i was like who is this guy.

It probably would be safer to say 5-15 mins for a entire game, just depends on the day, the last time I played i remember getting stomped back to back so im probably a bit biased towards the lower end atm.

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You can leave during the first setup phase. You wont get a penalty even with the warning popping up.

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I was leaving during setups without warning until today.
Today I got DC from 1 game and suddenly they are throwing red threats at me during assembly. Are you sure it´s safe to leave with warning during that phase?