LC-208 fix was reverted

I have an Xbox and a laptop. I’m getting the same error on both platforms. I’m seeing a lot of new people able to play. I guess my 2000 hours of playtime means nothing… :sob:


Im playing on ps4 and pc havent been able to get on at all since update however I did get to play some yesterday it must of been the update that caused it to start this again


Blizzard is a pathetic excuse of a gaming company. They dont care about their players at all

Yup, still can’t get in after the maintenance update and still no post by Blizzard.

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I was able to play perfectly fine all of last night before the maintenance. But after I’ve not been able to play all day and I know many other console players are experiencing the same issue.


I am also afflicted by this. Was able to play fine yesterday and the night before after the first set of updates. Then they updated last night and now I am getting this error again. I’m going to scream if they don’t at least acknowledge this in breaking news today. We need another update to fix this TODAY!!!

all of my friends that just got overwatch dont seem to have the issue its almost like its the vets that have the issue could it be the account merge is the issue


Its not going to be fixed for a while because blizzard doesnt care about console players at all


Im in a fairly large discord server and almost half of the people there that play (including myself) also cant log in, since yesterday. It doesnt even go to a queue. It just thinks for a second then strikes me with the red splash screen of death.

I was up and playing just fine yesterday and once the 1hr maintenance happened i havent been able to get on since.

The good ol’ LC-208 has struck me once again.


Yeah me too, I don’t understand why ?

I’ve been able to login fine the past day or so, with all my items from Overwatch 1.

This is two bugs. The first is any Xbox achievement that unlocks boots you back to the queue screen (when in the middle of a match).

The second bug, is that due to this I’m now stuck with LC-208 again. I was in the middle of a competitive game, unlocked an achievement and got booted out. Now I can’t login again.

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I know that there is work being done to fix the LC-208 error but I was wondering if you are working on a fix for the ps4

Having the same issue for me and a friend, weekend ruined.

Blizzard is working on this issue ?

Still can’t play. Wish they’d give us an update or ETA.

they are on weekend holiday

So after they did the first maintenance i was good and no longer getting LC-208 but after last nights maintenance ya know the maintenance they said that they were going to fix it for everyone gave me the error again anybody else having the same problem

Lc-208 can be fixed by un-installing the game and not re-installing.


How is it possibile to Release a game with a bug that prevend the players to play the game


It’s not just consoles annoyingly. I’ve done every troubleshoot for both my XSX and my PC and the same error applies for both. Yet 2 of my console are currently playing it fine as I type this so seems to be a portion of people. Haven’t been able to play it on either platform for 21 hours now. Fully expecting no fix until Monday.