Leave Pharah alone

I find it strange how, back in the day when hitscans were at 30%(and there were less hitscan as well) Pharahmercy wasn’t an issue, but now she suddenly is despite Pharah herself having almost no notable changes since then.

I guess people have grown so accustomed to most Pharahs being rendered worthless against hitscan that they can’t fathom having to put in the same effort to kill Pharah as she needs to kill them.

tl:dr Pharah is fine and balanced.

P.S. Echo needs nerfed though


Shields weren’t super nerfed back then. Biggest difference I noticed after the revert.


Though Pharah hasn’t been to deterred by shields I think since she can get a high enough angle to where she can shoot over them. Though that is a good point!

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i was thinking of that april 1st/pro x-card a while back. maybe we should give torb a 2nd turret. would be a good counter to her and tracer

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She doesn’t need anymore counters though.

She’s fine as is, even with a Mercy pocket.
At least I think so

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phara will never be balanced as long as mercy exists. they cant balance her because she would be busted with a pocket. shes is terrible without one so the supports are practically forced to pocket her if they dont want to play a 5v6


Pharmercy problem is not caused by pharah, but mercy dmg boost. Mercy dmg boost need to be reworked.(not pure nerf) She need to get less value by pocketing a single player, and get more value for helping her entire team.


While Pharahmercy isn’t an issue, I do agreed with this:

The horribly - designed, low skill - high reward mess that is Pharmercy has always been an issue.

Now though it’s being played everywhere, so here’s the difference that is going to get it rightfully fixed soon.


Not balanced

It most definitely is, else it wouldn’t be run in most matches here in Masters + GM. Its gotten really obnoxious to play again Pharmercy almost every game…

Strange how I haven’t seen much Pharahmerfy at all then if it’s in most matches in Masters and GM

nor have I. ive seen niche use on some control maps but even then, echo is a better choice

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Could be because you are in Low Masters.

Pretty much every other game is one where the best Pharah wins. I usually have to switch off Lucio to Ana, so the other support can go Mercy and pocket our Pharah.

I just really dislike heroes like Bastion and Pharah that forces everybody to change their playstyle and composition to match them.


i don’t think pharah is as bad considering there is a little more flexibility with what you can do… but hey, low skill floor heroes am i right? :slight_smile:


That’s completely true. While Pharah doesn’t force both teams to completely change their comps like Bastion do, but she is still a major annoyance =[


my sr ranges from 3.8 to 4.1 and she is literally only ever played on control and is still out performed by echo. its nothing to do with rank

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Could this be a region thing? I am in EU (Denmark) and I have Pharahs a LOT recently on either team on maps like:

  • ALL Control Maps
  • Volskaya Industri
  • Temple of Anubis
  • Dorado
  • Gibraltar
  • Rialto
  • Route 66
  • Dorado
  • Eichenwalde
  • King’s Row

I don’t know if I am just completely unlucky with constantly getting matched with Pharahs on both my team and enemy team, but it gets really repetetive and boring in my experience


i wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a bunch of people who aspire to be like yznsa in eu


Your “effort” comparison is more biased tho. Imagine having value of aiming capabilities instead of spam + invulnerability. GM hitscan main here. We need speciefic rule for mercy, so she can’t have op synergy with Ashe or phara. Damage boost rule for ashe - 15%, heal for phara 50%, that way we can bring back Ashe’s 85 original damage and phara will not have such a free value of pocket. Or make this flying sheesh 175 hp tho if you want to please all e-girls of the universe still for buying 500$ skins.

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Let’s not gloss over the fact I also one trick Junkrat with an open profile

This might be it

I’m NA myself