Leavers are running rampant

Played 4 comp matches today. 3 had leavers. One had 1 leaver, the second had 3, and the third had 2.

Switched to Quick Play.


Blizzard need to add backfill to Competitive.


3 of my placement matches had leavers. Usually leavers only account for about 3% of my games last time I kept track. It’s most likely because the season doesn’t count.


But it does count.

Blizzard have confirmed that your Role Queue Beta stats will factor in to your placements for next Competitive season.


It does count tho

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


Sorry, your skill level has been lowered because YOU are not good enough

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You’re forgetting that skill is arbitrary and subjective. I can play on a plat account and win 50% of my matches, and my main account is high silver/low gold. Subsequently, I also have a family member who’s played OW for years now and they’re in plat and couldn’t 1v1 me to save their life.

Why waste your time when there is a leaver? When timer is up quit and get queued up for new match.