Leaving penalties in QP

Its a shame the game has to threaten and punish you so you stay playing through the unfun gameplay, right?


same :man_mage: (15char limit)

Itā€™s impressive how people think ā€œTheir Timeā€ is ridiculously valuable, but donā€™t have the presence of mind that other people also consider their own Time to be valuable.


As soon as I see sombra and donā€™t have a free leave rdy I just turn off my brain and play like a bot.

I am sorry for my teammates but I canā€™t bring myself to put any effort into a game I know I wont have any fun.


There was a brief period where this happened, but now the match quality is so much better than it was before

Also, leaver penalty was required, you had leavers in 1/3 to 1/2 of your games, before Blizzard acted

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The problem for me isnā€™t really the leaver penalty, itā€™s that they added the penalty without improving the game quality.
Instead of giving players a reason to stay in the game they force you to waste your time in games you donā€™t enjoy.


last time i was out of options to leave games (next penalty is hour+) when i saw typical smurf stack against us dominating lobby 5th game in a row ( we were 2 kills for whole team, they were 10-20 per each player)
I just gave up after trying different approaches and heroes, and after that i saw from teammmate ā€œfanta pls end it all window is thereā€
sureā€¦love these games


Just giving an incentive to stay doesnā€™t change the overall behavior
People were literally match shopping, hopping from match to match to find their game.
No incentive in this world will change this behavior


Not saying this is ok but sometimes even after than first fight you know how bad a game is gonna go.

Now instead of a backfil problem you have people happily trolling and throwing games because ā€œits qpā€ and people cant leave

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True, and thatā€™s why leavers penalty is necessary.
I just wish that they also would have improved the matchmaking and the overall balance now that you are stuck with a game once itā€™s created.

I would dare to say that overall matchmaking is ok. You have days or matches where it feels really off, but overall it seems good.
There is a reason why we see 50/50 most of the time

This is the best joke imma hear all week

I would disagree on that part, but matchmaking isnā€™t the only thing.
Sombra right now, (being OP or not) is making most of the games she is in miserable.
You canā€™t have something in a game that makes people miserable and at the same time punish them for not enjoying it.

Same with gamemodes like flashpoint and clash. There are just so many things that make a lot of matches unfun. You canā€™t have a leavers penalty in a game where you have to hope that the rng gods create a fun combination. At least not in the gamemodes thatā€™s made for ā€œcasual and relaxedā€ gameplay


As i said, half the time my team 4v5d that fight.
They didnā€™t even stay until the end of that fight. Just left mid fight/at the start of the fight because they died.
A doomfist dives in 1v5 and perishes under a second, they left the game.
A genji doublejumps and gets domed by a widow, left the game.
Thereā€™s no way the know how a match ends from that alone.

Thatā€™s reportable.
And they can leave, they just enjoy their penalty if they do. The penalty is just a deterrent. Iā€™ve never left before or after the new penalty system, because no game has been one that i felt like leaving.
Even most spawn camps can be gotten out of with a few swaps and teamwork. Or even just focus fire.

I queue a qp game if i want to play, and i expect my team to do the same.
Itā€™s a pvp. ā€œI donā€™t want to play if enemy team has x heroā€ is a weak complaint from them.
They know that hero exists, so why queue at all if they want to avoid playing against that hero?
Itā€™s a challenge to overcome and work around.
If iā€™m tired of going against the meta of the month, i go to mystery heroes. If i just want to be silly i go to custom games.

I donā€™t play comp because people are incredibly confrontational and toxic there. in my personal experience of getting flamed while i was being hard focused by a doomfist, unable to dodge him on any hero i swapped to (moira was taken) and none of my team helping me because they were busy dying in the 4v4.
Grouping up and focusing that doom when he dove would have solved the problem, but instead our orisa dying to a sojourn decided to start insulting me instead.
While our dps repeatedly just decided to ignore the doomfist flying over them to kill me.

Iā€™ve had flaming like that happen to me in qp, maybe once. In the years iā€™ve played qp.
When i queue comp, i have expectations of teamwork, focus fire, peeling, countering, knowing how to play, knowing their heroes, and the team fails to deliver most of the time.
In qp, i have less expectations. I just expect people to try. Regardless of if they play a hero they picked for the first time or are in that map for the first time.

So i stick to qp. Iā€™m less disappointed.

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you seem to care quite a lot.

i simply donā€™t want leavers.

This is the problem with QP now, a lot dont even do that.

I agree but not according to a lot of players, this is normal perfectly fine behaviour ā€œbecause its qpā€

Again a lot of players dont even want to do that, they just want to feed and troll and get away with it because QP

The people who think that way are the ones in the wrong. Otherwise there wouldnā€™t be a reporting category for preventing team progress.

People that go to a park to play soccer, want to play soccer at the park.
If a teammate suddenly starts dancing ballet in the middle of the field or making own goals, they arenā€™t going to be invited to play again.
You can play on uneven terrain or while wearing clown shoes, or an inflatable dino costume sure, as long as you play.

There should be an option in the menu which says ā€œleave because of sombraā€ and gives you no penalty. They can check there actually is a sombra on the other team before enabling the option.


Having a good match is what I get. Iā€™m ok with losing a match where all 10 people tried their hardest. Iā€™m not ok with wasting time waiting on a revolving door of leavers, usually from the losing team, which was happening almost every match. Thereā€™s nothing you can realistically do while waiting for backfill. No competition to be had during that time, because the game is designed around full team fights.

Playing a decent match is the reward. I remember a time in online gaming when playing for fun was the reward. The live service model has kept the current generation from understanding that. You donā€™t need to earn stuff by playing. If youā€™re only playing for rewards, you donā€™t actually like the game and should find another one to play.


Not sure when it happened by the leaver penalties got expanded to cover arcade.