Leave Pharah alone

there are no aspects of Pharmercy that can imo be reasonably described as a “mess” or “badly designed”


If we were talking about Pharah Alone, then I would agree, but currently as it stands with a Mercy Pocket and Ana Nano Boost, Pharah can easily decide games. It’s just too strong and doesn’t require much skill.


even assuming I agree, which I don’t, none of that is indicative of bad design or a mess

numerical adjustments can be made if deemed fit

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im also EU, the only maps ive seen her on frequently enough to actually take note are lijang and eichenwalde.
sometimes oasis but only really on one specific point.

shes not as common as you think. It could just be that you dont like them so you notice them more and so they seem more common than they actually are

1.3% pickrate if you want to trust overbuff. thats more than sym which I find quite interesting. I feel like I see sym ran more than phara.

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the numerical adjustments cant be made as long as mercy exists.
if phara is good without a pocket then she is busted with one.
as it stands right now, she needs a pocket to be viable.

how is that not poorly designed?

they may not be poorly designed in isolation but they coexist and the synergy makes either mercy or phara impossible to balance individually.


I would have to agree. Hero synergies like pharah mercy are very much part and parcel of this game considering that it is a team game


except…imo, those adjustments CAN be made…although I dont see them as needed at the moment

I dont see Pharmercy as anything remotely like “broken” or “busted”

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i think the number could be tweaked a bit. i will say: i do find it a little contradictory that zen’s discord got nerfed to 25% because it was too strong but mercy’s damage boost (which is an inverse of discord orb) is still 30%


you dont see them as needed?

you are literally FORCED to play mercy if one of your dps’s choses phara.
if you dont then you are playign at a practical 5v6.
and to top it off, if you do go for the pocket, all of your impact is given to someone else and its still a horrible pick that puts the rest of your team at a huge disadvantage in most scenarios.

because its awful. I cant even think of a polite response to this. read it again and come back with a less stupid answer. maybe one that makes it look like you actually read the sentence you were responding to?

i do understand that logic though, zens applies to a whole team. its not just +30% to one teammate, but a whole 6 players.
and mercy has to stop healing to provide the damage boost, and she cant do damage herself.


no, I don’t. I see both characters as fairly well balanced at the moment, and the combo is equally available to both teams

not at all

this is never forced


neither literally, figuratively, spiritually, or another other -ly that might come to mind

I play Mercy frequently and almost never pocket any teammate, including but not limited to Pharah

Not at all

the person player Pharah does their thing

I as Mercy take care of all my teammates as best I can, using GA to get to as many of them as I can

the other 4 teammates do their thing

1+1+4 = 6


I am hearing two different things from this set of statements now

so, earlier your statements indicated that Pharmercy is overpowered, and the statement above seems to say the opposite

which is it?

while I myself when playing Mercy almost never pocket teammates, as I dont see that as the best use of her abilities, I don’t see anything wrong with others doing so

its certain nothing I’d describe as “awful”

to be clear: there was nothing stupid in the statements I have made

I ask that the personal attacks/insults cease immediately

Mercy is able to do damage

Mercy has a very underrated pistol, with which I have killed many opposing players

she can also melee with either the pistol or the staff.

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is this a joke? if two hero’s are forced to play together to make either of them worth picking then neither is balanced.

it is forced though. any rank past plat and phara is a straight up throw pick without a pocket.
why are you playing mercy if not for the pocket? its a waste of a support pick.

the pharas thing is dying. thats the issue my man.

its not two different things, you just cant read.
i said, IF phara is good without a pocket (she isnt) then she is busted with one.
it was in response to your comment about numerical adjustments that I said cannot be made.
i even followed that statement by saying ‘as it stands right now, she needs a pocket to be viable’.
actual moron.

not with the damage boost active you gimp.
i swear you are either braindead or trolling

no, it is not a joke

to be clear: my statements reflect my honest opinion on this matter.

Each response I have made has been genuine

if that were true, and I repeat and emphasize “if”…then I might agree

but since in actual matches neither is ever forced to play together, I don’t agree


no Mercy player is ever “forced” to play Pharmercy when there is a Pharah on the team

no Pharah player is ever “forced” to play Pharmercy when there is a Mercy on the team

except it isn’t

I can queue into a match (queuing for support if it is 222, otherwise just queuing) and select Mercy, and at no time during the match does the system take control of my character when there is a Pharah present to form the Pharmercy combination.

This remains true throughout the entire match

That said, yes, I’ll link up with Pharah briefly to heal and/or boost her at times, but I’ll be doing this for all my teammates using GA to flit from one to the next

not at all

a couple of things here…

first, a player isnt throwing unless they are playing with intent to lose. A Mercy not linking up with Pharah does not demonstrate intent to lose, regardless of the level of play

second, I have watched many high level matches that have included a Pharah and a Mercy on a given team, and only rarely do I see Pharmercy. Many top 500 players rarely if ever engage in this combo

not at all

I am a support main so I play most of the supports regularly…Mercy certainly included

while I agree that Mercy can be used as a pocket, I only rarely find that to be the best use of her abilities

I prefer to use GA to get to and help all of my teammates

I find that to be far more impactful in the vast majority of matches

every character dies, usually many times during the match

thats the nature of this game

further, characters can (and do) die even when pocketed…all of them, not just Pharah

it is two different things, and I have asked that the personal attacks/insults cease immediately

the statement I replied to stated that Mercy is unable to do damage

i stand by my reply to that statement

again, please cease the personal attacks/insults immediately

to clarify: I am neither of the above

I ask one final time that the personal attacks/insults cease immediately

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are you sure?

stop taking statements so literally. you make yourself look like a fool.
you are right, you have the choice to pocket the phara, the issue is that if you dont then you lose. its an effective forced, not a literal one.

same thing as above.

again with the literal interpretations.
throwing with the intention to lose and being so bad that the outcome is the same are the same thing for the other 5 players on the team.

id like to see some examples.

mercy being played, not as a pocket, is a waste of a support slot. shes not good enough to be a main heal and has basically no utility outside of res. its a bad pick.
literally any other support is a better choice.

far more impactful than what my dude? than not using the ablities the hero is balanced around? what are you actually trying to say here?

you’re being contrarian for the sake of it at this point. its kinda pathetic dude. you’re responding without actually saying anything of value.

i literally just told you how it isnt and you even decided to cut some of it out of the quote. if you want me to stop insulting you then stop giving me a reason to. the thigns you say are worthless and make me question your intelligence.


Given that the personal attacks/insults are continuing, I won’t be responding to this side conversation in this thread any further

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thank god. maybe someone with something worth saying will take your place.

Yeah In SA servers I constantly see PharahMercy, especially since, I’m a Sym main and Pharah is just as deadly to projectiles as hitscans are, yet the whole community protects her because “hitscans counter her” yeah they do after you throw every single resource into them
Pharah’s design is terrible, she needs a rework in my opinion

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What if we are seeing a single person playing a hero, and are constantly getting matched against them? If they are a One-Trick it would seem we are playing against a character in all matches.

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There are many interactions in the game beyond just hitscan falloff. Characters who don’t get tweaked at all in a patch go from D to S tier for this reason.

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at the rank I was seeing it at I wouldnt be surprised, but It could also just be people noticing that sym was being played on control maps in OWL and they wanted to give it a go