Lead Writer Michael Chu leaving Blizzard

Today seems to be the day for a lot of news…

From: Twenty Years — Michael Chu

Please keep discussion civil everyone, thanks. To my knowledge, Alyssa Wong still works as a writer for the Overwatch Team.


Now, as I head out through the Blizzard doors for a last time, I have new dreams: to continue to tell these stories and build worlds that unite people through games.

So where’s he going? Anybody know? Seems like he had a pretty sweet job at Blizzard, I can only speak from the outside but the release rate of lore seems like he must have been able to keep a pretty chill schedule. Makes me wonder why he’d leave.

Ey good luck to him wherever he’s going.

I worry though that part of him will regret this. Like he will be doing his dishes one morning, staring into his sink and he’ll think “Oh no! I forgot to make sure everyone knew that Zenyatta likes his cornflakes a little bit soggy…”

He’ll be like “No, it’s too late for that… or is it?” Reaching for his phone he calls Blizzard’s campus and as a former VIP gets transferred to the office of Alyssa Wong. “Hello Alyssa?” He’ll say, “I was just thinking… It’s about Zenyatta. Could you make sure that everybody knows that he likes his cornflakes a little soggy?”

“I’m sorry Michael, I can’t do that” She’ll say. Suddenly, his world spinning, Chu will ask “But why?” And Alyssa will tell him the cold hard truth: “Zenyatta… is into grape nuts. That’s what I imagine.”

Of course. It makes so much sense. Zenyatta’s metal mouth wouldn’t care that eating grapenuts are like chewing gravel. Disposing of every box he finds would be a public service. That totally suits him…

And it’s at this point that Michael Chu drops the phone.


Oh dear… I guess we’ll never get to see the lore he had been working on for 3 years.


does that mean there’s room for Darth Winston, writer extraordinaire, in Blizzard?


He probably got tired of getting no work.

In all seriousness, I wish Mr. Chu the best on his future endeavors.

Also, Blizzard, please hire me to do lore and write for the setting. I would do it for free and can provide samples of my work that leave no doubts about the quality meeting and exceeding expectations.

Please and thank you.

Blizz plz


There was a writing position for Overwatch on the career boards a couple of weeks ago, but I think it is now filled.

it’s fine I don’t have a master’s degree so I’m Not Allowed


Well, I don’t know too much about writing positions, but many positions typically require experience and usually just a Bachelor’s Degree, but most importantly a passion for games.

I myself have had a close chance to joining Blizzard but the timing is just not right yet.


that makes me wonder how ow2 pve stuff will go…

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Maaaaaan. Too bad I missed out on that. I’d have sent them samples with or without the degree. I’ve got some stuff that I guarantee would get a look.



Keep this page bookmarked and check it at least once a week:


Man maybe I should have sent the WoW team my dialogue tree between Sylvanas and Thrall it was kinda baller…

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Thank’ee kindly, kind sir.

Blizzard had a lot of negative press when it comes to wage.
Wouldn’t be surprise if he got a better paid position after his work on OW2 is done

He is a great writer, sad to see him leave. I wish him the best


We’ll see it in OW2 - I bet most of the story missions have already been written.


Well, this sucks to hear. He seemed like a pretty good guy. And, like it or not, I know he had a lot to do with the lore that we do have for this game.

Honestly, it will be sad to see him go, But I wish him the best in his future endeavors.

Well, that’s good to hear, at least.

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Can’t say i blame him, 20 years at Blizzard is … damn… i dunno if it’s possible to really describe without going bald or something.


Wonder what he means by new adventures…

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I won’t deny that any major video game company doesn’t have bad press (including Blizzard), but as someone who has relationships with many of their team members, I can say that it is still a worthy goal to pursue a career with Blizzard if you can.

My experience as a forum MVP and playing Overwatch pushes me to pursue my own dreams. Which is why I returned to college a few years ago and I am coming very close to getting my degree in graphic design. It is my hope to find a position with a great video game company (not just Blizzard) and contribute to a passion that I have cared about for years.


Oh crap… There goes all the lore we didn’t get in the past few years…