Leaver penalties are wrong

Why should someone be punished for choosing not to waste their time in a match with is very clearly a lose? Leaver penalties for competitive are fine since they have an actual ranking, but punishing people for leaving skirmish and arcade? That’s just stupid.


For me its logic that you don’t leave in the middle of a game,
but you also get a penalty by leaving in player spawn.

You will ignore the penalties once you have collected a few,
and after a while you don’t even think about leaving in the middle of some game, or buy a new account to have fun again :slight_smile:

What I learned after +2000 hours:

don’t waste your time! :wink:
enjoy your time where you can!
Its only a game.

Some seemingly loosing game can turn itself around by hero swapping etc. Its never too late

Dont give up and never leave a game!


I just want a vote to forfeit option. Sometimes games are unwinnable, i don’t want to spend the next 30 mins having my nose rubbed in it.


that is the nature of playing with randoms in a team oriented game, if you can’t have fun losing then team oriented games with randoms are useless endeavors.


Leaver penalties are not harsh enough.

Anyone who leaves any match from a matchmade playlist needs to instantly be banned for 5 minutes + 5 minutes for every match they left in the last 24 hours.

That would only impact people who leave to rejoin without affecting people who are actually leaving because they have to go do something else.


If i join a quickplay game and i see 5 dps i just leave, if i wanted to play FFA i would go to arcade


Op, don’t leave games, just dance in spawn. This is what I do when I find a game a waste of time now a days.

Helps the L come faster, you don’t get a leaver penalty, and you still get exp as your participation trophy. Win-win.


And why should your 5 team mates be punished for you wanting to leave?


And reported by 5 other players with no recourse once you’re banned because you were clearly throwing?


Why should we babysit when we don’t get payed for it ?

Action < - > Response, that’s all it is

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Excessive quitting makes the game in general less enjoyable and causes the so hated backfill.
Personally if it’s to play with a guy that quits as soon as they lose the first team fight, I actually prefer him to leave. But still it’s your call to abandon your team, therefore you’re punished for that.

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OP, do you happen to complain about getting backfilled in games?

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If you are not playing a game to win you are sabotaging the game for the others.

The game however is guilty for not rewarding skill which encourages leaving when the things doesn’t look good.

Leaver penalties should ONLY penalize the leaver, any succeeding leaver past the time limit the game explicitly tells you to, should be excluded from the penalty.

The system literally punishes five other people on a factor that they CAN NOT control. It’s bad enough that the five people are penalized, the other team literally gets an easy SR gain.

But not giving the rest of the team a penalty for leaving can and will be exploited by groups. Unfortunately there is no way to fix this unless Competitive and the SR system as a whole gets an overhaul.
If the other people in the team wouldn’t get punished, one could easily take the hit and leave to keep them from losing SR if the game is an almost certain defeat. It’s unfair and it sucks, sure. But we can’t change it at the moment.

Maybe I should have read better too. :slight_smile:

This is not about competitive, what I read is :

I do agree with penalties, leaving in the middle of the game, let that be clear :slight_smile:

For me it’s more about, 4+ dps players every game (specially the control maps)

This is a good reason to leave or stay and fill time when having a back-fill game.
There is simply no commitment to be a team.

People like you is the reason for leaver penalties.
I believe that if a game is down to 30 seconds people should be locked in and can’t leave.


Jeez how many QP games are you leaving? It takes so many to even get a warning, and then you just, you know, not leave the next few games and bam problem solved

Then punish the group not the solo players.