Leaving QP game durring assembly no longer allowed?

It is safe.
The penalty will only apply if you leave after the setup.

Anyways, first penalty of qp is only 2 minutes.

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Did they say that recently?

Because they said it was coming with season 12.

you maybe right. i just read it somewhere that it is coming.

10 slots is good. You can even pin the toxic player forver ! upto 3 players you can pin and forget.

Oh so you dont know what you’re talking about on something that you continue to expound on. Who would’ve thought?

Yeah, but than it builds up, right? I am trying to avoid it as I can´t predict next internet DC.

Wait is this a thing now? I haven’t played in a couple weeks. I like to play mercy and if she gets picked by other support (very common in quick play) I always re queue immediately. If I start getting penalized for that, that will be very frustrating.

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I got disconnected earlier this day from one game and suddenly when I try to leave during setup - I get big red warning, lol

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Stay salty. Your 480 pixel DOA arrival game is not going to make me salty like you.

h ttps://egw.news/overwatch/news/24208/overwatch-2-revamps-avoid-as-teammate-feature-up-t-oj6yhUPtS

It’s not salt. You’re doing a lot of talking in the forums when you clearly don’t understand half of what you’re saying (at best) and pointing out the easily identifiable ones (like you thinking avoid slots are coming “next patch”) are my way to make sure I note you have nothing of value to say and hopefully save some other people from thinking you have any relevant information about anything.

Seems like it has. Also you keep bringing the game up, not me. I’ve told you what I need from you - for you not to play it.

Yeah … this article tells you the thing that I read and understood from Blizzard that you misinterpreted and then regurgitated incorrect information back to people.

Thank you for reinforcing my point?

no need to ninja someone else thread. see ya.

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Sorry I started playing qp to avoid trashpoint maps

Now you want to force that :wastebasket::put_litter_in_its_place:on me in qp too :pensive:


it is but you can’t select a character first.

Is just shutting up and minding your business truly out of the question?

It is a public forum. I am sorry that a genuine question is enough to trigger you? However, to answer your question… Yes. It is too difficult to shut up and mind my own business.

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You made me laugh :joy:

Anyway, to answer your previous question I ignored before - 99% of time I go through the game I “queued into”. I never leave for throwers, or loosing the game or anything. Heck I am not even toxic in chat. I consider my self patient and tolerant as a support main putting up with everything and everyone.
The only exception I had was to avoid map or mode I really hate/don´t feel for atm. I don´t think it´s that much to ask.
Just reminder - I don´t play comp.

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It is allowed. The UI is bugged out still, and yes, I’ve pointed it out… they still haven’t fixed it.

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You can leave during assembly. As long as there not a 5s timer on the Yes button you are safe to leave. Ignore the warning. I leave 2/3 of all maps in assembly and no penalty ever. Just be careful you were not backfilled after the first timer expired. Stick to the 5s button rule - no 5s timer, safe to leave.

I have met 4 today.

All 4 were heals. What is happening ?

Someone doing some tests or something ? Or looking for easy game ?

As far as I am concerned, people should be able to leave quickplay freely. That opinion is not particularly popular and I get accused of regularly leaving my games when the only match I have left in Overwatch Dos was because a Mercy started afk throwing after the first fight and it was King of the Hill. I was not about to sit there for the entirety of two rounds because she refused to leave the game. I WISH she felt comfortable enough to leave. Waste of everyone’s time.

I even stay in competitive when everyone else leaves. To be fair, that’s mostly because the game does not count for challenges if you decide to leave and end everyone’s suffering. What can you do?

This is a game and we are all here to have fun. If someone is not having fun, they should be able to leave. That includes competitive, in my humble opinion.

That opinion TRULY gets them frothing at the mouth. But it’s the truth. Competitive is just a game. And honestly less competitive than quickplay to begin with. :grimacing:


I disagree with this one. Tanks sometimes take forever to fill. Also, my favourite maps are CTP like Ilios, Lijan, etc… People almost always left after first lost round before and that is irritating. I don´t even care as much about the winning as getting a fun match on those maps. It´s not fun, when you have leavers every round.

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